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My child use to be just in a comatose condition. Stared at TV all day and didn't remember to eat or go to the bathroom. When she did come out of her trans, she was impulsive and just spun in circles with confusion. She was diagnosed with bartonella, and we have her on the antibiotics. I was just wondering if "severe confusion" is often seen with the "OCD". Just wondering if her OCD is so horrible that she can't think staringt. Anyone have this same thing??? or would you please give me some of your thoughts? TU



you may want to post this on the Lyme board here as the OCD that comes with infection triggers can be very different from "regular" OCD, which is what this section is mainly for


I can tell you that when my son (who has TS) used to get severe OCD, it did impact his normal functioning


I would also suggest that you might check into the PANDAS/PITANDS board here, as well. Lyme is one of many infections thought to be part of the PITANDS auto-immune component of conditions such as OCD, and ancillary behaviors including general anxiety, tics, mental "fog" or confusion, and other behaviors are well-known and reported in the PANDAS/PITANDS group of kids.


Good luck to you!

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