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We did the ALCAT which is a comprehensive allergy test. He is severly intolerant to corn, moderately intolderant to gluten and mild to dairy. Our integrative physician did not think we needed to remove dairy at this time. Mind you he has no allergic reactions to any of this stuff since he has been eating it his entire life. I guess the only reaction he was having was inflammation (which I can not see).


Cara if it works better for you and your son to take it slow then theres nothing wrong with that. At the begining i just completely freaked out and removed everything except the dairy as my son had milk and yogurt everyday, I did the swap over/removal of that much slower.


In The past My sons eating was so bad i literally had nothing to feed him for dinner most nights except bread and tacos . We even went to numerous eating groups for kids at our local community health centre, he was really that poor of an eater i'd have to take foods he did eat everywhere we went because there was nothing he liked when we were our and about. He ate the same things everyday every year with only small changes here and there. Now it's completely different it just takes time :)


I just started googling for recipes and found so many blogs and websites of families with allergies or who just chose to eat clean. It really helped as i was struggling to find anything at the supermarket that didn't contain crap!


I have no knowledge of NAC either sorry so i can't help with that one.


Just take it one day at a time


here is my concern although it may sound a little crazy, just bear with me. i started the GSE for the yeast and since then, his tics have been increased as well as his stomache aches. So I guess this is die off reaction. From what I 've read, the die off reaction should last a couple of days to a week or so. No one really knows.


My concern is that if he is still eating some offending foods, will the yeast keep growing back just as fast as I am killing it, thus putting us in a constant state of die off reaction? because if that is the case, i will have to stop the GSE to get his tics back to a more mild level.


We were doing pretty well on the NAC with long periods of time in between tics.


i just wish I knew there was a light at the end of this tunnel. I am considering letting him refuse all the clean food I offer him until he gets really hungry. I am sure it will only last a day or 2 but then maybe he will consider eating a carrot or something other than carbs.


Eating candida friendly foods does slow things down, but as long as you are adding probiotics and continuing to kill off the yeast, eventually you will contain the overgrowth. But yes, continuing an unhealthy diet will just let it all grow back again...however one can return to eating healthy carbs etc afterward....it is the refined and processed carbs and sugars that are the worst offenders.


It's good to have a plan when eradicating candida, ie have your meals planned and prepare for die off reactions with good anti-tox remedies etc. That book I recommended has great recipes to help you have tasty, nourishing food that is not feeding the yeast.


Die off is unpleasant, but it is part of the healing process after candida overgrowth. One just has to stick with the plan to get a positive outcome.


I did mention before and will say again that the best path to success is a slow and steady one, allowing each thing to take effect and work, and trying one thing at a time so that you have a clear picture of what is helping and what is not.


Are you following up with your doctor on the die off symptoms?


Yes Chemar - We are in close contact with our physician. Today my son says he feels hot and is nauseous. He just threw up. I put peppermint oil on his belly and we will take it easy today. Lots of fluids. He does not have a fever. The funny thing is that he is not ticcing. Usually I thought when a child isn't feeling well they tend to tic more.


Update. Had to bring him to urgent care because he was vomiting too much. They gave him zofran and now he is home sleeping. The urgent care doctor was skeptical of what I am doing but told me to hold off on the GSE for now. I'm still waiting for our integrative physician to call me back. She is in clinic till 6. I read flu like symptoms are possible and it is our 3rd day of treatment for yeast....


Cara, did you check the expiration date on the GSE? and also certain that he is not allergic to grapefruit? Not being sure of what else he was taking...hopefully the doctor will have mentioned any potential interactions that could have resulted in this intense reaction?


He may be having extreme die off but still....having to go to the urgent care and get such strong medication for it ls not something I have heard before?


I know the doctor said he had candida overgrowth but still...wonder if there is something else going on there?


It is likely best to just stop and regroup and see what you doctor suggests as the next step. I hope he feels better soon.


Exp date is 9-14. Waiting to speak with doctor still. My son slept for an hour and woke up ravenous. I gave him some protein and lots of fluids. He came back strong and is feeling well now. Played outside. Maybe it was a virus? Not sure but I will skip today for anymore GSE and try again tomorrow.


My son is back to 100% today. i gave him the GSE this morning (one drop) just to see how he dealt with it. He is tolerating it just fine. So yesterday was most likely a virus or possible die off. Will never know. His tics seem pretty mild today too,


When I spoke to the doctor yesterday, she felt that Nystatin is going to have to be a part of our treatment at some point down the road. She feels that killing yeast is incredibly difficult especially in a 5 yar old that is accustomed to eating carbs and sugars. I am doing my best to limit these foods. He is doing OK.


my plan is to increase his appetite at meals by not allowing snacking during the day so I can pack in the protein at meals. I will offer healthy snacks like almond butter and raw veggies but I know he will not openly eat them so maybe by meal time he will eat more lean meats instead.


i am chugging along.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! I am peeking in on this forum from the PANS/PANDAS forum where I usually am & getting lots of helpful diet & herbal ideas for my 3.5 year old. I have a question...have you ruled out PANS/PANDAS as a diagnosis? It causes Tourette's, OCD, & other symptoms but is completely due to Strep or another virus or bacteria. Your son being so young & also improving during his recent illness makes me wonder....my sons tics nearly go away during an illness but get way worse after.


Hi TinyTreasures

where I absolutely agree that it is always a good, if not essential, idea to check into PANS/PANDAS when a child exhibits tics, OCD etc symptoms, I do just want to mention that PANS/PANDAS does not "cause" TS, although yes, people with TS may also have PANS/PANDAS and vv and yes some people are misdiagnosed with TS or tic disorders when they in fact have infection induced tics.


But Tourette Syndrome (with or without co-morbid OCD etc) is a genetic disorder that can manifest with absolutely no related infection, and some tic disorders are also triggered by things that have no relation to infection either. Similarly with OCD.

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