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Ds is starting to feel good enough to exercise now (after at least 1 yrs. of no activity while ill). After swimming most of the day in 90 degree weather, he felt horrible so we put him in air-conditioned car and fed him ice. This helped him feel better after about an hour or 2. Now, a few days ago, he biked to school, did PE, biked home (uphill 1 mile), and then went to soccer practice a bit later in the heat. By the time he came home (after practice was over) he said all his symptoms (flu-like) were worse and did not go to school the next day. The cooling down did not work.


Not sure if it is all the exercise at once (I think he is trying to make up for the last 1 1/2 yrs. of no exercise. :) ) or the heat. He does have an extra 10-20 lbs. of weight on him, maybe from thyroid issues.


He was on Alinia at the time, which I wondered if that was part of it.


Any ideas? Thanks.

Edited by JuliaFaith

I have had experiences of outside/exercising and really was terrible for the day or so after. For me it really seems just the pure exercise has played a role and just the pure heat has also, so really both. Very frustrating every time to think you can do things and then realize again how sick you are!


Michael - You know, for the 1 1/2 yrs. he was really ill, any little exercise would make him feel worse. So I feel grateful now that he can do all that he is doing and rarely feel bad the next day. :)


P.E. is a concern for him now too. He said this morning that the PE teacher may ask the class to run a mile today. He did not know if he would overheat and does not want the kids to know he is sick, so he was trying to figure out how to get around it without 'looking weak.' This is his first week in Junior high school. We are just taking it one day at a time and rejoicing in the positive.


Hope you are doing well after returning to work. Take care.


My DD15 seems to do fine with horseback riding and karate but had to quit soccer (too much running). She definitely has a problem with heat. She won't go outside on days it is really hot and refuses to use the sauna. For her, heat is a bigger problem.


Ds is starting to feel good enough to exercise now (after at least 1 yrs. of no activity while ill). After swimming most of the day in 90 degree weather, he felt horrible so we put him in air-conditioned car and fed him ice. This helped him feel better after about an hour or 2. Now, a few days ago, he biked to school, did PE, biked home (uphill 1 mile), and then went to soccer practice a bit later in the heat. By the time he came home (after practice was over) he said all his symptoms (flu-like) were worse and did not go to school the next day. The cooling down did not work.


Not sure if it is all the exercise at once (I think he is trying to make up for the last 1 1/2 yrs. of no exercise. :) ) or the heat. He does have an extra 10-20 lbs. of weight on him, maybe from thyroid issues.


He was on Alinia at the time, which I wondered if that was part of it.


Any ideas? Thanks.



Heat really gets my dd agitated. She has gradually increased exercising and seems to be doing really well with it. It seems like just the heat can really agitate her even without exercise. Maybe you could have him try to gradually increase his exercise tolerance in cooler places (like an air condiditioned gym, or if you have room at home get a treadmill in a cool area) and have him exercise daily to build up to being able to tolerate PE. At his age he may adapt quickly. I have read how several of the lyme docs recommend to start slow with the aerobic actvity and build up. My dd started with swimming and was running 3 miles on the dry sand on the beach with JR lifeguards in just a couple of months.


Heat really gets my dd agitated. She has gradually increased exercising and seems to be doing really well with it. It seems like just the heat can really agitate her even without exercise. Maybe you could have him try to gradually increase his exercise tolerance in cooler places (like an air condiditioned gym, or if you have room at home get a treadmill in a cool area) and have him exercise daily to build up to being able to tolerate PE. At his age he may adapt quickly. I have read how several of the lyme docs recommend to start slow with the aerobic actvity and build up. My dd started with swimming and was running 3 miles on the dry sand on the beach with JR lifeguards in just a couple of months.

Thank you for the ideas. Our weather just turned much cooler which should help. Trying to keep a very athletic 13 yr. old from doing too much is not an easy task. He did do quite a bit of swimming this summer which probably helped with his endurance that he has right now. We were in a lake canoeing and he insisted on swimming alongside the canoe on our way back to the launch rather than riding in it. This was at least a good mile. No keeping this guy out of the water if we are anywhere near it! :D I wonder if the lyme spiros do not like the heat either?

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