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Ok Chemar - one more question. what should I expect as far as yeast die off is concerned? When does it happen, how long does it last and how bad will the tics get?


die off varies from individual to individual but basically it ranges from nausea, brain fog, increased tics and other symptoms


It is really a good idea to use a probiotic to keep the good bacteria up to help restore GIT health. We like kefir (by Lifeway) best as my son always reacted poorly to those high potency probiotic supps


Drink lots of water.


Epsom Salts baths help with the detox.


We used special homeopathic remedies to help with the detox from die off along with acupuncture, chinese cupping, biofeedback etc

Also Milk Thistle as a liver cleanser.


Hot fresh lemon juice is excellent too.(1/2 lemon squeezed into cup of hot water)


Ok I may be crazy (that is completely possible) but last night and this morning his tics are increased, he is complaining of a hot forehead and he seems to be a little more hyper as well. My son is 5 and only 33lbs could it be entirely possible that after one dose of the GSE we are seeing die off?


(praying its not a bad reaction to the GSE - I really want this to work and kill his yeast).


Yes you can start to see die off reactions immediately, and yes the symptoms you describe can be related to die off.


I assume he has no citrus allergies? also that the grapefruitseed extract has no bad "other ingredients"


No citrus allergies. And the GSE is pure. Got it at my natural health food store. I'm going slow with this because I don't want to overwhelm his system with toxins.


yes it is a very good idea to go slow and remember to keep the diet free of the foods that candida thrives on! I don't recall if your son is dairy free but kefir is an excellent dietary probiotic to use to help boost the good bacteria that aid in getting rid of those toxins. The Lifeway plain kefir is from A2 casein milk producing cows, believed to be less allergenic than the commonly found A1


We are not dairy free. i will try to get him to try the Kefir (he is a very difficult eater and does not like to try new things). We are currently on a probiotic that we take 3 times a day. I am trying to get him up to 50billion if I can. Its hard, I put it in yogurt, milk and his juice.


I have lowered his sugar intake as much as I can and we are gluten and corn free so most of the things that yeast likes to live off of are already eliminated from our diet. However, he does get some sugar and the only vinegar he gets is in our Simple Life organic ketchup and I only give him a little bit 2x a week.


I am trying my best but its SO HARD with a 5 year old that has eating issues to begin with. This poor kid has been through so much in the past 2 months diet wise and supplement wise and doctor/blood draw wise. I feel so bad for him. So I am trying to do the best that I can and hope we have some effect on his little system.


I will need positive reinforcement through this die off period as I am scared and very easily worried that I am making his TS worse. I know I need to keep telling myself that I will need to battle through this period of time. Thankfully we have nothing going on next week - no camp, no nothing so we can just chill out and take the ride.


The book by Walker & Trowbridge "The Yeast Syndrome" has a great recipe section at the back with lots of good food ideas and substitutes to maintain a Candida eradication diet. When we were doing this it made things so much easier for me as my son was only 10 at the time and protested greatly at not being allowed some of his favorite foods!


Ok another question. I'm doing my best to limit sugar but my son is still getting it in his diet albeit in smaller amounts. Will we still be able to see some results or will we rain in the die off phase indertiminamtly due to the fact that he is still getting sugar and dairy?


Cara, please know you are not alone in this journey. We too are just starting with Candida Clear and experiencing herxing. I just keep telling myself this is a good thing, kind of like pain from giving birth, it will result in something good on the end. I thank God daily for this Web site. The support it provides is immeasurable. Hang in there. I believe whole heartedly that this journey ends well for all of us.


HUGS to you. How are you doing with the diet? Have you eliminated ALL sugar? We just can't do it. my son is 5 and has texture/taste issues and will starve himself if he does not like what he is eating. We are gluten/corn free but he does get a low sugar cookie every now and then and we are giving him fruit. He still gets carbs in the form of gluten free (rice based). I just upped his GSE to 4 drops a day from 3 drops a day. We are also giving him NAC and epsom bath salts to help with detox as well as probiotics 3x a day, glutamine for the gut and fish oil (he does not react to fish oil). Since he is a slow methylator i give him a methylated B complex every other day too. PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING. i sit oer his bead at night and ask GOD to give this child peace. I know the candida will grow back if we don't completely remove everything that feeds it but i am hoping I can reduce the candida to a point where its not overloading his nervous system with toxins. Do you think it will be possible?


oh I forgot to mention, I put oregano oil on his feet (from Young living essential oils) at night and I put coconut oil in his oatmeal this morning. Hoping that adds to the antifungal process.


i also find that I NEED to be surrounded by NOTHING but positivity. I am on a facebook group called tic talk with all sorts of folks with TS and they are amazing people but suffer greatly in their lives and TBH reading those posts send me into a tizzy and freak me out with all sorts of negativity. Only some of them are familiar with holistic treatments so most are taking pharmaceuticals to treat their TS+ with little to no improvement. Its heartbreaking and makes me fear for the future. So I have realized that i can not read anything from that group anymore.

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