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Lilly --


Have you tried melatonin? Or maybe a combination of valerian root and melatonin.


Valerian root helps calm you down, feel a little more relaxed, and then the melatonin should actually trigger sleep. Take it about a 1/2-hour before bedtime.


My DS has OCD/PANDAS, and melatonin has been a lifesaver at night. There's some evidence that one of its mechanisms is as a glutamate modulator, which not only helps sleep but can also help take the edge off the OCD.


Good luck to you!

  • 3 weeks later...


melatonin is an interesting hormone as for some people, the less they take the better it works, and if they take more, even the recommended dose, then it can have a negative effect, making them restless and edgy and groggy


So it is often recommended to start with the very lowest dose (300 MICROgrams) and gradually work up if needed

Many people start at higher doses (in MILIgrams) and then get those negative effects and so assume it is not for them...when in fact all they need to do is try a lower dose!


Hi, Lilly. We also use Melatonin here. It can help, but I find that it loses its effectiveness over time. That's when we use Trazadone. I trade off every year or two between the two. My dd takes 3 milligrams. It can be purchased without a prescription because it is a supplement.


I must warn you, though, it has not worked for ds when his Christmas obsessions kick in. Nothing works for sleep when his obsessions are out of control. BUT... I did not know about Valerian Root! Come November, I'll have to give the combo a try. Thanks, MomWithOCDSon!

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