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She can't get dressed or decide what to eat. She rolls on floor in a ball of confusion when trying to find the right socks. I know she has severe OCD, but is this confusion thing sepetate??? It's debilitating!!!! What drugs woould the psychiatrist try for this in your experience??? She is on Prozac mino and bactrim right now. Thanks for any help!!!


Hard to say if the inability to decide what to wear or eat is OCD or "just" anxiety - depends on whether she fears some horrible consequence if she makes the wrong decision (which would be OCD) or if the fear of being "wrong" just causes much discomfort (anxiety).

In either case, I would encourage you to read up on ERP and CBT techniques to give her coping skills. "What to Do When You worry Too Much", "What To Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck" - both good for kids. "Freeing your child from OCD" and "Freeing Your child from anxiety" by Tamar Chamsky - both good for parents.


What dose of Prozac is your DD on? In some cases, kids with infection-triggered OCD need to be on lower than normal doses of SSRIs. Too high a dose can actually cause the symptoms you're trying to treat. A herx can also make things worse. So be sure to help the body detox the toxins being released from the dying bacteria. This can make a big difference in how they feel. Using an anti-inflammatory can also help.


I know it can be maddening and in some cases, SSRIs are needed to get thru the day. But I'd encourage you to look at other options before turning to a psychiatrist. A second drug or an increase in prozac could end up complicating things.


She needs something. The bactrim and mino alone are not really helping much right now. Been with it around 4 months. Dr J. Says she needs psych. Drugs too. Just following doctors orders. Can't figure it out in my own. Too complicated of a case. Can't really get near her because of her severe agitation. She is extremely ill. Getting her out of house for any kind if therapy requires me to bring along a body guard. Just losing hope over here.


This is my daughter. Used to be every morning, now just some mornings (50%?). It gets worse with herxing and med changes, illnesses, stress.


Balancing neurotransmitters helped us (gaba and seratoflo sprays), heavy detox efforts, OCD education, sensory therapy (she gets much better if I lay on top of her with heavy pressure and this can calm her down enough to get dressed and eat).


HUGS. It's horrible.




So sorry to hear what a rough time your daughter is going through right now.


My son has lyme, bartonella, anaplasma, mycoplasma and OCD. We don't see Dr. J - I've called a couple times and are still on a wait list to get an appt. scheduled. But, am I reading this right in that we are to add pscyh meds for OCD? I was always under the impression that the OCD would go away once the infections clear up?


My son's OCD has gone down a LOT since being on antibiotics, but he still has enough that it interferes with his life on a daily basis. He was on prozac for a couple of months prior to the PITANDs diagnosis, and did terribly on that.


His current LLMD does not recommend ssris b/c of all the possible side effects and poor results with infection triggered OCD. But, Dr. J is the king of pediatric lyme specialists and if his opinion is to add ssris, this would make me definitely reconsider trying them to try to find some relief for my son.


Did he have any recommendations for which ssri for OCD?


doctor j. said this is one of his worse cases. she is non-functioning going on 12 years. no life at all. he sent us to psychiatrist have to try to get some relief for the OCD. it would (in my opinion) be criminal, to keep her sooooo agitated and locked inside this ######. i will try anything at this point!!!! it is sickening to watch her suffer. ugh!!! the whole family in non-functioning.


doctor j. said this is one of his worse cases. she is non-functioning going on 12 years. no life at all. he sent us to psychiatrist have to try to get some relief for the OCD. it would (in my opinion) be criminal, to keep her sooooo agitated and locked inside this ######. i will try anything at this point!!!! it is sickening to watch her suffer. ugh!!! the whole family in non-functioning.



I'm just curious if you have tried either IV antibiotics or injectible (like bicillin or rocephin?) The reason I'm asking is that we used IV last year when DS's symptoms spiked, and it was the IV cleocin that made it clear to us that he had bartonella, and that was what was causing so many of his neuropsych symptoms. We figured it out, because he had stretch marks all over his stomach, and they started going away dramatically (turns out they were bartonella rash.) Bartonella causes really bad neuropsych symptoms. Now we are using IV bicillin every week, because we have been fighting insurance for the IV abx again, and we needed to start something. Turns out, we've been getting some very positive results (even though I have to pay out of pocket in the meantime.)


If you are needing money for lyme dx/tx, contact LymeAid4Kids at: http://www.lymediseaseassociation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=105&Itemid=482 They have need based grants that you can apply for.


Good luck. I'm giving you all cyber hugs at this time.


tpotter (or anyone), how do you go about getting the iv antibiotics? My son is being treated for anaplasma, bartonella, lyme, mycoplasma w/: zithro, minocycline, rifampin, bactrim just added. Of course supplement with lots of probiotics, etc. and he is also on nizorol to prevent yeast infection. But, I worry about his stomach being permanently torn up with all of this. We see an LLMD locally in Michigan and also consult with one in Maryland. Neither have suggested iv antibiotics. The one in Maryland mentioned bicillin shots, but the other doctor said it would be way too painful for my son and didn't recommend. Can't imagine how much it would be out of pocket if insurance wouldn't cover.

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