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DD4 started to spit this past flare up - I'm not sure if it was in a tic manner (we are very new to tics though, and learning that much of her other behavior is actually considered tics, so this may be too?)


She started to spit when "big" feelings came up (anger, sad, happy, frustrated) before her fever came - we thought it was weird as she had never done that before. Then when she showed physical symptoms, the spitting changed - when she would cry (which was very often), she would let it run out of her mouth for hours at a time. Plus, she would actually spit at her brother, the dogs, us, when angry - pupils often dilated at the same time. We struggled with how to discipline this - thankfully it has faded away as she comes out of this flare.


My son is a couple months shy of 3 yrs old and I too am curious to see others respond. There were phases when he too would spit on the floor and or bed. When he gets very upset and crys he also drools a lot on to the floor(otherwise he is not at all a drooler) interested to see if others think this is a tic.


Last spring my son had the spitting tic. It was definetly a tic b/c he would do it constantly. He never did it in the house but the minute he went out he would spit. Then the younger boy he plays with started doing it b/c he tends to want to act like my ds. Sowe had two spitting throughout the spring. I associated it with his spring allergies. I didn't mind it as much b/c was better then him having a facial tic. And it looked more like boys will be boys. I also knew he couldn't control it. It became a habit I guess. Though at times when I'm talking with a group of adults and he just sits there Spitting I was hoping he would stop. I also got into an argument with the next door neighbor (husband) b/c he would constantly tell him to stop. His wife is really nice so I felt bad. But his son has aspergers from what we can see and I never once over the past eight years have made any comments about him coming up to me and grabbing me in inappropriate places. I would move aside and would listen to what he wanted to tell me. I knew he couldn't help it. so protective mother went into defensive mode and let him have it. I blamed it on my ds allergies and said he can't control it and told my son not to go on his driveway. We don't speak much anymore but but if I don't stand up for my ds who will! My ds actually had a smile on his face b/c he was happy that I stood up for him. Every time he would comment on my sons spitting I could tell it made my son nervous b/c he couldn't stop. So that was the day d/s realized I had his back and he loved it.


  On 4/28/2012 at 9:44 PM, tomsmom said:

Has anyone ever encountered extreme spitting as a tic?


My DS who is 6 (DX PANDAS/PANS Sept 2011) had this recently off and on for a month. It started because he thought he had mucous in his mouth and then it would just continue because he said he could not stop. We had to carry napkins everywhere. Thankfully one day it just stopped. It was kind of like it started out as an OCD thing and ended up a tic. Who knows with these kids sometimes! His pediatrician saw it in action and called it a complex motor tic. Thank goodness it is gone because it was really interfering with many things and causing issues at school.

Posted (edited)

Hi - yes our ds4 is also a spitter at times.. it feels ticcy sometimes and at other times more OCD ish (eg when he spits food down the toilet). When life gets truly lovely in our house and he's bouncing off the walls, I'll be the target on occasion, when the tics coincide with increased aggression. Lovely <_<


It does resolve when all the other symptoms resolve. The food aspect worries me the most. He doesn't do it often and only at the height of spittiness. I think it's a sensory thing more than true OCD. He feels as though he's got too much in there but nevertheless, knowing how this beast can morph, I'm concerned it'll become a bigger issue.

Edited by dut

My non pandas (yet) son has had 2 episodes with non stop spitting...i can't tell if it's a tic, allergies, or start of pandas..

so far for both times i took him to a clinic and they gave him 5 days of azit...and so far it helped...but, i really can tell he

can't help it and it really does seem to so far coincide with the spring weather/allergies


My ds4 has had spitting during past episodes. He also drools when crying - but only during exacerbation. I don't know why- but its clearly PANDAS related. Cant offer any advice for dealing with it though :)


Our dd definitely had spitting as a symptom during exacerbation. Whether it was a tic or some other manifestation of this rotten little disorder I do not know but she has only spit during extreme exacerbation.


from michigan

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