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Yes! I have been able to get my boys off all antibiotics with classical homeopathy with this group in NYC, they have tons of pandas experience. www.asdhomeopathy.com


PM me if you have questions, but check out the site, they do have a reference somewhere in there about pandas.

Posted (edited)

We initially did antibiotics for my son with no response. We then Worked with a homeopath that was recommending remedies that took the edge off but did not show acceptable progress. I found a remedy that helped about 50%. I was still not satisfied with his progress and gave a remedy that knocked it out! He is 100% better now. He had a sinus infection in April, PANDAS started in July his last dose of remedy was October 27th (after giving the one that cured him for only 4 days).

Edited by hootie

We initially did antibiotics for my son with no response. We then Worked with a homeopath that was recommending remedies that took the edge off but did not show acceptable progress. I found a remedy that helped about 50%. I was still not satisfied with his progress and gave a remedy that knocked it out! He is 100% better now. He had a sinus infection in April, PANDAS started in July his last dose of remedy was October 27th (after giving the one that cured him for only 4 days).

Can you tell us what this remedy was?

Posted (edited)

Homeopathy works based on your child's own symptoms so it is best to consult with a homeopath to get the

Right remedy for your child. Therefore, I will not tell you the remedy that got my son 50% better because it

Was unique to his presentation. The remedy that took him to 100% was the strep nosode (streptococcinum).

You can only obtain it via homeopathic prescription.


FWIW...this was my son's first presentation of PANDAS ( at 14 years old). He only did antibiotics (which did nothing from

What i could see by his behavior) and he was About to do the steroid burst but never did it since he "recovered" with homeopathy

before it was even started. My son with autism

Also had strep and his first presentation of PANDAS this spring. Once I knew he had strep, I started him on homeopathy

And he immediately stopped repeating himself. He did not use the same remedies as my other son but I don't have my records

With me to see what I gave him. He was completely done with his PANDAS episode in about 6

weeks ( we had some ups and downs

With it). He did take abx but the homeopathy was started first and that is when the verbal OCD decreased. He never received steroids.


If this happens again (hopefully not), I plan to use homeopathy alone since it worked so well for them. My older so has reacted to two antibiotics so far and I really would rather not expose him to any more if I can help it.

Edited by hootie

My son has been taking a homeopathic remedy for the past 4 weeks and we are seeing steady improvement! We use the same homeopath based in NYC that Stephanie uses. My son is currently still on antibiotics but I am going to start to ween him off of it and see if he continues to improve. I was so proud of him this past Saturday. He participated in a Lego Robotics competition with his First Lego League team and he had NO issues the entire 10 hour day!! It was so good to see him just being himself, chatting with friends and enjoying the day. My heart soared for him! :D


Currently I'm having to give him his remedy every 4 or 5 days because his symptoms rear up a little, but I am finding that his symptoms are getting less severe and shorter lived. He's also falling asleep in about 20 minutes compared to 1-2+ hours a month ago and I'm not having to lay with him anymore for him to finally relax. He tells me that his symptoms get a little worse for a short time after he takes his remedy and then his symptoms disappear for a couple of days before they get worse again. He also says that each time he takes the remedy the immediate down turn in symptoms isn't as bad as the previous time and he has more days where he is symptom free before things regress. We have a strep nosode on hand, but we haven't used it yet. I wonder if that would help get him out of the symptom cycle a little quicker.


Homeopathy ROCKS!!! I really think all should incorporate this into their child's treatment regimen ASAP! I have been using it for years and am still amazed at how it works.


Vickie, I would not use the strep nosode at this point since you are seeing progress with the remedy he is on. I only switched to the nosode when the progress with the other remedy stopped. We had him try higher potencies of the remedy that was working...we no longer saw a response. That is when I had him try the nosode. I think if you introduce the nosode you may get confused about what you are seeing.


Homeopathy ROCKS!!! I really think all should incorporate this into their child's treatment regimen ASAP! I have been using it for years and am still amazed at how it works.


Vickie, I would not use the strep nosode at this point since you are seeing progress with the remedy he is on. I only switched to the nosode when the progress with the other remedy stopped. We had him try higher potencies of the remedy that was working...we no longer saw a response. That is when I had him try the nosode. I think if you introduce the nosode you may get confused about what you are seeing.


That's a very good point about the Nosode. At least I have it on hand if things plateau and our homeopath wants us to give it a try.




Does anyone know a good homeopath in NC or neighboring state? Would your homeopaths be able to recommend someone in this area?


Many out of area homeopaths will work via phone or Skype. Most important is finding one that you work well with. Many are using Pierre Fontain or Angelica ?? On the east coast, I believe. I am using a man in Chicago (not an option for you as he is no longer taking new patients) and a woman in NC. My son's great response can not be attributed to either...Dr. Mom figured it out this time (I think I was determined and willing to think outside the box plus getting an article from another PANDAS/homeopathy mom...and a major answer to prayer). :0)


The hpath I use in NC is Rosemary Hyde. Google her name and homeopathy and you should come up with her site...something like care path connections. I have never met her in person.

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