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Olive leaf extract - can that increase tics?

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Started ds9 on some olive leaf extract, along with BioK probiotics, one tsp of oregano honey, and right after givinghim the olive leaf extract, his tics increase like crazy, with a new thing... a head bob back and forth. The whole thing lasts an hour, and then throughout the day, the head thing continues, but not every 2 seconds, like when he initially got the OLE, but every 20 seconds.


Is it yeast in the gut leaving, or is it that the OLE is not a good thing? Could it be that the OLE and the Oregano honey together bring out more tics?


I didn't give him any today, and his tics had decreased. Made homemade lemonade, and used the oregano honey to sweeten, and he started having little tics again, but not the big head bobbing that happened with the OLE.

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Remember that when you give a potent antibiotic like OLE, you can get herxing if there is an active infection (ie die off reaction) and that can cause the increase in symptoms in some people


My son never ticced more with OLE, but then he does not have PANDAS and was taking it for Crohn's

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Remember that when you give a potent antibiotic like OLE, you can get herxing if there is an active infection (ie die off reaction) and that can cause the increase in symptoms in some people


My son never ticced more with OLE, but then he does not have PANDAS and was taking it for Crohn's

So OLE can cause herxing if there is an active infection? That suggests that this is one way of knowing that there is an active infection? Is that right? So a huge increase in tics suggests that this is a die off reaction? Whole Foods told me that OLE would give an increase in symptoms and make the person feel worse, but I didn't know what symptoms, apart from the fatigue that the guy talked about. Ds just started with a huge and immediate reaction, where his head started bobbing back and forth within one minute of giving it to him. It seemed really obvious that this was causing the new tics.


Could it be that the thing he is reacting to is yeast in his gut, and not any lingering strep in his sinus, ears, throat or anywhere else in his body, or any other infection? Or, does it make more sense that he has some kind of lingering infection, and this is making his tics increase because of the infection, like a virus or bacteria... ?


I am afraid to give it to him again, because I know that he will have these huge head bob tics that are pretty scary. Don't really know what to do.

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