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I just found this site tonight. I was looking because my tics are getting worse (tonight they are so bad that its making me nause) and I am hoping for a cure or something. I am 40yrs old. I have been to 3 different doctors all who said i do not have tourettes but that my tics are from stress and being nervous. I don't think I have that much more stree than most people. My tics change from month to month. I take zinc and vit b and magnesiam because i had heard that it would help but it dos'nt seem to. People are always staring at me and it is embarrassing especially during the social Christmas season. I was reading some of the other messages on here but havn't ever heard of the medicine or whatever was talked about.

Can anyone help me please?


Hi, Rebecca:


I am a mom whose daughter has tics and have been treating her with herbal medicines and I am very happy with the results maybe it can be helpful for you as well. Go to the website Nativeremedies.com, read the testimonials mine is in there and they have some great products for tics and you can order adult dosage. In a short period of two weeks I notice my daughter was not ticcing as much and everything is under control. She takes them two times a day during school days and three times a day on weekends.


This website is great and I want all deperate moms to try the Nativeremedies.com, they can use these products as alternative method until they can get a grip on things or try something else, the product are recommended by psychologists as well.


Good luck



Hi Rebecca, I am 49 years old and have had tics all my life. Mine were never serious enough (or ever diagnosed) to warrant meds; however, they did affect me socially. The biggest triggers for my tics are lack of sleep, caffeine, and artificial colors. My daughters also have tics, and we've really seen the connection with artificial colors. Are you eating a lot of foods that have these colors in them (for example, Red #40, Yellow #5, etc).

Have you ever noticed any triggers that make your tics worse?

If you look through the threads on this forum, you will see that nearly everyone has been able to reduce their tics drastically using methods other than medicines.

Good luck. Jeff


Hi Rebecca and welcome


as Jeff has pointed out, there is a wealth of information here on the Forum and the main website related to tics.


tics can be caused by so many different factors that it really is wise to try to start identifying what you believe to be your tic triggers, whether food, environmental, emotional etc etc...it is amazing how much one can learn by keeping a log on when tics intensify and what may have triggered the increase.

Here is a useful guide to this



Most of us have been really helped by seeing physicians who are specialised in natural treatments...I personally like Integrative docotrs best ie those who are fully qualified conventionally licenced MDs but who have gone on to specialise as Alternative Physicians (PA)


There is also an EXCELLENT book newly released by Sheila Rogers, who is the administrator of this website, and it has so much good information on tics and their natural treatment



Have you ever had strep infection? Some people do have tics as a result of a condition called PANDAS, which is related to strep (not just strep throat)


Also things like high heavy metals (eg mercury) or Candida (parasitic yeast overgrowth) can also trigger tics

again...lots of info on this here


dont be shy to ask as many questions as you need to...it can all be very overwhelming to start but by taking it all step by step, you will hopefully find what is triggering your tics and the best way to treat it.





I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. My son also has tics. We are seeing a neurologist on Thurs to have him diagnosed correctly. I'm learning new things here every day. It is a useful tool and as I learn more, I hope to post things in order to help others.


Anyway, I know it is no help to you, but I wish you the best Christmas and I know things will get better for you. Have faith and take care.




Thank you to everyone who replied. Best wishes with your son Sarah. I don't currently have insurance so cannot see a doctor. Jeff, I don't think I eat much dyes etc. In fact I have been loosly sticking to the South Beach Diet for the last couple months. I had someone once tell me that maybe I had Candidas because I have much sinus trouble but being on South Beach, I am not eating any breads or carbs so that couldn't be it right? If I have a beer or wine, I have notice that my tics are worse. If i'm upset about something, they get worse too. There is no one I can talk to about this so it feels really good to be able to talk to you all. thanks! I will try the other web sites you all sugested. I am just afraid of spending money ( I'm also having financial troubles) on stuff that dosn't work. I would gladly pay for something if I was guarenteed it would work. Jeff, you said your daughters have them. Does that mean they are heriditary?




Rebecca, I believe that in our case, yes, they are hereditary. I don't know who I got them from, as there is nothing "recorded" in our ancestry. However, my sister's son was diagnosed with Tourette's when he was young, so we do have it in the family. My daughters and I are the only others to have tics, but we've never had to go so far as being diagnosed. When they really started to get bad for my older daughter (age 6-7), we were fortunate to find that they were triggered by certain food additives, and we've been able to keep them to a very mild level ever since (shes' 13 now). They are really not an issue for us now. If we deviate too much from our "diet", they do return, but very mildly, and we can chase them away again by watching what we eat. Most of what we have in the house is very "clean" - it's only when we eat out, or eat too much Halloween candy that we start to backslide!! We are very lucky to have found our trigger. That's the key for everyone - finding their trigger.

I've never noticed a connection with beer or wine..., and I've had my share of both! But stress is definitely a trigger for many people. Personally, I feel that, the healthier you are (well-rested, clean food), the better you handle stress, so I usually attribute increased tics with being tired or not eating well - not necessarily to the stress. Chicken or the egg kind of thing...

You might want to just look at the list of Ingredients in the foods you're eating these days. The specific items that we avoid (see feingold.org) are artificial colors and flavors, and the three "BH" preservatives - BHA, BHT, and TBHQ. You'd be surprised at how many foods which you consider "healthy" contain those additives (poisons, in my opinion).

Keep searching. I'm really glad you found this forum. I'm confident that it will help.


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