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doctor does not want to try doxy because of the sunburn issue. he suggested dorex (spelling)

i think mino is also used for lyme, right? which one would u try first??? her MAJOR symptom is racing brain and severe confusion where she can not leave the tv, because she can't think straight. please help me get this child some help


I'm not sure how old your child is, however I think I personally responded better to doxy than mino. I am on mino now because I wasnt able to keep the nausea at bay with doxy, however I think I may switch back. Definitely lifted the "fog" better than mino for myself. Hope that helps.


doctor does not want to try doxy because of the sunburn issue. he suggested dorex (spelling)


Doryx is a sustained release form of doxycycline. it is much more tolerable that the generic Doxycycline. DD could not tolerate the regular doxy, but is tolerating this so much better.


Hi Lilly,

My son has been on Doxy, then Doryx and now mino. Doryx is a very expensive version of Doxy that helps with the stomache irritation. I do not believe that it helps with the sunburn issue (but could be wrong here - I'd research that a bit) . Our LLMD move DS off Doryx because it was summer and DS plays baseball and is fair..and he said Doryx or Doxy will usually casue severe sun sensitivity.


Doryx (or Doxy) seemed better for my son than the mino. We were primarily treating mycoplasma, so maybe different than what you are treating.If your child has co-onfections, that may come into play in choosing your antibiotics. I've read really good things about mino though.


I'm not sure how old your child is, however I think I personally responded better to doxy than mino. I am on mino now because I wasnt able to keep the nausea at bay with doxy, however I think I may switch back. Definitely lifted the "fog" better than mino for myself. Hope that helps.



Make sure you eat with doxy. Ignore what it says on the medicine bottle. Our LLMD told us that was for the older tetracyclines about not eating with it.

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