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Great idea! I am going to use your strategy tonite with my kids. It has been such a struggle to keep junk out of my kids mouths since school started, the many birthday parties and constant snacking!!!




Nice Daniel! My son would not be game for that though, it is one of 2 days that he gets candy all year long (the other is Easter--though with Easter we control the kinds well--nothing artificial). He is 13 and his whole life I let him eat unlimited candy on Halloween night and the rest is thrown out the next day (though I used to trade for 'healthier' choices).


Today he is completely exhausted...no doubt for me a hypoglycemic reaction, since he really wasn't out late. :(




Good luck patty, kids now adays are smarter.

He might smell a trap. :-)


To Claire's point, you are very lucky to able to convince a teenager to eat no junkfood.

Throughout the years I have also learned he is doing very well. I guess it is a celebration of sort.


The funny story to the whole thing was, I could not help it and I took one snicker. I have not had

one for 2 years since the whole new diet. Would not you know it the next day my throat hurts and started coughing. My whole family knew something was up. They counted the candies and it was one shy.

I confess along with the coughing.




Your suggestion worked pretty well with my kids. I told them we will buy the candies from them and we will donate it to an organization so other kids can enjoy them.


My daughter offered to sell her candies and my son offered all but 7 for himself. As you can tell, my daughter is the younger child. Anyways, I told them, save 5 for yourselves and donate the rest.


How do you keep your son from eating candies and artificial stuffs? School is full of birthday parties and junk food, including school lunches. My son brings his lunch and snack, but i know sometimes he trays his snacks for junk that we don't eat. My son is usually pretty good about not eating junk but he is only 6, I can't stop him from being a kid!





he is 7.

Pretty much he knows he tics when he is near junk.

By experience he learns.

We discuss with him that it is harder for him to have fun when he tics.

So he rather give up junk so he can have a great time with rides in disney world or just one of the guys

with classmate and cousins.


Actually his neck tic did come back on July during his birthday month.

Both and his cousin had birthday on same month.

Too much cakes and sweets.

His neck tics lasted about a week or less. What stopped it was additional foot bath with ep salt and

for the junk to work out of his system.


I believe only Claire's child is completely tic free.

Other kids have diminish tics so much so it is ignorable.


Good luck



Great idea on donations too.

Remember ...girl is so much more mature..

My little girl she is 4 1/2 can play and take care herself.

I am glad she is tic free.sigh..

Boys...well boys will be boys..crying..clingy..etc..well with my only..not implying other boys




Does your son have pretty much immediately reaction from eating food that he is sensitive to? Seems like alot of people on this board are able to make a connection to their kids' tic triggers.


As I have mentioned earlier, my son started with a head nodding tic all day, except while he is sleeping, it took 6 months before it stop, but he still have a little of facial tic that is unnoticeable.


I know he is sensitive to wheat & dairy, but if he eats it now, he doesn't have a tic reaction. I am at a lost?! Does that mean he is not sensitive to it?


Do you do a DAILY epsom bath & foot epsom soak too? Why the feet? I read a book on reflexology and understands that the foot has alot of pressure points. Is the foot soak to further relax the body?


You mentioned your son does a throat clearing sound. Does he have various vocal tics? Does the Epsom Bath help with his vocal tic?


Thx for answering my many questions.




To both my kids, I told them each candies they get I will give them 25 cents.

At end of night both got 15 bucks.


None of the candies when into their mouth.




We do the same but this year we went to less houses. It is getting pretty expensive!

Nice to see your name again quan daniel. Hope all is well with your family.



Glad to be back also.

I believe there is a pattern.

Kid is not well.

Parents come on board to find help.

Help works, parents go away to take some time out to enjoy their hard labors.

It can be scary and depressing sometimes when reading through these forum.

So it takes a lot of time for me to get comfortable in how I deal with crisis in general.

I changed my outlook. I lightened up a little.

After all that then I can say I am ready to be back on this forum.

It is also good to chime in for new parents like I was couple years ago.



He has one vocal tic at one time. He use to make a clicking sound when new teeth was coming out.

After a flu a month ago. His throat clearing is immediate after meal and slowly die down during the rest of the day.


Before , sugar, potato and gluten were immediate tic triggers. The tics usually manifest or intensify couple of hours later and can last for months(more then 2 I think). There would be a pattern...vocal..then vocal stop..

then leg tic..the neck tic..then back to vocal ...


Now majority of the time is minor vocal tics...


I want it that way too..well I want no tics..but if ticcing is his way letting go stress then clearing his throat is okay by me..clear away...


Also ..knock on wood...he has no allergy medication yet..once snow starts to drop then we can say for the first time in FALL season..no allergy medication..yay...





The food bath was just an easy way for the kids to asord extra magnesium while he is doing homework

or reading a book.


I have done reflextology. I can not claim it make me relax. I can claim magnesium did.


Please look through this link if you have not.




The arthor is a mother whoese 2 kids have autism but are now totally healthy teenagers.


In there she talks about Enzyme, Magnesium, Food sensitivity...


I also bought the book.


Your eyes will be opened to a whole world of understanding of how our guts are so interrelated to our brain.

Our health for that matter.






Thx for the info and the link. I will check this out. I am glad you are back on the board. Your input and many others like Chemar, Claire, Carolyn, Julie .... are so very important to the newbies like myself.


I hope someday soon, I will be able to pay this forward to others who are in need of help. You guys have given me so much hope, strength, clarity and information. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.



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