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My dd6 has been having terrible violent tantrums every night for the past 6 weeks. They had started a month earlier but were not every night. Along with these tantrums she gets blurred vision and can't hear well but complains that loud noises hurt her ears (although her own screaming does not seem to do so). She also gets skin sensitivity and screams "don't touch me it hurts". Now the vision and hearing issues seem to be present for most of the day when before they used to come and go more.


I am wondering if these are typical PANDAS symptoms?


Thanks so much.




Thanks Mary. It sounds like the symptoms are gone? That is great news. What did you do to heal your child?


Thanks so much.

Megan (I grew up in Michigan!)


Thanks Lilly - I guess my child is not alone....do you mind sharing how you got rid of these symptoms for your child? Glad to hear they are gone!





Odd that you posted these 3.

i have 3 pandas boys...ticcers...down on the list of concerns(because not AS hard to deal with(and so subtle), the tics are so overwhelming, but related. As you treat one condition sometimes the other subsides too.


DS12 vision

DS10 noise

DS5 skin


younger 2 in remission...oldest doing very well currently..(we need a knock on wood icon)(and a boot to the behind icon too)


My child is soooo sick and we tried so many thing that I don't know what took them away.

The other day she said she could not see much of anything and I think it was the prozac the doctor had to put her on. She has so many symptoms and we have been trying to get her some relief for MANY years now.


I think these symptoms suggest some sort of neurological problem but I wouldn't say they're automatically Pans symptoms. There are infections (e.g. strep, lyme and co-infections) that can effect vision and other conditions that can lead to noise sensitivity/sensory overload. So I'd encourage you to keep looking for answers and infections. But keep in the back of your mind that there could be other causes.


I only say this because early on (4 yrs ago), I was quick to blame everything on Pandas. After unraveling many things, some issues turned out to need interventions beyond antibiotics and autoimmune treatments.


I know you want to know what we did to fix all this, but there's no easy or universal answer. One of my kids has been treated for Pandas, lyme, bartonella, pyroluria and convergence insufficiency (a vision dysfunction akin to dyslexia). One kid has found good health through treating methylation issues and convergence insufficiency. But others here have found much simpler - or different - paths.


So I think the best advice is to look at the needs of your child and find the doctor(s) who are best able to help you dig. You will find answers. Hang in there!


Typical PANDAS symptoms for us. Nighttime is the worst time for the tantrums. He's in an exacerbation right now and headed to another IVIG in two weeks. Treatment for PANDAS relieved the tantrums, noise sensitivity and the other sensory issues he had. Touch was one of them but in opposite to your daughter. He craved touch, so much that he was throwing himself on the ground, running into us at full speed, running into walls on purpose, etc....


Thank you all for your replies. It helps to hear everyone's stories although I realize that we are all different. But perhaps one treatment from each story may help my children. I feel it is important to gather all of the info and sift through it.


My children have been battling chronic lyme/coinfections for years and have beaten it through my resaearch into various treatments until this summer when they were reinfected several times from mosquitos. I think that set us up for the pandas/pans to appear, along with battling strep all winter. I feel that their lyme infections are down so that's why I'm wondering about the vision and hearing issues. It really helps to hear other experiences.


Thanks nicklemama for the info about the tantrums and the relief from the neuro issues from treatment.





Posted (edited)

Megan my DD8 has blurred and other vision problems from Lyme. I recently got her whole medical file and saw I note I had written to doctor when Lyme first showed up, this was one of her original symptoms. As I understand the spirochete attackes the nerves, and so this Lyme symptom results from weakened optic nerves. My DD

s vision issues have improved with treatment, but not gone.My ophthamologist gave me an rx for Pataday, its an antihistamine, it seems to help a but but I don't use it everyday. only when its bad.


Also I read other accounts of Lyme affecting hearing but have not experienced personally

Edited by Hopeny

Yes my dd had these types of issues.

Vision - "black circles" in her field of vision, "sparkling floaters" blurry and snowy vision.

Noise - O MY this was intense! Became very obvious at school - could not handle noisy situations.

Touch - yes. Could not stand to be touched or hugged - especially her head. Would go days and says without shower - come to find out it hurt her head.

Now all of these symptoms were at a 10t- off the charts actually - when she was at her worst and nonfinctional before IVIG and antibiotics and antivirals and time.

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