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I had to have rigorous dental cleaning while taking Doxycycline and Minocycline,

and my dentist was able to remove discoloration (I got dark staining on back molars.)


Doxycline and Minocycline are notorious for this. It is rarely deep stains so long as you get your teeth cleaned or checked every 6 months. Our dentist gave us some of the paste with pumous stone in it that he cleans teeth with so I could brush her teeth with it a few times between check ups. Not sure if all dentists will do this or not.


my ds has always been treated with amox/clave, and unfortunately his teeth are mottled. I am hoping that down the road this can be fixed with whitening or some other treatment. I guess it is a small price to pay if the pay off is recovery.


Its is a fact of life with long term abx. My son's teeth turn yellow. He's on augmentin and biaxin. They were yellow even on just augmentin. The yellow comes off with a teeth cleaning. The hygienist told me to put toothpaste on some gauze and rub it on his teeth. It really helps in between cleanings. Its not permanent. Tetracycline abx is another issue. It can permanently stain adult teeth that have not erupted in children younger than 8. Once kids are around 8, the adult teeth still in under the gumline have already developed fully and tetracycline won't permanently stain them.


The permanent stain of unerupted adult teeth with tetracycline is different from the stain you are seeing.


DD's teeth were unsightly while she was on abx treatment. I think this has to do with interruption of proper probitic flora of the mouth (even with large doses of probiotics to help the gut). There was nothing we could really do except brush well 3x daily, and even this didn't clear up the problem completely. Our hygenist understood and we increased DD's cleanings from once every 9 months to once every 6.


Xylitol tooth paste (we use Spry) seemed to work the best for this, I think because of it's anti-biofilm/plaque properties. The silica it contains is a good scrubber, as salt can be too.


One year away from abx and with lots of fermented vegetables and probiotics, her teeth are beautiful again. This problem is not permanent, just do the best you can.

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