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Ds9 went through his second pandas episode late Jan early Feb this year. Now he has this throat clearing cough tic that is ongoing, and sadly kids are telling him to stop doing it. The only other thing that stands out is that we bought a kitten for him while he was going through this new pandas thing, because he was just so depressed, and it seemed to help. But...reflecting on it, the ongoing non stop throat thing occurred at the same time. Wondering if you think there could be a connection. Maybe a sinus thing? Maybe an allergy? How do I go about finding out?


How do they test the sinuses?


I'm not sure about why your son started doing the throat clearing but I can tell you that I had asthma and allergies as a child and was very allergic to cats. Just being around a cat would make my eyes red and itchy and I would be so sick sneezing, with a runny nose, sometimes even having a full blown asthma attack. It was very disappointing because I loved our cats.You can take your child to an allergist and they can test him out for different types of allergies that he may or may not have.

Posted (edited)

not saying that this is what is causing the tic.

i believe i am correct in saying that more people are allerigic to cats than any other animal.

allergies can present in Many ways....my sister would pass out.. She would be talking to you and just fall out. there were a few ambulance rides. 2 times she fell against the plaster wall and put a grapefruit size hole in it. they did mri's ekgs..you name it. it started the year after we moved from the city to the suburbs. no itchey eyes or snot. it took 2 yrs to figure it out. Pollens seemed to cause almost instant inflamatoin in her lungs or something. she did allergy shots and was fine ever since. But she thinks the thing that really helped here was getting preganant.

No allergy shots and she lives in the country.


ps i also find tics sometimes are caused by the irritant as in ..if snot in throat..he trys to clear it out..that becomes the new tic

Edited by Fixit

oh one more thought...

i always wondered why ds might literally blow up and get hives from one cat and yet he was ok (it seems, i dont' know what damage it's doing that i don't see) with another persons cat.

one theory is the type of cat.

another is what they are feeding it that makes the some cats seem more allergic.

i think its what is in the saliva that is the irritant...so even if the cat does lick you, it licks itself.



You never know. The best way to know is to have allergy testing done. My son and I both clear our throats a lot, and we both have dry coughs. Neither of us tested positive for an allergy to our pets, or anything except for dust mites. Ironically, every time I have brought in a new cat I always get allergy symptoms for a little while. I don't know if it I just build up a tolerance for our own cats or what, but with each new one (and I have foster litters, etc.) I can get itchy eyes, etc. but then after a few weeks it goes away. Strange.


For now, I would keep the cat out of her room if possible, definitely don't let the cat sleep with her and make sure to vacuum daily, etc.

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