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So as the week has progressed I have battled through the increased tics and ADHD like behaviors. I increased the GSE to 3 drops in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. On Saturday (usually the weekends are high Ticcing days) my sons tics eased up significantly. He had some head nods midday but almost all vocals were gone and I didn't see any new motors emerge. Sunday was even better. No vocals except for some isolated yelps and no motors at all???? I do not want to get excited by this at all. I'm so nervous. Could it be waning? I thought waning was more gradual instead of such a sharp decline in the tics. I haven't changed anything besides adding one more drop of GSE to the regimen. My son is eating so much better too! He is off most sugar and is trying news foods like salmon and grilled chicken! I'm amazed. So, my question is, are we healing or will his tics come back with a vengeance at some point?


There (imho) is a difference between the characteristic waxing and waning seen in Tourette Syndrome tics....and the waning of tics once a trigger is removed (or the waxing when one is added)


And unless you are absolutely certain why your child tics, it really is impossible to predict what may happen next.


So all you can really do at this time is keep on with that which appears to be helping, give his system time before adding anything new! and see how things go........


Glad you are seeing improvement :)


Ok I really do not know the real cause of my son's TS. Our integrative physician believes that he has yeast overgrowth that has lead to food allergies and inflammation. This coupled with his poor methylation and detoxing ability has lead to neurological damage. So if this is all true, wouldn't eliminating the food allergies and yeast while boosting methylation with methyl B complex vitamins lead to healing? it sounds good to me but these western docs have gotten into my head and have me believing that no matter what I will be kncking on their door asking for meds at some point :(


My personal opinion would be to keep working on what your integrative doc suggests. The more you can heal those other areas, the better for your child, whether or not he has TS etc.


And even if he has TS, there is no need to go knocking on any doctor's door for meds, as many with TS here can attest. So best just ignore their gloomy predictions and move forward with what seems to be helping and take it a day at a time.


Cara, we tried meds and we have tried natural methods. I can atest the meds helpdd his tics for about three weeks and then they came back. In addition they caused depression, irratability, constipation. My Ds still tics but he is so much happier with diet changes and supps.


We just flew to NY to see family for 2 weeks. I can't believe how great he is doing right now. His tics are still minimal even with all the excitement and stress with travel and new surroundings. I was expecting a huge resurgence and we are still at this "new" very low level. I don't want to over think it, I'm just enjoying it. We are staying true to our diet changes and supps while on vacation. I brought everything I need and we went shopping for all his dietary needs. Hoping for the best.

  • 2 weeks later...



Yeast overgrowth and allergy and inflammation is what my son had along with 30 food sensitivitites and allergies and possible ashma by age 8. I don't know how old your child is but stick with it. But do not turn to meds. We eliminated pretty much everything and rebuilt his immune system and thar is what saved him. All allergies and sensitivities and dyes and preservatives. It was harsh not easy but no asthma and no allergy meds. He had all outdoor allergies and was miserable with that and tics and has been doing awesome. It is amazing . He i a completely different child! He is now 11 and he is doing great. He is on all stars baseball and is recruited for travel and the only reason I bring this up is bc there is hope and keep fighting. He has not ticked Much at all he gets anxious and stressed out. But is controlling it. the tics are gone or really controllable which is awesome!!!!'m


UPDATE: We were on vacation in NY for 2 weeks and my son's tics were not very noticable. He still had them but at a much lower baseline. The intensity of them was less and the frequency was less. Right before we left to return to Atlanta, his tics increased slightly but then when we got back home they went back down.


2 nights ago I added a vitamin E cream to his supplement regimen (as per my physicians instructions). The vitmain E is suposed to help him with detox. Well, the next day his tics were markedly increased and he had loose stool and a belly ache most of the day. Not sure if the 2 are related but I did not continue with the cream last night.


Today his tics are still increased from the lows that we had seen for the past three weeks but still overall MUCH more manageable than they previously were. Most people do not notice his tics at all and I think its because he is 5 and most 5 year olds make noises and movements. lol


Anyway we are still on the antifungal (GSE) 4 drops 2x a day and I am thinking of switching to another antifungal such as Candaplex just to see if we can get more of the candida. I read that changing up the antifungal can help kill tough strains of candida especially the onces that mutate and become resistant to the current antifungal.


Does this make sense?

  • 2 weeks later...

Chemar, this is how it went. After a week on the GSE we saw great improvement in his tics. This was 4 days before our trip to NY. This improvement remained for the 1st week of the trip but slowly and very gradually started reversing during the 2nd week. But even still, it was tolerable while in NY. Once we got back the reversing trend continued with tics increasing in frequency for a week until I pulled dairy.


I will look into the Cunningham test. My only issue is with how they treat PANS which is abx right? Wouldn't that just increase yeast and dysbiosis in an already compromised child?

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