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My ds, 14, now presents with 4-5 tics at a time right now. He has had tics for 5 years and they have waxed and waned and really not been too problematic for him. He does not have vocal tics, only motor tics but they are giving him trouble these days. Of course, we have the onset of puberty, the new braces, his recent birthday and holiday season, and the fall allergies all working against us right now.


So, I'm looking at starting over with him. He's been tested for environmental allergies and all his true allergies are to trees and weeds. No house dust, no food allergies(we've done both blood work and skin tests), dust mites, mold, etc. I want to have him tested for metal sensitivity and other sensitivities by a naturopath, but I don't even know where to start. We live in AZ and I found a pediatrician on our side of town who knows about PANDAs but doesn't really treat just tics naturally. I did think of getting him tested for the PANDAs at this point, though, too.


He does the epsom salts baths and takes magnesium. It's not magnesium taurate, just a plain mag supplement. And, because he's 14 he's very difficult to work with on dietary changes. He says he doesn't care about the tics, he still wants to drink Sprite, UGH! It's driving me crazy, LOL! Oh, and heaven forbid if I ask him to give up Wendys. He's not as bad as some kids, we don't allow him to drink anything with caffeine except for green tea, I don't buy stuff with food dyes(he only gets that on special occasions or when his friends give him junk at their houses), the only soda I allow is Sprite or root beer or natural stuff like Hansen's brand and I don't buy it very often.


I looked into the NUCCA chiropractors but there's no one within an hour drive of my house, but I may call them to see if they can refer me to someone who can adjust him gently because most of his tics are neck and shoulder tics these days.


Also, I gave him a greens multi supplement one day just to see if he could swallow the pills and he developed an eye tic that day that was horrendous(according to him). The tic was gone by the next day so I'm wondering if there's something about those greens that caused him to tic or if it was just a coincidence.


Other than the magnesium, what supplements help the best with tics? What about other vitamin supplements like D and greens for alkalizing the body? I do have Sheila's book but I find that I get overwhelmed and want to make too many changes at once. Also, my marriage is in a shambles right now and I think the stress in the home isn't help ds, either.


have ou ever tried him on rx cholestyramine to bind toxins? it dramatically reduced tics in my kids, but never got rid of them completely. controlling wheat, dairy, and corn intake has put the brakes on tics for the most part.


Sorry to hear of your ongoing struggles Bonnie.


I would suggest reading through that Helpful Threads section pinned to the top of the board...even if just one post a day. It may refresh your memory of some of the things others have found helpful


In addition to the supplements, with magnesium (not mag oxide) being essential, cleaning up diet and environment is so very important as nomatter what the root cause of the tics, that always seems to be so helpful. And checking for specific food allergies too.


Also read labels, including on "good" stuff as you would be amazed how much stuff even "natural" marketed things can have in them


The only way to do this without getting overwhelmed is a step at a time. The importance of adding only one supplement at a time needs to be stressed too as you have to give it about a week on each to see the effect and not have it complicated by others.


Have you considered a Lyme test? If not, I would pursue an Igenex Western Blot at a minimum, and ideally go for a Lyme plus Coinfections test.


My DS sounds much like yours, mostly motor tics that wax and wane and are not usually too much trouble. After five years of various suspicions and diagnoses (transient tic disorder, autism, tourettes, allergies, PANDAS) we finally found antibodies for Lyme (Borrelia), Myco Pneumoniae, and Erlichia. Determining the infection was half of the battle, treating it is the other half...

  • 1 month later...

You know, I forgot to come back on here and respond to the idea of the lyme's test. We live in AZ and there are no tics here so lyme disease isn't really prevalent here.


Anyway, what magnesium do most people use here? My son is older and can swallow capsules and pills and doesn't like the natural calm. I gave him a supplement called PS100 the past 2 days and now he's exploding with tics again. His naturopath wanted us to give it to him for his ADHD and for improving brain function but I'm wondering if it's triggered more tics? It's so hard to watch him tic right now, like 4-5 tics going at one time and barely a few seconds between episodes. Of course, I told ds that he's been eating too much sugar and that his diet probably needs to change and he tells me, "So what? The tics aren't that bad, mom." OK: so, he'd rather tic than eat right? UGH! Teenagers!



that PS100 has soy bean oil in it and so if he is soy sensitive that could be the trigger?


The only magnesium to avoid is magnesium oxide because it is very poorly absorbed and so a total waste of money as most just passes straight out! (also of course be sure to check the "other ingredients" in any supp for potential triggers)


Most here have used the Natural Calm (mag citrate in ionic form) because is is rapidly absorbed and easy to take (dissolved in water or favorite drink) but be sure not to exceed the dose suggested as it can have laxative effects


Also, I gave him a greens multi supplement one day just to see if he could swallow the pills and he developed an eye tic that day that was horrendous(according to him). The tic was gone by the next day so I'm wondering if there's something about those greens that caused him to tic or if it was just a coincidence.


What supplement was this?


Sorry to hear of your ongoing struggles Bonnie.


I would suggest reading through that Helpful Threads section pinned to the top of the board...even if just one post a day. It may refresh your memory of some of the things others have found helpful


In addition to the supplements, with magnesium (not mag oxide) being essential, cleaning up diet and environment is so very important as nomatter what the root cause of the tics, that always seems to be so helpful. And checking for specific food allergies too.


Also read labels, including on "good" stuff as you would be amazed how much stuff even "natural" marketed things can have in them


The only way to do this without getting overwhelmed is a step at a time. The importance of adding only one supplement at a time needs to be stressed too as you have to give it about a week on each to see the effect and not have it complicated by others.


Which brand of magnesium have you found the most success with? He is really having trouble with a head turning tic and a head shaking tic right now and it's really causing him pain. I have a magnesium from Floradix that's a liquid but I'm not seeing any change at all. I don't think he has a problem with soy as he loves sushi and eats soy sauce on a regular basis. I'm just really getting frustrated because he'll complain about pain from the tics but he'll not work with me to make any dietary changes. I guess the tics aren't bad enough for him?


Natural Calm (part of the Natural Vitality series) as it is a very fast acting ionic form. It is mag citrate so and can have a laxative effect if too high a dose.

That combined with a nightly epsom salts bath really is optimum magnesium tic relief!


ps just because he loves sushi and eats soy sauce regularly doesn't mean that is not a tic trigger for him...if he is consuming it regularly and ticcing a lot.........well...maybe it is a trigger?


ps just because he loves sushi and eats soy sauce regularly doesn't mean that is not a tic trigger for him...if he is consuming it regularly and ticcing a lot.........well...maybe it is a trigger?

Yes, that is a good point. With the holiday excitement, our new puppy, and eating more sugar than usual too, I'm guessing it all leads to more tics. I just wish he'd be willing to do an elimination diet but the tics aren't bad enough to HIM. To me, they are hard to watch even after all these years. Mostly because he has about 4 going on at a time now and they aren't letting up in a waning period like they used to. There are so many possibilities: the braces, he's 14 so puberty is setting in, his diet, seasonal allergies, food sensitivities, etc and it all overwhelms me at this point. He's 14 and has been ticcing since he was 9. I guess I was hoping I'd have a handle on it by now and I'm just disappointed in myself for not keeping going. Unfortunately, all those tests and naturopaths, etc cost a lot of money so I stopped dealing with it all. I have had him skin tested for allergies and had some bloodwork back but the only true allergies that come up are seasonal allergies to trees, pollens, weeds, etc. No mold, dust mites, house dust, cat, dog, nothing. It appeared that all his allergies were based on outdoor triggers. As for foods, nothing has come up in any of the tests we've done. It's kind of infuriating because I'm guessing it's something else. We don't have tics where we live. We don't have much humidity so there's not much mold(there is some in houses with unknown leaks, etc, of course) but it's not a big problem here like it is in FL or WA states.


And, quite frankly, I've been focused on his learning disabilities and other school related issues more so than the tics. Getting him tested educational problems, ADHD, etc have taken a lot of money and time. I guess I'm just burnt out and need some encouragement that some day it will get better. My marriage is also in trouble and that has been consuming my time and my thoughts and adding to my own stress factors. And, more than likely, my son knows there's trouble at home and that might be leading to some tics, too? Who knows? I'm just tired of watching the tics, I'm tired of massaging my son every night because his tics hurt his neck and shoulders so much. I know it could be so much worse, my son lost a friend a few weeks ago to leukemia. I know it's not a terminal illness, but I guess I'm just frustrated and getting discouraged. Thanks, Cheri, for all your support here. I honestly still don't know where to start. Should I get him tested for metal allergies to see if the braces are the problem? LOL, it's like a crazy puzzle and the pieces just keep getting turned back over and I can't figure out where they fit.


I have started using nightly epsom salts baths for him as much as he's willing to do so, and I've started using kirkman's magnesium cream and I also use a few essential oils for massage like lavender and valerian. It's only been a few days so I'm hoping it will help.


Oh, another question: he doesn't like the natural calm at all. I wanted to see about trying tablets. Is there a specific dose that is best to start off with? And, do I have to balance out the calcium with it? Thx, Bonnie

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