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Skin Issues


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Does anyone know if dry skin is caused by any vitamin deficiencies or candida? I have horribly dry hands to the point of where they're cracking. I put lotion on a lot, and it doesn't make a difference.



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My sister & husband both have crack finger tips. There are a few things that you can do.


Use a liquid bandage. You can get them at Walmart or any pharmarcy.


Use a hand protection sealant, "TheraSeal", it seals in moisture and seals out irritants. However, I see one of ingredients is aluminum magnesium hydroxide. I can give you the list of the ingredents if you are interested.


Or use a homeopathic remedy. I bought one at our local healthfood store. And it seems to help my husband pretty quickly. The first time he tried it, it went away the next day. I can't remember the name. It is in a small blue tube bottle, in tiny pellets form, make by Boiron. The remedy says " dry cracked finger ".



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