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CNN video on chemical in us

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Very interesteting video segment.

The video starts by telling us that there are about 300 plus chemical in our environment.

The reporter was able to get tested on all the chemicals costings about thousands of dollars and 14 viles of blood.


130 plus chemicals were found in him.

PCP, Mercury..etc..

Even stuff found from NON_STICK FRYING PAN..

The reporter had a below level of mercury before test and within 24hr later after eating tuna and halibat..his mercury level shot up more than normal..


I immediately went out and bought a stainless steel skillet ; it is more expensive ;4 times for than a non-stick..


I feel better though..


Imagine our kids that can not passed out these harmful chemical from their bodies..




Styrofoam cups..etc..

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OK. All my Teflon frying pans (three, including one almost brand new) + one Teflon pot went away today. :)

What shall I buy instead? I mean, for frying. I seems that I have three options: stainless steel, cast iron or a pan coated with titanium and quarz (very expensive, non stick).


I have one stainless steel pan but I never managed to make pancakes in it.


In a description of a steel pan I read that it is a mixture of steel and aluminium. Is it always the case? What exactly do you use for frying (especially pancakes as they easily stick)?


Do you know anything about this titanium-quarz coating?


I also found something called Silargan. It is steel and ceramic combined in a very high temperature. It is supposed to be hypoallergenic, nickel free, no pores, etc (??? :wacko: )

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i like enamelled steel best for frying (which I do very little of)

I avoid all aluminium


cast iron can leech and rust so I avoid that


there is also glass stovetop, oven and microwave cookware that I personally like very much


also remember to discard all teflon coated utensils ( egg flips etc)

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