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Haven't been on in a while. Thank you for all your help!! Ds has been doing well with his environmental allergies b/ c of his strict diet with foods. And he has been medicine free for 2 years . He has not been sick with anything but strep once or twice a year. He does still tic but considering that he will be ten next month I stil see them. I don't know b/c he is getting closer to puberty or what. Anyway I still have pandas in the back of my mind. DH tics and has OCD and anxiety . I believe he is add and impulsive. Dh has 1 sister who has no noticeable tics nor do his parents have any noticeable tics. DH mom has had rhythmic fever ( I know I completely misspelled . DH started ticcing at age 7. I had strep throughout my childhood. No tics. I wonder if strep is causing my children's systems. How can DH tic yet no one in his family or extended family tic.


Have you posted on our PANDAS forum? That really is the best place to get strep questions answered.

IMHO with that family history of strep issues...I would investigate it.


Glad your son is doing better :)


Thanks for the reply Chemar. I want to thank u and all other parents who have helped two years back. I don't know what I would have done without u guys. This forum has guided me in the right direction with my children. It's a great feeling when you know you are not alone on this journey and there are other sharing their stories and helping.


My boys both have been dx with PANDAS. I would get your son to an ENT and have the doc look at your sons tonsils & adenoids. I would also ask that they do blood work for strep (titers and swab) and also test for mycoplasma, lyme, & bartonella. If any came back elevated then do a trial of Zithromyocin. If you see a reduction in tics then I would consult a PANDAS doc for further eval.


We did take ds to an ENT several years back when his congestion was real bad. I was concerned about that also. They checked his throat and nose. Sucked up his congestion with this instrument through his nose and said everything looks good. Ds walked out saying wow I can breath through my nose! of course within a day or not sooner he was stuffed up ( this was before his diet). Now who would you ask for these tests? I really dislike our ped, I need to switch b/c I know they would think I'm crazy!

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