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Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Just want to update everyone on our progress.


My son has been seeing a chiropractor since the onset of his tic and now he is switched to a certified pediatric chiropractor, who has treated her son's asthma with chiropractic and accupressure.


Immediately after my son's adjustment, he did about 7-8 of slight head nods (which i have not seen for about 7 weeks), following by 2 body twitch and 3/4x of snapping one arm and kicked one of his legs, all within 5 minutes. My son told me he can't help it, so i know it was a tic. We stayed at the office for another 15 minutes for observation. By the time we left the office, the tic seem to subside.


That same day at dinner, my son's vocal tic is gone.


Does anyone experience MORE tics after adjustmt and gets better afterward? In my son's past experience, his tics usually reduce after adjustment w/o any increase in symptoms.




Hi Patty, without a doubt! He always gets worse then is better - it is weird. Our chiro says it's because of the release of toxins and has him drink lots of water. I'm not sure about that although we do drink the water. I think it is their hyper-sensitive systems almost rebooting.




Thx for your input Gieselle. Since we changed chiropractor, just want to make sure it is a normal reaction. My son usually have less symptoms after adjustment and not more. My son's new chiro is not sure why more symptoms. She thinks maybe she did too much and overstimulated his nervous system.


His vocal is almost gone while eating after adjustment (Yes!!). However, starting today, he is doing more of opening his mouth, which i have not seen in awhile, also he is kicking his leg more severely. I wonder if it has to do with the overstimulation of chiro adjmt?


With tics, it is just frustrating. It has no rhyrm or reason. I am trying to find a balance between over and under adjustment that is suitable for him.


Gieselle, since you have been thru this for the last 3 years. Does the tic come in cycle or does it stay pretty much the same once you find what works? It has been 7 months for my son, so i am not sure what to expect.


BTW, how is your son doing? You mention something about teeth. Does he have a bite problem? I am wondering if the jaw have something to do with his increased in symptoms.




whew..glad Thanksgiving is over..so much eating..

usually a cause of tics but luckily none this year..

but anyway..my son had chiro adjustment for a year about a year ago..

yes..after adjustment usually increased in tics..

he thinks it feels funny like a pressure being release..


I just think instead once week we should have done twice a week..too much stimulation for him..he is so sensitive...


It has been almost 3 years for my child with tics..at beginning you think it is no rymes or reason..

but I am sure you will figure all his triggering point my next year end..and by next year..I can see you

have a better handle in this and he will also improve by 80% or more...


Positive thinking..:-)


Can you tell me the age of your child..my is 7..?

Only reason is at different age...his mental capacity is at certain stage..and so his tics will be more or will be less..

when comparing my child at 4 and now at 7...the triggering is more of social anxiety then night mare..

I think his night mare days are 60% done..


Christmas to come!!


Hi Patty, you know I used to think I had it all figured out but it seems like all bets are off these days. We religiously stay away from his allergens (I do it with him so he's not alone, plus he gets a dollar for each food item he refuses - adds up quick, all those darn cupcakes at school! :) ), we also had a really good handle on his deficencies and the neurotransmitter needs. He would do wonderfully - no tics at all for months on end and only have tics when he came down with something or if something offensive was blooming. Then all he** broke loose and he hasn't been doing well for sometime (on and off so quite a roller coaster - it sucks how much my mood is tied to how well he's doing. . .or not doing). He was taking LOTS of stuff but one thing was a neat product called CalmPRT by Neuroscience which contains rhodeola rosea which in different dosages either excites or calms the nervous system. It seems that he developed an aversion to it - it started to make him tic more - then it seemed EVERYTHING he took made him tic more. We took him off everything which calmed things down for a short period but then he bottomed out and started needing stuff so I've been trying to get the combo correct ever since. He's so hyper-sensitive that it makes it very hard. He has some good days and some very bad days. Last night he couldn't fall asleep. His back, neck and jaw were ticcing like crazy - for two solid hours! I kept him home from school today and I'm trying a new combo which seems to be helping - I added B1 and B2 - but then again he's preoccupied with playing with the dogs so when he's active like this he doesn't tic as much - such a puzzle. The main reason he's home though is because when he's doing these particular tics they are SO violent and are accompanied by this huge vocal tic like when a weight lifter is lifting and they expel all the air when they pick up the heavy weight. Quite loud and very often - I keep jumping out of my skin each time (I won't be having a second cup of coffee this morning - my nerves are already shot!) :)


As to his teeth - he often does a jaw tic that just kills him but he doesn't do that often thank goodness (makes me cry to see him in such pain that I can't take away). He had his check up and apparently has a cavity and a new tooth is very close to coming in (the roots of the baby tooth are almost totally reabsorbed and you can see the new tooth coming down on the x-ray. The dentist will be filling the cavity on Friday and she suggested pulling the baby to perhaps alleviate the stress on his mouth of the new one having to push through - I don't know if this is what's bothering him right now - but it is something different so it is the only straw I have to grasp. When he gets like this I almost hope he's getting sick because then I KNOW what's going on - no such luck this time. He is complaining of a headache every so often which I mostly attribute to him being hungry. I swear sometimes he's his own worst enemy - he doesn't listen to his body. He'll wait until he's starving before he eats - and not for lack of my offering him food - he just doesn't seem to want to sit down, or take the time. Same with thirst! Not keeping on top of this for him also triggers tics. It has got to the point that even when he's doing super well he'll start to tic when he's hungry, thirsty, hot, or tired (not when he's nervous though which I think a little unusual). Luckily I can tell the difference between those tics and regular tics - they seem to be more rapid and repetitive and disappear once he's eaten, drank, taken his jacket off or gets rest. Here I am babbling on - but as you said in another post, it helps to talk to people who know what it's like. My friends are really supportive (except one, she knows a teenager who takes medication and keeps telling me I should do that for Hoyt). And he has amazing little friends too - who knew him when he didn't tic and honestly don't seem to care that he does now - even when he's at his worst - he's very lucky and I wouldn't dare change schools as a result!


One thing interesting - even when his tics are off the charts (like now) he completely STOPS when he plays chess. As a result I had him teach me how to play. I had to write down all the different movement allowances for each player - to boot it's a silly Star Wars chess set so everything is truly alien!. So there we sit- him playing like a champ and me with my pad of paper, very much out of my box (I HATE strategy games) but it gives him so much relief for the half hour or so it takes him to beat me :P


Good luck and have a great day!






What an amazing story. I am so sorry for all your challenges, as I do remember how smoothly things were going for you for so long. I think the toughest challenge would be sensitivities to the vitamins, good luck working through that...I sometimes worry about that for our family, since we have been taking them for so long now.


I know exactly what you mean about your moods being impacted by how our child is doing. I heard once that a mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child. There is a lot of truth to that, for better or worse.







Thx for sharing your story with me. You have shown great strength through out this process. I know exactly how you feel. My well being and emotional state is completely tied into my son's well being. The stressful thing about this is that no one know what the future holds. From what i gather on this board, it has up & down cycle. You just never know. And because of it, i feel very vulnerable to the future. I am hopeful but the fear of things may change is always in the back of my head.


Anyways, have you tried acupuncture & accupressure to alleviate the motor tics? When my son was at his worst, i find accupuncture very effective. In the meantime, how about epsom salt bath to relax the muscle.


Please keep me post it on your son's progress. Keep up the good work. I know you will eventually find the right balance for your son. I wish there is more that i can offer you to help with your son or your pain. I have been through it, so i can relate. If there is one thing i can do, is to wish everyone here well.



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