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Slightly off topic, but I thought some might be interested. Within the past year, I developed a lot of new food allergies, and also significant eczema on my eyelids. The dermatologist has tried five or six different creams and nothing can touch it. Well, yesterday, I had my first glass of rooibos tea. It's supposed to have some anti-inflammatory properties and be good for soothing the digestive system. So, I woke up this morning and my eyelids looked perfectly normal for the first time in seven months. All of the flakes, scales, discoloration and welts are completely gone. You can't tell there was ever a problem. I did some more reading and it seems as if the rooibos is possibly the reason. Allegedly, it's supposed to reduce eczema, allergies, and asthma. I had another cup today. I am wondering if there are other healing properties in rooibos that might make it worth exploring with respect to kids with PANS. Thought I'd throw out the idea in case anyone wants to explore. Best, Suzanne


Tastes a lot like basic lipton tea, but looks like you put a drop of red food coloring in it. You can drink it any way - hot, cold, with or without sweetener or cream, etc. It is caffeine free. I did put a pinch of sugar in it. Smells mildly vanilla. They say it makes some people sleepy, so might want to try close to bedtime.


I bought it at a local grocery store called Harris Teeter. Not cheap - $9 for 30 teabags. I know you can get it online. It has only started being imported into the US within the last 18 months, so it may not be widely available yet.


My DD drinks it sometimes and we've never noticed a difference (didn't ever think to look for one though). She just likes the way it tastes. Guess I'll encourage her to drink more of it. : )


Rooibos comes from South Africa, where it grows wild, and has been used there since ancient times as a curative/restorative for many ailments. Also known as Bossie or Red Bush Tea there.

As that is where I am from too...I grew up drinking a lot of it and still use it. I love the taste which is very different from regular black tea IMHO. It comes from a bush that is unrelated to the tea bush...it's actually a member of the legume family.


You can buy it at many regular supermarkets now in the US, and it is not expensive, although here in the USA we have found the Alvita brand to be the best. It has actually been available in the US for quite some time.


It benefits from a long brew time. Traditionally, it is actually boiled with the leaves/stalks in the pot to make a very strong brew



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