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Think my son has TS but would like to rule out PANDAS - how?

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Hello! My Son started ticcing badly last May, during a very crowded event. He started punching parts of his body (his chest and groin) uncontrollably. Since then his tics have changed constantly and include both vocal and motor. We found a DAN naturopath and she recommended we go to our doctor to get a test to see if this is PANDAS related or not. I believe it is not, since tics run in his family (both parents), but I would like to rule out PANDAS. Can someone tell me what test I need to ask for? BTW, I am Canadian (live near Toronto). Not sure if tests are different between the US and Canada. Is it the AntiDNaseB titer that I ask for? Thanks everyone. I have been reading this forum for so many hours now - so much stuff and so relieved to find I am not alone.


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Hi and welcome

If tics run in the family you may be looking at genetic TS, but that does not mean PANDAS/PANS may not also be a factor, so you are very wise to also pursue that path.


The very best group to advise on the best ways to evaluate for PANDAS are the members on that forum. I know there is no "one test" that is absolute for PANDAS, but there are blood tests, clinical evaluations etc that can give pointers. Also ask them about the Cunningham Test

Here is that forum http://latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17


I do just want to caution that IF there is a chance that your child does in fact have TS, do avoid the steroid bursts that some PANDAS docs use to see if symptoms subside and so point to PANDAS. People with TS do not tolerate steroids as they interfere with dopamine levels, which can exacerbate tics.

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