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Multivitamin information is ccasionally shared here, so I thought I'd provide some news regarding the multi we have been using for almost a year.


It's Spectrum Complete (powder, hypoallergenic) by Kirkman labs. Within a couple of weeks of starting it as a daily supplement, we noticed its positive affects.


A few months ago, Kirkman modified Spectrum Complete, and now calls it Spectrum Complete II. When I made a call to inquire about the modifications to the formula, I was told that one of the ingredients (glucosamine sulfate) was eliminated. So I purchased a flavored original version that still had the GS in it, then, when I couldn't get that, went with the Spectrum Complete II.


It may be pure coincidence, since many on this board referenced an eleveation in tics during the second half of the summer, but we noticed it too. I was just a little suspicious about the missing ingredient (GS) in the newer Spectrum Complete formula, so decided to try supplementing that ingredient on my own. Kirkman sells it in 500 mg doses (the orginal dose on SC I was 200 mg).


We've been using it for around two weeks. Again, might be coincidence, but we notice a positive effect.


Kirkman describes glucosamine sulfate as an excellent delivery system of sulfates. Our son seems to benefit from added sulfates. So we'll keep up with the Spectrum Complete II powder, and throw in the GS on top.


- Chris


I think I would like to try this multivitamin for my teenage son. His tics are mild but have vamped up a bit during these past 2 weeks of school. More blinking, hand sniffing and hmmm hmmm. I think he is able to mostly suppress it at school or let it go during passing periods when no one is really watching. Currently is is just taking 2 500mg NOW Krill oil.


My questions about Kirkmans


Does the unflavored powder dissolve completely and leave no flavor/grittiness in his juice.

If I went for the capsules, does anyone know what size they are?

Does everyone order it from Kirkmanlabs.com?

Do you split up the dose, 1/2 in the morning, 1/2 at night?


Thank you!




I find this post interesting because I noticed a definite positive effect after a week or so of the Spectrum Complete this summer. When I reordered after using 2 or 3 trial sizes, I had to get the new formulation. I then noticed the tics returning to previous levels and thought that perhaps the initial improvement was just coincidental. Now I'm wondering if it was the change in formula. At the time, I also became concerned that maybe it was the manganese because I have read that that can be a problem with tics in some cases. I'm currently not giving any multivitamin trying to decide which one to try next. Thanks for taking the time to post your update.


I think I would like to try this multivitamin for my teenage son. His tics are mild but have vamped up a bit during these past 2 weeks of school. More blinking, hand sniffing and hmmm hmmm. I think he is able to mostly suppress it at school or let it go during passing periods when no one is really watching. Currently is is just taking 2 500mg NOW Krill oil.


My questions about Kirkmans


Does the unflavored powder dissolve completely and leave no flavor/grittiness in his juice.

If I went for the capsules, does anyone know what size they are?

Does everyone order it from Kirkmanlabs.com?

Do you split up the dose, 1/2 in the morning, 1/2 at night?


Thank you!


Sorry for the late response!


We've been w/o electricity, water, phone, and cable (= internet) since Wed. An absoute flooded mess here in NE PA!


My son is @ 73 lbs. and now gets 1.5 teaspoons (the dosage goes by weight) of the hypoallergenic non-flavored powder, disolved first in a little water and then mixed in with oj. I've tasted it; not really gritty, but it is a vitamin drink. My son would rather not have to drink it every morning. But then again, if I made him eat ice cream every morning he'd protest eventually.


I've always ordered directly from Kirkman labs.




Hey Chris,

This is really interesting. We use Spectrum complete as well and have just started on the new formulation about a month ago. My DD's tics have also gotten worse in the last few weeks to a month. I never thought that it could be the change in her multi. I knew there was a change in the ingredients - but I never thought that maybe one ingredient could have that much of an affect. I will try ordering the GS. Do you give your son the whole 500mg dosage daily? I don't really understand how GS works? I will have to google it (unless you have an easy to understand answer for me! LOL).


Thanks for posting!



Multivitamin information is ccasionally shared here, so I thought I'd provide some news regarding the multi we have been using for almost a year.


It's Spectrum Complete (powder, hypoallergenic) by Kirkman labs. Within a couple of weeks of starting it as a daily supplement, we noticed its positive affects.


A few months ago, Kirkman modified Spectrum Complete, and now calls it Spectrum Complete II. When I made a call to inquire about the modifications to the formula, I was told that one of the ingredients (glucosamine sulfate) was eliminated. So I purchased a flavored original version that still had the GS in it, then, when I couldn't get that, went with the Spectrum Complete II.


It may be pure coincidence, since many on this board referenced an eleveation in tics during the second half of the summer, but we noticed it too. I was just a little suspicious about the missing ingredient (GS) in the newer Spectrum Complete formula, so decided to try supplementing that ingredient on my own. Kirkman sells it in 500 mg doses (the orginal dose on SC I was 200 mg).


We've been using it for around two weeks. Again, might be coincidence, but we notice a positive effect.


Kirkman describes glucosamine sulfate as an excellent delivery system of sulfates. Our son seems to benefit from added sulfates. So we'll keep up with the Spectrum Complete II powder, and throw in the GS on top.


- Chris


Hi Lisa!


I'm hoping my comments, based on observations over the course of the past year, don't have anyone thinking I'm acting on much more than a hunch here.


What I know is that there are a number of sulfotransferase enzymes in our bodies that need sulfates to do their job. A commonly mentioned one is the phenol sulfotransferase enzyme, which helps rid the body of phenols.


I read some time ago that some common symptoms to a build up of phenols are red ears (which I had noticed occasionally with my son for several years and always wondered what was up with that) and dark circles under the eyes (another thing that I had noticed, although he is fair and I'm not sure that the circles are all that dark; dark circles are sometimes associated with dairy allergies, too).


His allergy tests coupled with our dietary observations also identified sensitivities to some high phenol foods.


Along with these things, the fact that epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) baths were always so beneficial to him had me wondering. We all know the benefit of mg, but the sulfate is in there, too.


Finally, when I decided to start using the Kirkman multi, it had a blurb on the benefit of the glucosamine sulfate.


So one of my thoughts following the success of the multi was that it may have had something to do with the delivery of sulfate. When that ingredient was taken out, and we noticed a rise in tics, I figured at least I'd try supplementing it back in.


Kirkman's product page states that "glucosamine sulfate offers an effective method of sulfation. Absorbability has been clinically proven, which is not the case with Epsom salt baths or compounded transdermal preparations. One study found that up to 98% of orally administered glucosamine sulfate is absorbed, while another study showed that about 90% is absorbed via oral administration."


I should note that the formulation of Spectrum Complete II, while lacking the gs of the older formula, does seem to attempt to make up for the loss of sulfate by adding in zinc sulfate...


Well, another long answer to a quick question...




p.s. Yes, we've been giving the whole 500 mg. daily


Chris -


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the vitamins. I, too, am about to purchase new vitamins for my 9 year old with mild TS.


We had been using Progressive Vitamins with pretty good success. http://www.lifehappi...eat-for-ts.html


But since this summer his tics have been soooooooo much higher. I wonder if that has to do with a change in Progressive vits? Anyone else notice that?


Or could it be just the lack of schedule and more DS?


We have recently taken away the DS for behavior issues in school and his tics are far less. I'm not sure now if it's electronic brain mush related or vitamin.


I know this is a balance game and no one knows for sure what the trigger is. It's a case by case basis.


But... MAIN QUESTION: If I were to start a new vitamin, you think the Spectrum II is a good start combined with the other supplement you mentioned? Just looking for some support here. I write about my journey a lot here. I'd welcome any of your feedback over there also for other moms struggling with this.





Hi Andrea,

Over the course of the past year I have read positive comments regarding several multis. I pay attention to the Kirkmans (not so much the others) since that's the one I purchase. But that may change some day, so I appreciate it when people share their feedback.


I checked out your website; it's nice to read about how well you all manage things! Continued success!






Just wrote a new post about our experience with the Kirkman multi so I won't get into it right now. I just wanted to know if anyone would like our Kirkman (flavored) multivitamin. The company accidentally mailed the flavored rather than the non-flavored brand. My son hated it so we used it only twice. Anyway, it's just sitting in the cupboard and I'm happy to gift it to someone who might actually use it.




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