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I am thinking about crashing the Boston Pediatric conference on Tuesday May 1. Dr.'s Cunningham,Leckman and Swedo are presenting. Think I can sneak in?


LOL.....I crashed a conference a few weeks ago while attending another conference at the same hotel. It was the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) and they were talking about anxiety in children so I just went in like I belonged there. :lol: Didn't go so well for me though cause it nearly made me sick when every child they described sounded like a PANS case to me. I got brave enough to ask the lecturer if the kids in the studies she refereed to had been screened for PANS prior to entering the study. She was a bit indignant, and said "of course they were screened for abrupt onset." When I asked if they were screened medically, she skipped the question and went on to other questions. <_< So basically, I came out of there depressed and feeling like there are hundreds & hundreds of kids out there who need help but are only getting psych drugs and a bipolar diagnosis.


I would love to crash the Boston conference with you but unfortunately it doesn't look like I'm going to be in that area. Shucks... I say go for it!


Also, I wish I lived close enough to have dinner with you guys. I really enjoy spending time with other PANS parents. Just don't get the opportunity very often. Have fun!




LOL.....I crashed a conference a few weeks ago while attending another conference at the same hotel. It was the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) and they were talking about anxiety in children so I just went in like I belonged there. :lol: Didn't go so well for me though cause it nearly made me sick when every child they described sounded like a PANS case to me. I got brave enough to ask the lecturer if the kids in the studies she refereed to had been screened for PANS prior to entering the study. She was a bit indignant, and said "of course they were screened for abrupt onset." When I asked if they were screened medically, she skipped the question and went on to other questions. <_< So basically, I came out of there depressed and feeling like there are hundreds & hundreds of kids out there who need help but are only getting psych drugs and a bipolar diagnosis.


I would love to crash the Boston conference with you but unfortunately it doesn't look like I'm going to be in that area. Shucks... I say go for it!


Also, I wish I lived close enough to have dinner with you guys. I really enjoy spending time with other PANS parents. Just don't get the opportunity very often. Have fun!





I am in for drinks or dinner or both.


I would def. crash that conf. When and where is it? I will go too if I can.


Open to anyone who wants to go. Lets meet up for dinner or drinks next week! Daytime is hard for me so evening works best.


We can pick a central location.


Whos game?


Do you want to or I can send an email out to the support group people. I don't think they all are on latitudes.


Open to anyone who wants to go. Lets meet up for dinner or drinks next week! Daytime is hard for me so evening works best.


We can pick a central location.


Whos game?


I'm in Rhode Island but would be up for dinner in SE Mass. If you happen to be doing it on Tuesday or Wednesday I could. There are no support groups around me and no other PANDAS/PANS parents so I'd love to have others to meet up with.


Want to go together? I'm game...


I am thinking about crashing the Boston Pediatric conference on Tuesday May 1. Dr.'s Cunningham,Leckman and Swedo are presenting. Think I can sneak in?


Want to go together? I'm game...


I am thinking about crashing the Boston Pediatric conference on Tuesday May 1. Dr.'s Cunningham,Leckman and Swedo are presenting. Think I can sneak in?


I so badly want to go to this if the public is allowed...but my final in psychology is on Tuesday! So jealous.

Please take notes if you go!!


Someone suggested middleborough for dinner? I was also thinking plymouth might be nice. I am trying to think of pplaces that are kind of in the middle of everyone. Suggestions???

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