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Hello everyone,


We had such a great outcome with our ibuprofen trial we are looking for a long term anti-inflammatory that won't have adverse affects on his stomach and liver. Has anyone tried circumin? Our naturopathic doctor recommended it. What dosage have you used?





Hello everyone,


We had such a great outcome with our ibuprofen trial we are looking for a long term anti-inflammatory that won't have adverse affects on his stomach and liver. Has anyone tried circumin? Our naturopathic doctor recommended it. What dosage have you used?





My son takes curcumin phytosome 500 mg. twice day. Can't say that I've noticed much difference, definitely not anything dramatic. But maybe he isn't on a high enough dosage.


My DD takes Curcumin Phytosome 250 mg bid. I have not noticed any difference as an anti-inflammatory, but then again, we were using it to help protect her liver while she was on Rifampin and could not use Milk Thistle. What I like even better is quercitin (DD takes 666 mg bid), which is a powerful antioxidant, natural anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory.


Thanks for the information. My brain is spinning from all the different things he is on and the new diet. I don't know how I am going to get it all in.




Curcumin (along with Boswellia,) is a major component of my son's anti-inflammatory treatment. He does not have PANDAS but does have Chron's (also autoimmune/inflammation based)


He does not use any medications, only diet, supplements etc and the curcumin/Boswellia is absolutely essential to prevent flares.


He also feels it helps his OCD


We use a product called Enhansa. It is an enhanced-absorption form of curcumin. My ds takes 450 mg 2x/day. You have to work up to this dose though. If you google Enhansa you will find the official information and the dosing protocol from the compounding pharmacy that sells it, but he is on the dose under the guidance of a doctor. Because ds takes many supplements is has not been possible for me to really isolate what helps and what does not, but I would not want to discontinue the Enhansa since it is the primary anti-inflammatory he takes.


I myself have some mild spinal stenosis from arthritis which causes bad neck pain, I try to avoid taking ibuprofen too frequently, so recently, in addition to the usual fish/flax oil and glucosamine supplements, I added a curcumin supplement and I have to say it has worked wonders! it has taken the pain from a constant nagging and annoying pain to me not even thinking about it, so I'm a believer in curcumin for sure!

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