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I've got a new craving for corn dogs. Their not really corn dogs though because their corn free and their of course nitrate free, etc.. I've deleted sugar and potatoes and now I'm craving the corn dogs like crazy. They are the only item I have left that contains potatoes (potato starch). What can I replace the potatoes with? I ate them nearly everyday either as baked, fried, or french fries.




If it is the cripsy fried crust you crave, have you tried making sweet rice waffle? I make it for my son, and it is yummy! It is basically sweet rice flour, egg, milk of choice, baking powder, olive oil and honey for sweetness since you are avoiding sugar.


If you are interested, I will give you the receipe.




Also the other way I'm getting through these cravings is by making hot chocolate using unsweatened cocoa powder, honey, and either rice or almond milk (my own rice and almond milk just containing ground rice/ground almond & water) Do you all think these cravings will pass in about ten days even though I left the honey in? Eventually I need to eliminate chocolate too.




1. 1 Cup Sweet Rice Flour ( i used to get this from Trader Joe, but they have recently discountinued it but i have sure you can get it at your local health food store)


2. 1 Tbsp sugar ( substitue with honey or stevia or maple syrup )


3. 2 tsp baking powder


4. 1/2 tsp salt


5. 1 cup rice or soy milk ( if you can tolerate rice milk, i would recommend that instead of soy milk)


6. 1 egg, lightly beaten


7. 2 tsp olive or vegtable oil


Sift the rice flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together in a bowl. Beat in the rice milk until the mixture has a smooth consistency. Add the beaten egg and olive oil and mix until just blended.


I recommend slightly grease your waffle iron to prevent sticking. The waffle also freezes very well. Just heat it up in the toaster oven using the toast setting.




Why are you eliminating so many food items? What kind of treatment plan are you on?






Thanks for the receipe. I'm eliminating so many foods because I'm allergic to them and I'm trying to get rid of candida. I'm allergic to almonds, bananas, dairy, chicken, chocolate, cinnamon, citrus mix, coconut, corn, eggs, garlic, green beans, green olives, green peas, white potatoes, soy, cane sugar, tomato, wheat, and bakers yeast. Those are immediate reactions for me and I have a few others that are delayed reactions.


I'm on allergy shots, supplements, chelation of heavy metals, acupuncture/Chinese cupping, and Methyl-B12 shots currently. I'm hoping to slowly transition into the Body Ecology Diet for the candida. It calls for coconut kefir water using kefir starter & young green coconuts. I'm going to make some of that as soon as I get the kefir starter. It is supposed to cut the sugar cravings.






Have you consider using NAET to decentize your various allergies?


My son was treated for egg, chicken, brown rice, white rice, wheat, gluten, oat, oat bran, milk, yogurt, butter and casein this summer.


His nasal allergy is better but not completely gone. He has been eating less wheat and dairy and we started eating mostly organic food as much as possible. So I am not sure if NAET is the major contributing factor.


I am taking a break from the NAET treatment becuz while my son was taking homepathic medicine to detox and probiotic while getting NAET treatments, he had more symptoms. So I decided to stop everything and reevaluate his treatment plan.


According to some of the positive comments from people on this board, you may want to consider it. I was attracted to NAET becuz it is noninvasion and it will allow you to have the allergic food once it is decentized in moderation.


Since you have a number of allergic foods, how do you deal with the eating out aspect? Since we found out about my son's food sensitivites, we only ate out maybe 3x in the last 6 months. It has been really hard, especially at birthday parties or get together.




I've considered NAET, but have never researched it that much. I feel that it's something that you need a good NAET practictioner. A good one would be really hard to find in my area and at this time I'm not interested in finding another doctor to treat things. I'd rather continue with my allergy treatments. My doctor said another year and we'll try going off of them.


I rarely eat out and if I do it's when I have friends/family in town. We go to a nice steak restaurant where I can get steak and salad, etc. Ocassionaly, when I'm in a pinch for time I'll go to Wendy's and get just two hamburger patties with the lettuce & a side salad. It's really hard though. For example, today I was over at the university and to see all the students walking around with pizza, pasta, etc. was really hard when I was sitting there eating my healthy food. However, before I started eliminating the foods, I would get major cravings for McDonalds oreo McFlurries. I'd seriously get one each night. I don't get those cravings since eliminating the foods. The hardest times is when I see people eating things in front of me that I can't have or when the kids I work with at my church want to share their cookies with me. It's really hard for me to say no.



  • 1 month later...

I'm having trouble with cravings again. Yesterday, it was ice cream sandwich bars. Today it's ketchup, and I can eat it by the spoon. Also I'm trying to fight off another McDonalds oreo mcflurry craving. I'm probably the only one that will go get ice cream when it's 7 degrees outside.


I see no pattern in this at all other than they are allergy foods. However, the foods I crave are constantly changing. I've never craved ketchup before.


To get off these foods completely, I think it could take a million years. The only way I've been successful in eliminating them is to do one food group at a time which that alone takes a long time. One mess up with eating the food I deleted, I'm back to where I started.






Reading about you struggling with this issue, seriously breaks my heart.


I know how in tune you are with your body, and all of the knowledge that you have regarding your diet and TS symptoms.


Your posts, so closely mirror what we struggle with.


How can I expect my 10 year old, to deal with this, when he has virtually no clue, what's happening.


His craving currently, is candy canes.


The oreo mcflurry and Mc D's french fries, and pretzils, are others.


I don't remember, if you are using any digestive enzymes? I recently read a post on Autism/enzyme, about an enzyme used for sugar regulation. Have you read anything about that?




Sorry that your son's struggling with this issue too. I wish I had an answer. Does your son ever crave any other fastfood restaurants items? Mine is always just McDonalds. Burger King, Ketucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut are just as close to me as McDonalds. Is it possible that McDonalds puts something addictive in their foods that other fast foods places don't?


I have used digestive enzymes from time to time, but haven't for quite a while.




I also wanted to post that on an Autism board someone pointed out to me info from Andy Cutler's book on hair testing for heavy metals. As I was looking back through the part on Cadmium, I read that toxic levels of Cadmium can impair the body's ability to make blood sugar from proteins or fats. These people need to have plenty of carbohydrates in their diet and eat often. It also causes loss of calcium. This is such a hard decision to make because maybe my body's just trying to tell me that it needs these things? I have toxic amounts of Cadmium being removed right now.






That's an interesting thought about McDonalds. There was a long thread on one of the autism forums, titled

"McDonalds french fries." Seems many kids crave those. McNuggets were in there for some of the kids too.

My son won't eat the Mcnuggets, but.....he will eat their hot fudge sundies.


No, my son doesn't have any other fast food items that he will eat. He will consent to a fry from another place occasionally though.


I really understand your thoughts, on your body possibly craving what it needs you to eat. They are tough decisions to make, and try to enforce!


I had originally posted something about keeping milk in my son's diet, because of the sulfur and protein that it provided him with. I edited it out, because it's more of a hunch, (the sulfur part) than anything that I really have a good understanding of.


Maybe as the levels of Cadmium come down, things will calm down with your cravings. My fingers are crossed!


I think the name of the enzyme used for sugar metabolism, was sugar ease? I tried to do a search for it, and didn't come up with anything, so I don't know how it's supposed to work.




Since we are avoiding food additives, MSG and food coloring, I am researching about the different food additives. And interestingly i just realized that food additives are neurotoxin and are addictive. That explains why we have food cravings.


By any chance you are sensitive to food additives? That perhaps may add to your craving.




Did you see "Super Size Me" (the documentary). The guy ate only MacDonalds for months. At first it made him puke, but after a time he got addicted to it. Of course he was a walking heart attack after a while and had to stop the experiment.


Interesting thought on Cadmium. I have (had?) high Cadmium too.



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