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I am new to the boards. Well new to posting to the boards. Not reading.


I have a 10 yr old girl who was diagnosed with tourettes.


She had mild tics from somewhere in between the ages of 7 and 8 although the more I read about tourettes the more I can remember things she did when she was younger that lead me to believe she was showing signs eariler we just didn't know it was that.


I guess she has a more mild case of it.

She seems to always have at least one or two tics going but many of them are mild and not very noticible. She does have a few that are highly noticible so I sort of hold my breath when she is going through them.

Luckily hers seem to die down and switch up every few weeks.


I have been reading about giving kids with tourettes a good natural multi vitiman and supplementing with Turine. I have searched and read over the posts here at lalitudes regarding these vitamins but can seem to find any specific information on what the safe does are for kids regarding the turine only..


The exact milligrams etc.

Also she is taking Strattera which is a non stimulant medication that helps ADD.

I was also wondering where I could find information as to whether or not its safe to take extra vitamins and minerals with strattera or if there are any problems with that.


Can anyone recommend any websites that would offer me more information? I have tried the womans site who sells the vitamins (bonnie ) but I don't really want to give my daughter such combinations of vitamins and minerals right now.I want to start off small and work up since sometimes she has reactions to things.


Most websites I have found offer vitamin information for every ailment there is except tourettes. Are there any vitamin sites that offer info on tourettes?


I was thinking of just starting on the multi vitamin and then adding in the Taurine for now.

The multi will have the magnesium and calcium and zinc in it which I have read are good to take with the Taurine..


That leads to another question. Is there are websites or information as to WHY you need to take the taurine with the other things?


I can't seem to find the information regarding safe dosage amounts for kids concerning the vitamins and whether or not its safe with strattera..


I've tried asking the doctor but he isn't sure and says he needs to do research on that. Which just means TIME... I'd rather try to find out on my own.


Thanks for any help


(I tried to bold the specific questions I had - Hope that helps whoever is reading this - Thanks)




Hi and welcome


firstly, I am not sure if your are aware that STRATTERA can increase tics!


As far as doseage of supplements...it is really best to follow directions from manufacturers and preferably have a knowledgable doctor guiding you. It is important to know which specific supplements your child needs and there is a spectracell test for this


If you look at the very top of this forum you will see two threads marked with hearts...one for finding medical help for natural treatments, and the other for the EXCELLENT book by our administrator, Sheila Rogers, which documents up to date info on natural ways for treating tics and tourettes


Bonnie Grimaldi has done a lot of research on vitmain, mineral etc supplements helping with TS tics and she has formulated a specific supplement product that many people find very helpful.



TAURINE is known to help with tics and the dose recommended for over 12yo is usually 500mg per day

Bonnie sells a blended form....compounded with MAGNESIUM as magnesium taurate. MAGNESIUM has been found to be probably the most important supplement in helping to reduce tics, but it is important for it to be given in the correct dose and proportion with calcium (and, in most cases, also with zinc)


Magnesium taurate is also available as the cardiovascular research brand, sold at the Vitamin Shoppe ( http://www.vitaminshoppe.com


To learn more about TS you may find this site helpful http://www.tourettesyndrome.net


I hope this helps you. I am going to also bump up some threads that you may find helpful


all the best



Hi and welcome


firstly, I am not sure if your are aware that STRATTERA can increase tics!



I was told by the nuroligist that the strattera might actually help stop the tics or cut them back a bit since it would help her calm down some and not be so nervous.


When she started the strattera, after about the 3rd day, the tics stopped completely.. Then around the two week mark they came back full force.

Now they are back to normal.


She goes through phases, lots of tic to hardly any tics..


If the strattera is really making it worse then I wouldn't want her on it.

Is there anywhere that they have proven this?

I don't know why the doctor would tell me that it was okay if it wasn't.


There is so much conflicting information out there.

Where can a person go to find true answers?


Thanks for the advice I will search around some more.. But if anyone knows specifically please let me know. I feel like I am going no where. The more I learn the less I feel I know if that makes sense.




the effect of Strattera on tics has been studied by a number of researchers, and, as with most medications, the results are very contradictory. Some people seem to do ok on it and not see tic increase, and some even have tic reduction. However, there are numerous reports of an increase in tics from Strattera use. Doctors, although weell meaning, often dont keep up to date with ALL the research. We learned this by bitter experience with our own son!!


It is believed that it depends very much on the individual biochemistry and metabolism as to why some drugs help some people while having bad reactions in others.



As I mentioned in the last post, THE BEST SOURCE of info on supplements for children is BONNIE GRIMALDI at http://www.bonniegr.com as she has done extensive research on this, specifically for TS.

Usually, supplement bottles will have the manufacturers guidelines on doseage and children under 12 are generally given half the adult dose...but again I must stress that different people have different requirements, and that is why it is a very good idea to work with a knowledgable physician on this...ESPECIALLY when medications are also being given as some supplements can interact with medications


here is a good site that gives details about supplements and also has a section on drug interactions



Also about Strattera, my chiropractor told me this: Many people don't know this but Strattera has only been proven to work for the short-term, like 6 months. Just FYI. I have no research to back it up but you may want to look into that aspect of it also.


Good luck in your journey. It is question after question and trial and error over and over again. It is hard work; we've all been there so we understand!



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