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Its really LONG since I posted.... things got hectic but still I have always made it a point to scan through all the posts in this forum.


Really grateful to the members of this forum. Chemar especially has been of great help to all of us. The knowledge that I have gained from this forum is amazing.


Well, the good news is that my son's tics are practically gone.. He has been tic free in spite of TV, milk, cheese, chocolates, Pizza etc for around a year now..


His DT vaccination was due last year.. Was postponing it for more than a year.. But then decided to go ahead with a thimerosal free combo (DT-Polio since the DT alone had thimerosal and my doctor suggested the additional polio is harmless). The details of the vaccination are as follows.


REVAXIS® from Aventis Pasteur MSD (thimerosal free)


Available from October 2004, for children aged 14-15 years and adults when travelling.


Abbreviated vaccine composition: dT/IPV (low-dose Diphtheria and Tetanus; inactivated Polio).




Purified Diphtheria toxoid (2 I.U.)

Purified Tetanus toxoid (20 I.U.)

Inactivated Polio virus, types 1/2/3 (40, 8 and 32 Dantigen units respectively)

Aluminium hydroxide

2-phenoxyethanol (phenol) - a preservative

Medium 199 (amino acids, mineral salts, vitamins, polysorbate 80)

Neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B - antibiotics


Polio viruses are propagated on Vero (African green monkey kidney) cells

Undesirable effects (as reported by Dept of Health and Aventis Pasteur®):


Local injection site reactions - pain, redness, hardness & swelling

Lymphadenopathy, vertigo, nausea & vomiting

Fever; malaise

Myalgia; arthralgia (joint pains); headache

Flu-like symptoms

Allergic/anaphylactic reactions

Urticaria, rash, facial oedema

Guillain-Barré syndrome has been reported after vaccination containing tetanus toxoid

Side effects of the vaccine include adverse reactions to all components


Now, my doubt is - Is there any tic aggravating ingredient in the above list??? After being tic-free for more than a year, just in a week's time after the above vaccination, I notice some very mild but constant eye twitches resurfacing.. Your thoughts would be appreciated.


Is there any other ingredient OTHER THAN THIMEROSAL in the above vaccine that can induce tics?




Hi efgh :) so good to see you again and glad things have been going well.


I really havent had more than a cursory glance at those ingredients and so cant make even an uneducated comment on them, OTHER THAN THAT THE FORMALDEHYDE STOOD OUT LIKE A RED FLAG!!!


Formaldehyde in new carpeting, upholstery etc is a known tic trigger..............


gotta run but just wanted to say hi and mention that.


blessings to you and your family




I actually typed a really long post last night that referred to our conversation about this. Deleated it, as it was too much jumbled information.


It's really nice to hear from you again, and it's wonderful that your son is doing so well.


Thanks for posting about his immunization.


I'm assuming that aluminum hydroxide is the adjuvant used to stimulate an immune response in this vaccine?



What is Guillain-Barre Syndrome?

Guillain-Barré (ghee-yan bah-ray) syndrome is a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system.


I'm really hoping since our kids are so much bigger and they are only getting a vaccine of something here and there, that it won't pose any big problems. Could you please keep us posted on what you see? It just seems like the tics and flairs are so tied to the immune system. We also need to keep in mind that the Vaers forms are there to report adverse events.


I have a new neice due in late April, and the amount of vaccines, how many are given, how close together, seems like insanity to me now.


Great to see you here again!




Hi there, I know aluminum is really tough on the system. And just the fact that the immune system is challenged by any vaccine I think would do it. I would suggest extra probiotics to help the gut do its immune thing and extra B12. Hope this is short lived, keep us posted,



Many thanks for all your posts and useful inputs.


My son's tics are presently quite mild. BUT what perplexes me the most is that - he was absolutely TIC FREE for more than 1 year inspite of all possible triggers like TV, dairy, etc. BUT just in a week after the vaccination (it was thimerosal free) , I notice eye tics.. Its amazing to see for oneself the correlation. As you all rightly pointed out, the vaccine contained certain triggers like Aluminium, phenol and Formaldehyde.


Any specific supplements/ ideas to offset the impact caused by the above 3 triggers (Aluminium, phenol and Formaldehyde)?


One more question - I had to vaccinate my child because he had a mild head injury (hit his head hard against a metal window) - hence had to give him the tetanus within 24 hours.. I decided to as well give the DT-Polio instead..Am pretty sure that the mild tics that have come after ZERO tics of one year is due to the vaccination (even if it had no thimerosal). But, is there some one who thinks that the tics could be due to the mild head injury????


I am not much worried about his very mild present symptoms - but I definitely am curious to know the reasons.


would appreciate your feedback.




I would think it could have been either one, the vax or the mild injury, however my 9 yr. old was grabbed by the back of his pants and jacket, and bounced off some ice on his head (big goose egg, and knocked silly...didn't know which way home was, didn't know who had thrown him, etc.) and we didn't have any tic increase. I can't say that I have noticed tic increases with injuries. Trauma certainly seems like it could be a trigger, I guess I just haven't made that connection.


Is your son taking any antioxidants now?


I'm curious about the reason for the mild tic increase now too!


Hope the little ticcies disappear quickly.





Does anyone have any clue how one would go about tracking the number of diagnosed cases of TS/tics in a given time frame?




thanks for your post. He is right now not on any specific antioxidants.


DO you recommend any good antioxidants ??





hi efgh


Metagenics make a very good antioxidant combo, as do some other companies


Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta carotene, grapeseed extract(pycnogenol), bilberry etc are all good. ...along with a good diet rich in the bright veggies


Antioxidants are ESSENTIAL for a strong immine sysytem

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