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Hi Everyone,


I have a question for anyone whose kids have had CRT/movie sensitivity - my son only watches LCD screens and has not been to a movie in a year and a half. He seems to be able to manage small amounts of CRT - only know this as there are times he sees a show in music or gym class for 15 minutes - and there are no ill effects as a result - last year within minutes he would get tics and they would last for a couple of days. He has been invited to a birthday party at the movie theatre and REALLY wants to go. Last year I seemed to be able to convince him not to go to the movie parties- and he was ok with it - this is more of a challenge now that he is 7 1/2 - can't imagine the teenage years! The last time he saw a movie was a few weeks before our explosion of tics - and at that time he did have eye tics during and after the movie - we assumed it was the excitement of the YuGiOh movie. I realize I am the parent and ultimately make the decision - but I am trying to weigh the risk of the increase in tics ( which will probably be short lived - in light of his reaction to the florescent lights at the birthday party this week) with his happiness and feeling like a regular kid. I know the mother well enough to warn her of the possibility of the tics occurring.

Any advise would be appreciated.



He is doing well - we are up to three probiotics for the yeast - today he came down with croup - which had been going through his classroom. His tics are quite minimal - subtle - no one else would pick up on them. He is in very good spirits and has been all week. Could the yeast have made him more unhappy with things in general? He is just so happy now. The only thing he is upset about is his "habits' preventing him from going to the movies.


If I could go and stay I would but I have the other two kids - and the other option is taking him to a movie before the party - but now that he has the croup - this probably will not be possible.


Thanks in advance


Hi Alison

movie theatres are and have always been a big tic trigger for my son. The combination of the sight and sounds really sets him off there, as does the smell of the theatre...he is olfactorally very sensitive, and can smell the disinfectants and whtever other chemical stuff they use there


Hi Chemar,


Thanks so much for the response - I had not even thought of the chemical smells, etc. I was only thinking of the flicker. Luckily - it seems my son is agreeable to missing the party - since we have several holiday things planned for the weekend, we talked about if he has a reaction on Thursday he may not be well enough to go to the weekend events and hockey etc. We are going to set up a play date with the boy who is having the birthday - and we said we will sometime take him for a trial run to the movies.


Hi Allsion,


Sorry for the late response. Again, we seem to be on the same page. Croup is in my house as well and yes the birthday parties come fast and furious. But I self inflicted last week. I gave my son a birthday party for he and his schoolmates at a place that does theme parties. It was to be a dino dig with music. I booked it sight unseen. When I arrived it was disco balls and stobe lights, loud music and light animation throughout. Ice cream sundaes, pizza, you name it. It really was a great party and I allowed it knowing full well what we were risking. It will be 7 days ago tomorrow. The only thing we experienced so far was what he explained as tingling in his leg. I would say it was muscle spasms becuase you could actually feel it when you placed your hand on his leg. Of course all of the worry that we do slowly creeps up on us. This is a tough time of year for all. I truley am riddled with anxiety about what we should hold back on. After all we all want that well rounded child and setting limits because of these tics are painful for all of us. I wish I had the magic words because being left out is painful and so is ticcing. I too have not went to a movie in a year and I think that is my most fearful event. Thank God for DVD's and early releases. The play date with the b'day boy is a great alternative and being that there were so many other things going on is a great distraction to the big picture. So you seemed to middle of the road it and hats off to you.


I hope things continue to go well and I probably won't be posting for a little while because of work, holidays and many other things to do. In short if I do not get a chance to post Happy Holidays to All.


Be Well;




Hi Allison! Happy Holidays! I am glad to hear you came to a compromise. Holidays can be a hard time for our kids. I let Kurt have a whole bunch of soy egg nog thinking it would be "ok"...yeesh his tics were not too troublesome but let me tell you...his behavior was awful. He nearly drove me NUTS! A big note to self...soy IS a problem in large amounts! I might as well as given him a carton of milk! Anyways I am happy to say he has had really good days yesterday and today.


I am continuing with nystatin for him...I think it is helping and I ordered Threelac on Friday. A friend of mine is giving it to her kids with good results so we are going to try it. Take Care. Ronna


Hi Ronna and Marie,


Marie - that is amazing that you have not had a huge reaction to all of those triggers.


Ronna - not sure how you find a minute to post but thank you for your responses. We don't use soy as our test results showed a reaction to soy as well as milk. Isn't it amazing how these foods change our children before our eyes. Always a learning curve.


Merry Christmas to you both.


We found that our son can tolerate watching any screen after we started detoxing his body of heavy metal poisoning. Before that it was a big no-no. Now it is no more then an hr a day and usually only on weekends or special viewings like Christmas shows or educational tapes.

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