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Hi Kim, that was very interesting. I had chicken pox as a child, have had recurring cold sores as long as I can remember, got shingles two years ago (stress but I'm young). Little Hoyt didn't get the vaccine thank God! Now I have further evidence why he should not. He gets canker sores quite often and his DAN doctor has virus titres being done on his next blood test (this week). Interesting!

Thanks again,





Just wanted to share that another poster said that his TS started at 13, after he got chicken pox, the illness, not the vaccine. Again, you have to wonder about the bodies immune respone or hyper response to these things, or possibly the inability to respond effectively, which would be the opposite of hyper response. :blink:

Possibly the combination of virus or infection occuring at the same time? So many things to consider. They vaxed my kids when they had been sick on a few occasions.


They have changed things several times already. http://www.909shot.com/Timeline/timeline.htm


You might want to check this out, kind of ties in with your viral panel for Hoyt. I didn't have time to read the whole thing, but clicking on the 2nd and 3rd ones, made me a little queasy. I think what led me there was a discussion on the stealth viruses.





More to consider than thimerosal, but depending on what state the immune system is in, is there a case to be made FOR vaccinating, as opposed to getting the full blown illness?


I think about this with the soy formula too. Since it provides something normally higher in females, did it help or hurt?


Some parents have said, when they had titers tested for things that are vaxed for, sometimes they were sky high, and some had zip, where NO immunity had been provided.







A little more information in regards to last post.





scroll down to Vaccines/Virus



Looking at the vax again, I'm right back to wishing that I wouldn't have done it. The insert says that the length of immunity is unknown. What in the world do you do with an older child as in my 13 yr. old now.

The vaccines are designed to prompt an immune response using things that are very unnatural to a human's system. I guess I'd rather take the chance with the natural virus and response.


Thanks for helping me work through this!




Yes, most definitely. Case in point - me, although not with chicken pox but mumps. I specifically got that vaccine as a youngster. At 16 I got not one case of mumps but two! One very bad and the second about 9 months later mild. I got the mumps specifically at the time I shouldn't - coming into my sexual maturity. Although rare (this usually happens to men), I could have become sterile! Not to mention I contaminated my entire high school class - boys too! The doctor just scratched his head and said I must have got an impotent batch of vaccine. Now they know you need boosters for this stuff but they were just starting to figure that stuff out at the time. The dumb vaccine I got, touted to give life long immunity, wore off just when I truly needed it.





I would think that the fact that you had the vaccine and two cases of the mumps, might be a clue that you DON'T build immunities. Remember two posts ago, when I said some parents have had their childs titers tested and they came back ZERO to things they had been vaccinated for (did you read that one, I posted two in a row) If that's the case with you, it wouldn't be a hype immune response, but an inadequate immune response. Might that be the case for Hoyt too, an unresolved viral issue? Guess you had figured that out already :blink:


I think your viral panel is a good idea, and will be waiting to hear the results!






Can you tell me if they are looking for actual viruses or high levels of antibodies/titers in a viral panel?

Do you produce antibodies for viruses? I guess I could look this up, before I go making myself look stupid, but it wouldn't be the first time, so what the heck! :blink:




Going to throw this in here too.




The vaccine part of this, kinda kills me.


Hi Kim! Wow, good question. I haven't a clue - I do know that the doctor was really at a loss for how many to pick. He said there are soooo many viruses that he wished he could pick them all but selected those that I have had and that were obvious like strep, and herpes (various different ones). I will ask him whether it's for antibodies or the actual virus. Hoyt has been suffering from seasonal allergies lately, did SAT testing all last week and has a ram rod baseball schedule this week so we are waiting to do this next Monday - poor little guy is sleeping 13 hours at night right now! He must really need it. I took him to the regular doctor Monday to make sure he didn't have an ear infection. He had been complaining that he felt like there was something in his ear and has had a lot of conjestion (I wanted to confirm that it was allergies). The doctor was mad because he hadn't been seen there for three years! He proceeded to tell me that what he wanted to do for Hoyt was put him on a steroid nasal spray and that it was PERFECTLY safe! I asked for Zyrtec and he declined insisting that he take the nasal spray. NO WONDER WE HAVEN'T BEEN THERE IN THREE YEARS! Needless to say the steriod nasal spray is about as safe as the damn vaccines he wants to give my baby and we aren't doing it. He's seen plenty of doctor face to face time in three years - just not this idiot! At least he didn't have an ear infection and yes, it was allergy stuffiness. The feeling Hoyt had in his ear is that his eustacian tube is creating negative pressure because he's conjested and Hoyt told me this AM that he doesn't feel this way anymore. Anyway, I got a prescription for Zyrtec from his holistic MD and would rather use that sporadically to give him some relief.




Just a little info. I ran across and saved after youo post.



Antineural antibody in patients with Tourette's syndrome and their family members.




Mycoplasma pneumoniae





Factor # 8 by Chisolm lab which is

specific to the following viruses:

MMR, EBV, CMV, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, Lyme, HHV6 (from a parents post)


*Someone said that they were using this because of their childs very high CMV titers.


The Pub Med article about the pneumoniae was interesting. I wonder about the Pneumonia shots that they're rec. for 6 mo. olds.





Wow! That's amazing - now I'm going to run back and have him add those to the list of things to look for. I'm wondering, though whether it's the hyper-immune response though, as you say? Such a mystery! In any case I'm going to at least print those out and show them to his DAN doctor. Thank you! Now let's say he does have a high incidence of one of the different viruses -what do they do? I had mentioned the question to his Environmental Doc in a rhetorical fashion and also answered "Is that a lifetime of Valtrex?" I said it in a joking tone. She said "oh, no, there is much more stuff we can do, but let's cross that bridge when we get there" so I wonder? When I got shingles and was put on Valtrex I am telling you I felt GREAT! I didn't get a cold sore for about two years after that! Odd.


Hope you are doing well, by the way how is your little one?






EXCLUSIVE By Lucy Johnston







Brain damage fears after trial results show that two-thirds of patients

experience bad reaction


Babys given the new five-in-one jab face a risk of convulsions, brain

damage or even death.


Results of medical trials by the firm which makes the vaccine have revealed

that the "superdose" vaccination, which was introduced 18 months ago, can

have serious side-effects.


The five-in-one is designed to protect children against diphtheria,

tetanus, whooping cough, Hib influenza and polio in a single shot.


Evidence from the vaccine's manufacturers, Sanofi Pasteur, shows that in

clinical trials 64 per cent of 451 babies given the Pediacel jab

experienced bad reactions. Ten per cent of these were "moderate to severe".


These included convulsions, loss of consciousness and high-pitched or

persistent inconsolable crying.


Other studies showed that components of the vaccine can cause breathing

difficulties, blue discolouration of the skin due to lack of oxygen,

swelling of the brain, low blood pressure and extreme allergic shock.


The document prepared for the Medicines Healthcare Regulatory Authority and

publicised by What Doctors Don't Tell You, a monthly newsletter that

questions conventional medicine, has angered doctors and MPs. Professor

Steve Webb, Liberal Democrat health spokesman, criticised the Government

saying: "I am very concerned that these apparently wide spread side-effects

have not been disclosed. The Government should investigate these concerns



Dr Richard Halvorsen, a London GP who specialises in innoculations said:

"I'm concerned that this five-in-one is overloading a child's immune system.


"The risks of vaccinations have been played down by the Government and

parents have been fobbed off with bland reassurances".


And Dr Peter Mansfield, who won a case against the doctor's governing body,

the General Medical Council, for refusing to give the combined

controversial measles, mumps and rubella to infants, said: "This is

scandalous. We're vaccinating babies when their immune systems are not



Jackie Fletcher from the vaccine damage support group JABS, is also

concerned. She said: "The Department of Health is failing to acknowledge

the dangers of the vaccines and the damage they can cause. It claims the

five-in-one is perfectly safe, but clearly it is not.


"The only person taking a risk here is the baby and parents are not being

given correct information about it".


Health officials claim it is safer than the four-in-one-jab it replaced

which contained the controversial preservative mercury, which has been

linked with autism. The new jab is also deemed to be safer because it

contains inactivated polio to remove the risk that children could contract

polio paralysis from the old oral vaccine that contained a live sample of

the virus.


However, the revelations will ignite debate about the over-use of

innoculations and could hinder Government plans to bring in an even more

intensive vaccination programme that will see children receiving 25

vaccines in 12 injections by the time they are two.


The new proposed schedule contains the controversial MMR jab, the

five-in-one jab, a new pneumococcal vaccine and the meningitis C vaccine.


When the five-in-one was launched the Government vaccine chief urged

parents: " Please do not delay having your child vaccinated. Our vaccines

are extremely safe."


Nicholas Kitchin, medical director of Sanofi Pasteur, insisted: "There are

fewer side-effects with the five-in-one than were reported with the older

four-in-one vaccine.


"All drugs and vaccines have potential side-effects, which parents should

be aware of and these are listed in the information leaflet included with

every dose of the vaccine. Severe reactions are rare and the benefits of

vaccination far outweigh the risks."


A spokeswoman for the Department of Health added: "The Joint Committee on

Vaccination and Immunisation thoroughly assesses the evidence on the safety

and efficacy of all new vaccines before they are added to the childhood

immunisation programme. Pediacel has an excellent record.


"Every parent is informed about the potential side effects of every vaccine

in a guide which is given to parents by health visitors."







Health chiefs must act now on five-in-one vaccine fears


The Government must move fast to prove that its new super-drug is

completely safe for British babies. The five-in-one vaccination, introduced

18 months ago, was claimed to be a major breakthrough in the fight against

childhood killer diseases. The drug, which is intended to provide

protection against polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and

meningitis, is given to babies as young as two months and was claimed to be



But evidence collected by the drug's manufacturer tells a different story.


The Sunday Express has revealed that the maker's clinical trials showed

that nearly two out of three infants given an injection of its super jab

experienced significant side effects.


The trials, when linked with other data, revealed a danger that children

could suffer convulsions and even run the risk of brain damage.


This is devastating news for parents. Some health campaigners warn that the

combination of five powerful vaccines adminstered in this way overwhelms a

baby's immune system.


It is vital that the Department of Health intervenes now to restore public

confidence. Every parent knows that no threat to a baby's health is ever





The article could have stated: Unhappy with profit potential inherent in

adverse reactions to thimerosal and live-virus injections,

pharmaceutical executives - in order to "deliver a hefty payload" - have

been aggressively pushing an MMRV and also a 5-in-1 jab. Wall Street

insiders predict that, after a period of public (herd) discontent, the 4

in 1 and 5 in 1 vaccines will induce sufficient damage so as to keep

pharma profits soaring.




The material in this post is distributed without

profit to those who have expressed a prior interest

in receiving the included information for research

and educational purposes. For more information go to:



If you wish to use copyrighted material from this email

for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain

permission from the copyright owner.

  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to say that I probably won't be adding anything more (from my research) to this thread. I think the subject is better discussed on a vaccination forum, where different opinons are given, and there are people doing research and correcting each others mistakes! :angry: . The vaccine schedule is complicated. The vaxes used in the past, and what is to be given at what time now and how the different Drs. offices are doing it, appears to vary.


I will say, that due to the fact that we have a new baby in the family (my neices) this subject has taken up a considerable amount of time, and I'm very disturbed about some of the information I have found, which I'm sure isn't a big surprise. It isn't all about thimerosal, although that issue causes me to almost become physically ill. There are no easy answeres here either.


I have talked to a couple of people in the medical field, and what blows me away is THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE about the incidence, the potential side effects, the ingredients, etc. I would have never believed this.


My understanding of tetanus alone was woefully lacking. One thing that really surprised me was the case incidence prior to the development of the vaccine, the other was how you contract it. This package insert gives the reported case incidents in 1947. The vaccine time line shows this as the year the vax was added. I just did a search to learn about transmission. Again, I read many many articles. Some do contain misinformation. You always have to watch your sources.




If a gene(s) were found tomorrow to be responsible for my son's tics, it wouldn't make any difference as to the concerns that I have.




Just because your child received a vax for menningitis...do not assume that they can't get it. If there is an outbreak in your area, find out if it's viral or bacterial and what serogroup is causing it. If your child was vaccinated with the first vax. pay close attention to how long the protection appears to last according to the manufacturer. It is UNKNOWN how long immunity will last for the serogroups covered by the newer one, although it is believed (hoped) that it will be longer. I have talked to parents who had their child get the first vax when they entered college. They had no idea how long immunity was suspected to last, and the fact that it didn't protect from a strain that causes a substantial amount of cases. My concern is that this could give a false sense of security. It would have never occured to me.


I really hope all here will become as informed as possible when making decisions regarding vaccinations and ask your Dr. specific questions. My feeling is that SOMEONE needs to know that we're paying attention now! Here are the links to the vax inserts for the Men. vaccines that were posted on the menningitis/pandas thread. Thanks Mommy 007 for making me look at this!




Hi Kim! I read everything you post here! Including all the links! I appreciate all you do! My girlfriend just got a tetanus shot because she cut herself at a playground. I told her to get lots of rest and take antioxidants up the yin yang! I also gave her my son's doctor's card if she wanted to get chelated - the quicker she did it the better. She was surprised! She didn't realize they used mercury in ANY vaccines anymore! I set her straight about the tetanus. I doubt she'll get the chelation, probably doesn't really need to as she's healthy, but definitely needs the antioxidants et al. Thanks for all you do!





Nice to 'see' you. I have been thinking about you and Hoyt SO much since your 12 alarm post. How are you all doing? I'm really hoping that things have settled down. Take care!!!!


Hi Sunshine! We are sooooo much better! Upon reflection he decided it wasn't really voices as much as a loud kind of noise. We had a huge discussion about getting angry and that it was O.K. He really liked that - he's a bottler - but told me he didn't know what that had to do with his ear - I laughed. He also mostly noticed it when he lay his head down and said that it was changing to a far away ringing. I think it was left over from being so sick. I told him to tell me whenever it happens and he said he would. He told me a couple of times and hasn't since. I really think it was fluid left over. Time will tell.


His tics are back to nothing again and it seems that whatever was bothering him (I think something was blooming) is no longer doing so. Of course we still adhere to the gluten, corn, soy, dairy, dye free diet - it's actually a way of life now - everyone wants my pancake/waffle/tortilla recipe after they've tried them - so light and yummy! If I introduce any of his allergens in any quantity he reacts with tics (especially corn). We still see a chiropractor twice a week.


He just actually came in and I asked him "are you hearing that loud ringing noise?" He said "no, not since that time long ago" and off he dashed outside again (California weather is gorgeous today and he's creating some sort of masterpiece outside!)


Thanks so much for asking! I hope you are doing well!

Giselle and Hoyt

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