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Lyme IgG P23 and IgG P39 are present?

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After SFMom asked whether he was tested for Babesia I looked over his tests and saw these.


His Lyme was Negative, but it does show the following:

IgG P23 present/abnormal

IgG P39 present/abnormal


What does that mean??




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Bands 23 and 39, combined with clinical symptoms, are considered by most LLMD's to be indicative of a Lyme infection. Typically a doctor who was not as experienced with Lyme and the testing would read this result as negative. However, 23 and 39 are specific to the Lyme bacterium and typically do not cross react with other infections as other bands such as 41 do, which is why an LLMD would most likely consider that test as evidence of Lyme infection, again combined with an exam and symptoms. I am not a doctor and I know that others have different views that I respect. I put up a post with the Subject Western Blot and there are a number of views there that may be helpful to you. Based on my own experiences and over 12 months of extensive reading on this topic, my advice to anyone with this result and clinical symptoms would be to seek an evaluation by someone highly experienced with Lyme. Good luck.

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Most LLMDs would consider your son's results indicative of Lyme. Perhaps ask for further confirmatory testing. If either of your Dr.'s truly understands Lyme they will know how to provoke for both Lyme antibodies with specific antibiotics or would similar recommend Dot Blot testing that looks for antigens in urine (not antibodies). If they have never heard of these types of tests or protocols then I would recommend finding a LLMD that will help you properly investigate this further.

Edited by SF Mom
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Doctors that follow the IDSA guidelines require a certain number of positive bands to diagnose lyme. If you have only one or two, you will be considered negative, even if the bands are lyme-specific. A LLMD would consider an IND result on one lyme-specific band to be a positive indication of infection-lyme has to be present for the band to react, and no other infection will cause that reaction. If you have a suspicion of lyme, I would do some co-infection testing. It is often the co-infections that reek the real havoc.

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You can have Dr T write an RX to have blood drawn at home - thru Coram or such. Just want to be certain your insurance will cover it. For Igenex, you need to get the kit and then mail it back Fed Ex mon-wed.

Talked to Dr.T and he recommended to run an Igenex test.

We need to run more tests now anyway (last bloods in January, pre-IVIG) including Cunnigham, but not sure how I'll get him to the lab : (



Talked to Dr.T and he recommended to run an Igenex test.

We need to run more tests now anyway (last bloods in January, pre-IVIG) including Cunnigham, but not sure how I'll get him to the lab : (


Edited by philamom
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Our daughter presented to the LLMD with (obvious to me now) symptoms of bartonella. These were the Igenex tests requisitioned by our doctor:


Lyme IgM, IgG western blot


B microti IFA (G/M) (babesia)

Babesia FISH (RNA)

HME panel (monocytic) (ehrlichiosis)

HGE panel (granulocytic) (anaplasma phagocytophilum

B henselae IFA (G/M) (bartonella)



Lyme IgM 41 kDa IND (Igenex negative for lyme, CDC negative for lyme)

Lyme IgG 34 kDa IND (Igenex negative for lylme, CDC negative for lyme)

39 kDa IND

41 kDa ++


CD57 NK cells absolute count 18 (<40 - low; >98 normal)

CD57 NK cells (% lympho) 0.80 (<2.26 low; >4.65 normal)


B henselae IgM <20

B henselae IgG 160 (IgM or IgG >160 suggests active infection)


Everything else was negative. That was two years ago. We retested a couple of months ago and:


B henselae IgM <20

B henselae IgG 80 (Yay! It's going down)


Lyme IgM 39 kDa IND (Igenex negative for lyme, CDC negative for lyme)

41 kDa IND

Lyme IgG 31 kDa + (Igenex positive for lyme, CDC negative for lyme)

34 kDa IND

39 kDa IND

41 kDa +


Her initial ELISA test was also negative. No co-infection panels were run at that time. If we had not investigated the coinfections we would have had no idea that bartonella was the problem.

Edited by rowingmom
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4 weeks off abx (6 is better) for the lyme culture from Advanced Lab.

I recommend you go on igenex website and or call them to see their compete set of offerings. Also there is a lyme culture test available from advanced laboratories but you need to be off abx for a month I tkink

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