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I'm having a heck of a time finding what the trigger is to this really bad acne I've been having on my face. Tics aren't increased, but just acne. I normally only have a few pimples on my face, but it's went full blown to mostly red bumps (not even my normal type of pimples). It's mostly around my mouth and on the edges of my face. It also itches, and the pimples I've had before never itched.


I don't have an exact date of when this started, but I'm guessing it was probably about the first of September. My food variety is constantly increasing so I'm not for sure on that one. I can't think of any new food items around that time though. I recently started eating Kale, but that was after my face started breaking out so bad. I added daily olive oil in on August 3rd, and I did find out I'm allergic to olives at the end of September.


As far as supplements (under doctor's suggestions) on August 31st, I increased B-Complex from B-50 once daily to twice daily and also added in 50 mg of P5P. I increased Calcium & Magnesium on September 7th. I added folinic acid on September 14th and reduced l-glutathione on September 21st. I thought maybe l-glutathione was the issue, but now looking back at the dates, they don't match up for that to be the issue.


What about the daily olive oil or increased b vitamins? Any other ideas? I removed all dairy in July, all wheat in August, and all soy in September. Could it still be detox reactions from removing these foods? I recently removed all sugar, but it was after my face started breaking out so badly.


My testosterone levels came back within the reference range. I wasn't able to do a saliva test which is supposed to be the best, but did a blood test including free & total testosterone.


I had acupuncture today, and we did some different points than usual to try to help with the acne. We didn't go with any more Chinese herbs for acne because of the side effects I had while on them. I think there has to be a trigger because I've never had acne like this in my life.




Hi Carolyn, perhaps you have developed an allergy or sensitivity to your cleanser - many actually contain wheat, corn or both as well as other things. What are you using? Also the oil that you started before, but have since quit could still be the culprit - I know I started taking in more oil, olive, flax, and black currant and about a month later I saw an increase in oiliness overall (which at 42 was good for me), but it did take a while so I would expect it's effects would take a while to go away too.



I'm using CoQ10 facial cleansing gel by Avalon Organics. I'll try changing my cleanser.


I actually haven't quit the olive oil since finding out I'm allergic to olive oil. I've still been taking it daily. Do you think I should remove it for a while?




I'm using CoQ10 facial cleansing gel by Avalon Organics. I'll try changing my cleanser.


I actually haven't quit the olive oil since finding out I'm allergic to olive oil. I've still been taking it daily. Do you think I should remove it for a while?




I would definitely remove the olive oil & see what happens. You know, it doesn't really sound like acne to me. I've never heard of acne itching. In fact, my first thought was poison ivy, since I had it several times right around my mouth & sides of my face (probably due to my dog).


But it has seemed to stick around a long time to be poison ivy. So, I would consider other rashes, including allergic ones. Do the bumps seem to have a little white head in the center (like acne)? Does it hurt as well as itch? I usually try to match up rashes with pictures on the internet by doing Google Images searches on whatever different things I think it could be.





I would agree that this sounds more like an allergic rash


it could also be a DETOX rash




is it only on your face, or elsewhere too?


I'll remove the olive oil and see what happens. I don't think it's poison ivy. I have two dogs, but I really don't think there's poison ivy in my yard.


The bumps don't have little white heads in the center, nor do they contain any pus.


Chemar-would an allergic rash look similar to acne? It's only on my face.






I once had a tooth abcess that i wasnt even aware of, but I broke out in acne type bumps (no white head) on my face....itchy till scratched and then painful


Once the infection was healed, the bumps left


i have also had similar bumps (tho a bit smaller and a lot more itchy) from a face cream that didnt agree with me



when I was going thru my first ever candida detox, I also got a skin breakout on my face



mrsD just posted an excellent zinc info thread at NeuroTalk and one of the things she mentioned caught my eye re your bumps



have you tried zinc oxide (aka diaper rash) ointment for the "acne"? I like the Aveeno one as it also has colloidal oatmeal in it


Whether what you have is acne or allergy/detox bumps, perghaps the zinc oxide cream can help


I haven't tried zinc oxide ointment. Thanks for the info. I'm going to see what removing the olive oil does and then try adding the zinc cream.




Hi Carolyn, my guess would be the cleanser - I looked it up and it contains chamomile, lavendar, and CITRUS (isn't that one of your allergies?). I know citrus is a huge trigger for many. It also contains disodium laureth sulfosuccinate - which isn't supposed to be that great for sensitive people. Citric acid is also listed as an ingredient and that can come from corn (and usually does). The antioxidant power might be too harsh for you too. I think if you cut this out and it is the source you'll see that faster than the olive oil - if it doesn't get better then maybe try the olive oil. Unless of course you've been using this product for ages and haven't had anything happen before?




Yes, citrus is one of my allergies. I've been using this cleanser for about a year and haven't had any problems before.




Hi again, I amended my earlier post but you'd already replied so wanted to add that it also contains citric acid which is usually made from corn these days - I don't know, I'd give the cleanser a try - I often found that all of a sudden a product stops working for me as my skin changes.



  • 4 weeks later...

The problem is that there is a change in the constitution of the skin of everyone and change can be very delicate and whenever chane occurs old medication will not work as well as they used to work. I ofeten noticed that for the xternal medication for either the skin or the throat.

Its abot the fith time i am changing medication for my throat whenever i get the flu.

But on the contrary, i find out that for for oral medication its does not happen and that the body gets healed in some case completely. It was my case for acne where i was on roaccutane. Where my doctor proposed em a combination of external and internal treatment.

The external treatment consist mostly of creams like zenmed and swimming in the sea.

I had to drink about 4 litres of water a day.. pfff...

However my body did change radically and the acne has never risen since five years.

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