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article looking at GMOs and their effect on gut bacteria

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Hi - I've been fairly careful, or so I thought, about what I feed my kids, especially since PANDAS raised its head. But the more I read about genetically engineered foods, the more it scares me.


I hadn't realised the extent of it in the food chain (70% or more of corn, canola, cottonseed and soy is gmo). And I am increasingly finding articles that cite GMOs as instigators of autoimmune amongst other diseases.


This article particularly caught my eye 'cos of the gut/brain connection.


Are Genetically Engineered Foods Promoting Autism?




I realise that this is a controversial subject but when it comes to food, I intend to follow the precautionary principle and won't be knowlingly feeding my PANDAS kids anymore GM.

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Hi - I've been fairly careful, or so I thought, about what I feed my kids, especially since PANDAS raised its head. But the more I read about genetically engineered foods, the more it scares me.


I hadn't realised the extent of it in the food chain (70% or more of corn, canola, cottonseed and soy is gmo). And I am increasingly finding articles that cite GMOs as instigators of autoimmune amongst other diseases.


This article particularly caught my eye 'cos of the gut/brain connection.


Are Genetically Engineered Foods Promoting Autism?




I realise that this is a controversial subject but when it comes to food, I intend to follow the precautionary principle and won't be knowlingly feeding my PANDAS kids anymore GM.



Thanks for the post!

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For this reason we have undertaken a mostly Paleo diet ala Mark Sisson, Robb Wolfe and Perfect Health Diet. It eliminates pretty much everything that would be GMO. I'm still trying to find organic kale for making kale chips though (greens tend to get more than their fair share of pesticides).

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For this reason we have undertaken a mostly Paleo diet ala Mark Sisson, Robb Wolfe and Perfect Health Diet. It eliminates pretty much everything that would be GMO. I'm still trying to find organic kale for making kale chips though (greens tend to get more than their fair share of pesticides).



organic Kale is available at whole foods

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Hi - we're lucky in that we have Trader Joe's who guarantee all their own name brand products GMO free. We also have Wholefoods and a great local coop PCC.


You even have to double check organics 'cos depending on the certifying body they can contain non organics eg USDA certified organic can contain up to 5% non organic. I'm e-mailing all the companies whose products we use and asking if they are GMO free and saying how much we love their stuff but that we can't continue to buy unless they can guarantee its non GMO.


Also all conventional meat and dairy, eggs etc is fed GMO unless it's stipulated 100% organic or 100% grass fed. We found a local ranch that does 100% pasture raised beef, sheep, pork and chickens. It works out cheaper than buying organic at the store but you gotta have freezer space.

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  • 4 months later...

Being that we are attempting to stay on a failsafe diet, it is leading me to other things.

THe manager from the "organic food"section at my local kroger and i have become friends over the last 6 yrs.

we update each other on new info and he is a kind ear as i have shopped there many a time with tearful eyes trying to read ingredients.


Unrelated, i'm developing a pstd for this store. I like it better than a store closer to me(publix, more expensive anyway)that i have already find i avoid do to pstd.


Back to the story..the manager told me he watched documentary by coast to coast about gmos...now he will not buy anything, even occasionally, that is not non-GMO.


Best i could find so far.




ps..not sure how this will effect quality...but kellogs has bought kashi and Gmills has bought cascadian

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yeh don't touch kashi with a barge pole :) their cereal used to be full of GMOs - big consumer kick off but don't know if it's changed.


Good documentary tio watch is the 'World Acccording to Monsanto'. It's on Netflix for free and I think it's also on You Tube.


The "natural" label means next to nothing and certaiinly doesn't exclude GMOs.


I think best thing we can do is to encourage any Californians that we might know to vote yes on Prop 37 - labelling of GMOs. It's not watertight (GMO fed livestock wouldn't get labelled) but it's a great start and what happens in CA will hopefully be adopted nationwide 'cos of labelling issues.. like Coca Cola and that carcinogenic ingedient that got banned in CA and they dropped it altogether cos easier to do that than label separately..


Rowingmom - 'bout the kale. We've started growing it. Super easy too, I've got a brown thumb and usually kill everything but kale is really fast, easy and hardy. Small raised bed and a few seeds and we've got more kale than we know what to do with :)

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