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I just wanted to bring this up as I'm not for sure if this study has ever been mentioned on here. Dr. Boyd Haley made a visit to Nebraska this last week. We had a hearing for a bill involving removal of mercury from all vaccines in Nebraska yesterday. I only got to watch part of it as I had to go to work, but please keep the hopes of the bill passing in your thoughts & prayers. We should know more on Wednesday as to whether it made it through this hearing.


Anyways back to the Urine Porphyrn Test. In the short amount of time that I got to listen to Dr. Boyd Haley's testimony, he discussed the Urine Porphyrn Test. He said that the lab in France that does this test has done a study with a control group. One group was not just autism, but all neurological disorder grouped together. Some of the ones he mentioned were Autism, ADHD, epilepsy, etc. The control group didn't have any neurological disorders. He said the ones with neurological disorders were all severely mercury toxic. I don't recall this being mentioned, but maybe it has. I just wanted to post it incase it hasn't been said as I found that to be interesting and thought others would as well.




That is interesting, Carolyn.

I'm just curious, do they say what the purpose of the study in France was supposed to accomplish?

Is it just to show that pepple with neuro disorders have hight mercury? Is there anything that will be done about it other than be used as some proof about the vaccines? I think what I mean is, what will do with those in the group, was there a plan of what to do as next step? Like do they need to be chelated next. Is that why they did that study? I'm very interested in that, I think mostly because I would like to understand if the chelation therapies are safe in the long run. Do you know how long they have been using these methods, i.e. DMSA, etc.?


I'm not really up on all this, but I feel the passion, especially for the autistic kids and families.






Until this is accepted and acknowledged by the people with the money, it's very hard to identify the subsets of damaged kids, and the treatment protocols that are going to be tailored to their specific needs. That's why you have people within the DAN COMM. working so hard on the different puzzel pieces, and families mortgaging their homes, and becoming so involved in the research themselves. The majority of the tests and treatments, have no coverage by insurance.


I don't believe the study Carolyn is referring to is here, but this will give you a good overview. A big part of the problem with advancement in this area, is answered in the very last paragraph of the first link.








I don't know that I really have the answers that you're looking for. What I do know is Porphyrn testing of children can't be done in the United States and that is why it's being done in France. From my understanding DMSA/DMPS are old chelators and have be around since WWII. They were originally created for chelating soldiers of WWII. I don't know how long they've been using DMSA, DMPS, etc. on children/adults with Autism, etc.




I read in some book I have on heavy metals and denistry that there can be more porphyrins in the urine when there is mercury exposure. But mercury may not be the only metal that interferes with porphyrin metabolism. I think lead and maybe cadmium may have been mentioned too. But this book suggested that the urine test for porhpyrins may help indicate mercury toxicity.




I never heard that children can't have porphyrin testing done in the US. I know that porphyria can be the type of health problem that is known to show up in mid-life especially after some big stressful event.

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