Stephanie2 Posted May 24, 2012 Report Posted May 24, 2012 I kind of hesitated posting this here b/c I just read all the horrible things our kids are going through and I really don't want this to come across as gloating or like I am just being a pain in the rear with all my homeopathy posts. But I find the effective management of my two severe pandas sons' pandas sx to be a miracle (and if you know our hx you probably do too). I am just hoping to reach out to anyone in need of hope or a different path. So here it is: we are 15 months into homeopathy. My son recently got sick with what appeared to be a stomach virus. Vomitted all night and we took him to the ER in the morning for IV of sodium chloride. They happened to notice his throat was red (no sore throat) and while we were there his ear drum perforated (again) and he developed a fever (which I got on top of with some remedies I had with me). Hospital staff decided to do a rapid and 48 hour cx. Rapid came back negative. they still wanted to start rocephin which I talked three doctors out of. Anyway, 5 days later my son was better and the hospital called to tell me that his cx came back positive for strep. We've been through this many times since starting homeopathy, but still it's always amazing to hear one of my kids has strep when I am not seeing any pandas sx. My mouth falls to the floor every time! Coincidentally (or not, I dont' know) both of my sons went into a sudden pandas exacerbation within an hour of that phone call (I swear they must have been reading my mind and felt my stress?). One son pulled himself right out of it within 10 minutes. The other (who tested pos) was having a meltdown in the kitchen so I started dosing strep pyogenes nosode 200c, every 5, then 10, then 20 minutes for an hour. And it was over and has been over ever since! I am still giving him the nosode about twice a day to fully resolve the infection, but seriously (and this is where I will lose some of you b/c no one can believe it can possibly be this simple) we only had to deal with 20 minutes of pandas sx. Now with that said, he is still left with a lip-licking tic which will probably resolve over the next week (from past experience). It's how I will know I can stop giving the strep remedy. As for my other son, he too got sick with vomitting and fever. I got on top of these easily (no ER visit) and he has had maybe 3 ten minute moderate pandas meltdowns which he is able to pull out of himself. I did give him a few doses of strep nosode to "keep him out of the woods" but it was almost not even necessary b/c his constitutional remedy is keeping him strong. HTH someone
Stephanie2 Posted May 24, 2012 Author Report Posted May 24, 2012 BTW, people have asked me before if I think that my boys' have become strep carriers since starting homeopathy. I suppose it's a possibility, although I dont' care so much at this point b/c pandas sx always resolve (and faster and faster as we go). However, I WOULD like to see my boys STOP getting strep 4 times per year. That part hasn't changed. BUT I am told by some that this is their bodies resolving old infections that were suppressed. Time will tell and I will feel incredibly blessed if we can get this down to a once or twice a year thing...
thenmama Posted May 24, 2012 Report Posted May 24, 2012 Thanks for sharing this excellent news, Stephanie! And don't worry, I don't think anyone here will take your post as anything but what it is: a member of our community posting about their family's experiences with PANDAS. We're a community and while the balance of posts will naturally skew toward the crisis/problems/issues side of things, it's totally appropriate, and really important to have some posts about things working, kids healing, families getting back to that place we're all working toward. I am glad you decided to post about this because I think when our kids are sick and suffering it's easy to lose sight of our goals and start to feel worn down by it, maybe a little hopeless or defeated. It's also good to know about what other people have discovered and what approaches are helping other kids, most especially if/when we haven't yet found success for our own kids. I have learned so much from members of this forum who've had to go beyond the abx/steroid/immunomodulatory regimens to help their children and think it is really good for everyone to know that there are other roads to healing. We also need reminders that there's reason to hope and carry on. We all care about the members of our community and want kids (and their parents) to heal, so your family's good/positive developments should be happy for all. TH
Missmom Posted May 24, 2012 Report Posted May 24, 2012 I like hearing stories like this because it reminds me that there are many other avenues to explore should we strike out with antibiotics, etc.... Please don't hesitate to post positive stories here because it gives us all hope. I still think there should be a thread of positive stories and stories of healing on this forum, as we all need to read these things in times of desperation. It sounds like you are working with a great homeopath and that has put you on the path to healing. Unfortunately, as with doctors the good ones are hard to find. Take care and God bless.
lulu4 Posted May 24, 2012 Report Posted May 24, 2012 Thanks, Stephanie, Actually, reading your posts has given me so much hope, because when we lived out west we used naturopathics and homeopathics, but since moving east, we haven't had much luck finding that. Now that our dd has pandas, the traditional medicine route seems daunting to me. We are giving it a try, but as we plan further along, I am quite interested in trying a homeopath. So happy to hear your news. All the best to you and your family. And the other 2 responses here really hit the nail on the head. It's important to hear of successes and the paths that have been taken to reach them.
Stephanie2 Posted May 27, 2012 Author Report Posted May 27, 2012 Thanks, ladies! Hey, I figure that for every 99 people who think I'm the kooky homeopathy lady, there is always 1 who responds to my posts and whose life is changed b/c of it. So I keep "putting myself out there" LOL
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