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Hi Everyone,


After much thought and looking over past posts etc. I think I need to look into the yeast issue - I had not paid too much attention to my OAT test as my son was doing well when we got the results - reviewing them - he tested high for yeast/fungal. For 3-oxyoglutaric he was 2.01 - normal is 0-.5 and for arabinose he was 113 - normal is 0-47. At the time of this test he had been on probiotics for about 8 months. So... I really do want to get to the root of all of this - and considering he was on full dose antibiotics for 5 months - with no probiotic, and he continues to be on prophylactic antibiotics ( now I religiously give probiotics) it seems I need to be a little more aggressive - and maybe this will be the final piece for us. The pizza at school last week caused tics again - they started about 2 days later - they are on the way out again - another possible factor is a cold the other kids have. Again - his tics are not severe and consist of really only one nasal thing - like something is bothering his sinuses.

I have read most of Heather's old posts - and she had great success with Threelac. Can anyone give me any advise - I am assuming nystatin is a little more aggressive? and maybe the colloidal silver, perils, caprillic acid is less aggressive? is threelac somewhere in the middle?


ANY advise would be so appreciated. I am not sure if Giselle is checking in - but I think she treated for yeast as well.


Thanks in advance.


Hi ad_ccl,


I'm using probiotics to treat yeast and also Saccharomyces Boulardii. I'm alternating that with candex. I turned down using nystatin because when I was researching it as a couple people told me that at the dan conference a doctor said that nystatin contains a lot of sugar. Everyone they knew is having trouble getting off nystatin and the sugar is why. I'm not for sure if that's true, but everybody I seemed to talked to discouraged me from using pharmaceutical anti-fungals. I believe I still have major issues with yeast. From what I hear yeast is not going to go away until you get mercury, etc. out.




Hey Allison;


Yeast is a big factor and quie tough to get rid of. I think, of course, diet and acidophilous is a must. But diet is probably the hardest thing since yeast feeds from sugars and even healthy things contain natural sugars, i.e., carrots, apples, etc. There are also natural remedies like coconut oil. There are some posts on this forum that speak of that, but I have not used it as of yet. The perils that I use are sold in health food stores and are extremely tiny so that swallowing is not an issue. If you choose to use supplement to counter act yeast, always remember that waste elimination is a must. A slow digestive system feeds the bad bacteria which over powers the good bacteria. So waste elimination at least once per day is a must. Spinach is a great motivator. If juiced it will cleanse the digestive system without cramping and the rest is history.

Well I hope I helped. Here is to combating that nasty yeast.


Be Well;




we have just had very positive results against candida with a homeopathic remedy called ASPERGILLUS .

Also good to supplement with Capryllic acid simultaneously


Thank you for your responses. By chance it worked out that today I saw my ped. and naturopath as I ended up in their building after my littlest one fell down the stairs and gave himself a big black eye. Always something! I have to do the waking up every two hour head injury protocal tonight - I am becoming a pro at this. Anyway, I digress, - both were not big on nystatin - they felt it was something that could cause other problems for him and it would be better to treat at this time with increasing probiotics. The naturopath also gave me a homeopathic remedy which I may pick up. She was going to look into threelac but did not know what it was - or what was in it. The reality is yeast will continue to be a problem since he continues to be on antibiotics - the goal is to keep it at bay. I am not ready to take him off antibiotics yet. I think I was just a little in panic mode and wanted a quick fix. I am always looking for the final piece(s) of the puzzle. I have written down the info you have given me and will take it into the health store. My sons tics continue to subside - unfortunately he has been invited to a party next Tuesday - so the pizza dilemma will begin again. Maybe digestive enzymes will help? I know nothing about them so should check into those too. He is happy and doing so well in so many ways. I just hate the bumps in the road.


Thanks again for all of the support you all continue to give.


Also - carolyn - I have read your posts here and at braintalk - congratulations in all you have done for yourself - even without the support of others at times - you have really taken charge of your own health and should be commended.


Yeastie Beasties! Yuck! But they are conquerable. First why are they there? I believe two fold: First diminished immune system (I believe from antibiotic use as a result of compromised immune function due to vaccines but obviously hotly debated). The gut is a person's biggest immune system and the biggest user of seratonin (more on that later). Second - allergens and food sensitivities really rip up the tum making it ripe for the yeast moving in, not to mention our sugar rich American diets. Once the imbalance occurs it is actually quite easy to kill them - religious use of Nystatin. You will be able to actually see the difference in your child after the Nystatin. Hoyt had been in a kind of fog before (we didn't even realize it and thought he was kind of a nutty professor type - after about 2-3 days on the stuff he came into a lucidity we didn't even know he was capable of!) You will get to the point when you can see the yeasties coming and going by their mental sharpness. I was just at our DAN doc and he commented on parents talking about the fog of yeast; how parents get to the point where they can tell when the yeast is getting stronger or abating. But using Nystatin all the time is like putting Raid on the ants in your kitchen but not doing anything about why they are there in the first place (food on the counter, dishes piled up, open food in the pantry). But for sure tip the balance in your favor quickly with using Nystatin - religiously followed with a chaser of probiotics. Be careful though, and go through a compounding pharmacy. The regular liquid Nystatin they make for kids has flavoring, sugars (probably corn) and DYE!!!! yellow AND red! Hoyt is able to swallow pills so we had the compounding pharmacy put the powder in capsule form.


Probiotics - I thought using the stuff we get at the health food store was good enough. I was using Jarrow's and getting 3.5 billion organism in him per pill. Our DAN doc laughed. He said he'd have to take about 29 pills per day to get what he wanted Hoyt to get. He takes 90 billion a day now, and gets it in three pills. The product we use is Metagenics Ultra Flora IB - you get 30 billion organisms per pill - great stuff - down side is it needs to be refrigerated, but if we go out I have ice packs and a little cooler which works nicely.


Avoidance of allergens: I have become a food Nazi. Hoyt is allergic to gluten, casein, soy, corn, bananas, citrus (except lemons), almonds, tomatoes, and all the dyes. I have found on-line grocery stores that help with foods and have found lots of recipes that we love. It has been the hardest part of this whole journey but we do not faulter for ANY reason. Not for birthday's, or because we forgot to bring things, or because we're later than we thought so let's just stop for something. I find people who are trying to help their kids with problems like "Tourettes", ADHD, OCD, etc. pretty much unwilling to do what is needed when it comes to changing their diet. I was reluctant too but finally decided it was all or nothing. As a result we have been richly rewarded. The few times I've slipped up I saw it right away - he ticced. The whole importance of the allergen avoidance thing hit hard when I actually thought about the test that he took to determine his allergies. It is a delayed food allergy test. It tests for the bodies anitbodies against the particular foods. ANTIBODIES to FIGHT the food! When I give him something with corn in it - his body mounts antibodies against it -like it was a disease! That just really struck a chord with me. His body has to fight it and hence it compromises his immune system further. I really think what our kids have is a hyper-sensitivity to their own immune systems; that they over produce antibodies and it is that to which they react - hence the reaction to Strep. It's not the Strep, it's their bodies' over-reaction to it and the resulting antibodies attacking important things like their own basal-ganglia! Just a theory but by not stressing their immune systems (with things like food allergens) they really benefit.


We also started using a product (I'm virusy so take it too) called Lauracidin. It is a brand name for a lipid called monolaurin which is found in saw palmetto, coconut, and BREAST MILK! This product is made from coconut. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and key to yeast - anti-fungal! It is truly amazing and really works. We used this in tandem at first with the Nystatin and would try a few days off of the Nystatin to see how it was working. Depending on what he was eating the Lauricin usually would be enough. If he ate a lot of sugar we would see him fogging and do a couple of days back on Nystatin. But by doing everything else he hasn't had Nystatin for months.


Everything else: What we did was boost Hoyt's immune system, up his seratonin, and keep vigilant about his allergens.


Boosting his immune system: He takes all the vitamins that he was deficient in: B6, zinc, magnesium, vit. C. He gets his B6 as P5P as he has difficutly both synthesizing his B6 from foods and breaking it down once he gets it - I actually think this is the genetic component of his "TS" but the P5P works brilliantly. He also takes B5 (he used to grind his teeth until we used this). He gets Omega 3,6, and 9's but from borage and flax as his high histamines prevent him from getting them from fish (too much choline). He gets extra calcium and B12. He takes L-carnitine and glutathione to help him with the food break down/utilizing fats - which really helps.


We had his neurotransmitters tested and found that he had very low seratonin (biggest user of seratonin is the enteric system -tummy/digestion) - you know when you're nervous your stomach feels it as well as your brain. He was also low in dopamine, epinephrine but high in GABA, histamine and norepinephrine. We are giving him 5HTP, SAM-e, Rhodiola Rosea, glycine, taurine, theanine - from these we saw the hugest decrease in the tics as well as OCD behavior. When firefly told about his success with L-carnosine I asked Hoyt's DAN doc what he thought. He thought it was really great and super safe so we added this. Not only did it make him super sharp I just found out that it helps with yeast! Killing it that is - it is an antioxident as well - such a win win and Hoyt was doing really well before we added it but since then he is absolutely super!


Oh, another super easy sign for the yeasties going up and down is their sugar cravings. When Hoyt's yeasty all he asks for is waffles, cookies, super sweet fruit. When he's not he thinks my cookies (allergen free) taste too sweet!


I hope this makes sense - it is so second nature to me now that I almost have a tough time explaining it. I don't think Hoyt will ever have an easy time with yeast and will always have to be vigilant to it rearing it's ugly head but I think we've come a long way. I know you can do it too! Good luck and please if you need clarification please don't hesitate to ask.


Hi Giselle & Allison


my son's recent flareup of Candida had another creepy creature lurking too...Epstein Barr virus ( the one that causes mono)

he has been on homeopathics for the candida, and MONOLAURIN (300mg...the pure form of lauric acid) and it truly is remarkable in its antiviral/antibacterial properties!

Also on something called Nature's Lining, which is a propriety blend of l-carnosine and zinc, specifically designed to heal the GIT after a candida or ulcerated onslought, as well as specially prepared Licorice root with glycine (DGL) for further GIT healing


The more I walk this path of natural healing the more I stand amazed at what God created for man's health and well being! :D




Thank you so much for your lengthy reply - it is much appreciated - and very well explained! I am so glad your son is doing so well. I will print off your reply for my file and next time I am in the supplement store will check out the products you have used. I have talked to my doctor and naturopath about nystatin and neither felt it was a good idea at this time. We are going the route of increasing probiotics. My son does not have the brain fog that I have heard so much about. I am just trying to get the last few pieces of the puzzle and wonder if the yeast may need to be dealt with more aggressively. The new probiotic has about 20 billion and 10 strains in each pill - I am up to 2 and will add another in a few days. His previous one had 3.5 billion and 4 strains and I only gave him one a day. We are good about avoiding the foods as per the testing results - it is only in the last couple of months I have started allowing some cheats for special occasions - at home we are 100% off milk, soy, eggs and were 100% of gluten - but in the summer started introducing bread every few days with no ill effects. We still limit the wheat intake and I do all the baking of dough, cookies, etc. We did the OAT test - and under the neurotransmitters we were high for VMA and normal for the other two - HVA and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic. Any insight on the VMA?


We continue to have a bit of a rough time here ( still trying to remember how much better we are now than at the beginning) - things again seemed to be getting better -and tonight another birthday party - I took my own pizza this time and allowed a piece of cake - I think the food was ok - it was the bright lights that have triggered something. He also seems flushed this evening - and 25% of his class was off sick yesterday - so in a way I just hope he comes down with something which could help explain the weakened immune system - he was miserable tonight - so down on himself - which we have not really seen much of. He also complained about being really cold while his cheeks were red - he usually never feels the cold - he is the kid who comes out with no hat and gloves in the freezing cold. Anyway...hoping a good night sleep helps....for both of us!


Just thought I would update. I was completely shocked this morning when my son woke up at 8 - he had not got to sleep until close to 11 last night - I was assuming he would sleep in - but the part that shocked me was that he was in such good spirits and pretty much tic free - better than he has been for a few weeks. He went off to school and came home for lunch and was still in a great mood and very minor tics - after school the tics were slightly increased but not as much as they have been for the last week or so. I have a few working theories - one that the lights last night triggered the increase in tics as well as the emotional lability - and that it cleared out of his system overnight - much faster than the pizza triggers over the last couple of weeks - where it seems to take a week to go away fully. The other thing is I wonder if this could have been some yeast die off - and the improvement is due to the yeast being dealt with more aggressively - the new probiotics were started a few days ago and I started with a half, then increased and we are up to 2 a day now with the plan to increase to 3. I have been researching the die off a little and one thing I have read is about being flushed, feeling warm, a little nauseated - all things he had last night going to bed - as well as the increase in symptoms. Is it possible for the die off to only last 5-6 hours - or is it usually a few days - or anywhere in between -

Any input would be appreciated as always - maybe I am just wishful thinking - but he is now in bed reading and not a sound is coming from his room - the last few weeks he has had vocal things going on with the triggers - the first a throat clearing and then more recently a nose sound - like a throat clearing but the sound is more from the nose. Not sure if that makes sense. Anyway - there has always been a sound coming from his room at night, as it was always worse at night - but what a beautiful sound that silence is making tonight!!!!

I do hope this yeast issue is a corner piece of the puzzle as Giselle has said - what a great analogy.

Fingers crossed.


I'm getting ready to order some Candidate for yeast treatment from the Native remedies site. Has anyone tried this or had success? I thought the Carnosine was working, and it did for a little while, then one day, it turned around. Just trying to get through the Holidays...thanks!




THREELAC really is the yeast treatment that seems to be most effective for most people. We would have used it this time but my son was dealing with other issues and so the doctor decided on the homeopathis aspergillus instead.


But the testimonials for Threelac are very convincing, and it doesnt carry the problems that Nystatin can for some people.


Thanks Chemar. I'm anxiously awaiting our Neuro appt Thurs. They finally rescheduled me. He is known for trying to go the natural route. I'm hoping he can point us in the right direction as far as the next step goes. I know the probiotics are helping, but I think there is still alot of yeast to be dealt with. Take care.


Hi Ronna,


Just curious why you are going to Threelac from Nystatin, or are you doing both? Also, are there particular symptoms -(lack of) you are looking for to determine if the treatment is working? Are you determining if it is working through testing? tics? behaviour? I really need to get the yeast connection book and read it to see what symptoms there are from yeast.

As an update - my son is feeling better - the croupy cough is gone and he went back to school this afternoon. His tics have been non existent over the last few days - which is unusual given he has been dealing with a clear illness. The other very interesting thing is that he has ALWAYS had an enlarged lymph node on his neck - from at least 2 years of age - and it was always big and would get bigger when sick. A few days ago I noticed that I was not noticing the lump at all - it was not only so small that you had to feel for it, but he was sick at the time. Could there be a connection to the yeast treatment and the lymph node? I asked the doctor about it and he said his lymph node has always been large as he has never had a chance to recover from illnesses - my confusion is that he is currently ill and the lymph node is barely noticeable. Anyway - maybe it is coincidental. I know yeast can be in different part of the body. I just wonder if the yeast has been a big problem all along, which would make sense, although it has taken me this long to figure it out. I am just so amazed at how well his body has handled the croup - no increase in tics and in fact a decrease in tics - from the last few weeks with the pizza etc. The other thing is we have had no emotional lability. He has been very happy. The last thing to report is that he has pretty much watched non stop tv for days - all LCD, and with NO tics at all. In the past if he was sick even the LCD tv would increase tics. I am hoping we have emptied his bucket big time with getting to the yeast issue - and so now his body is able to manage other triggers like tv, and illness with no tics coming through. Again, I am so thankful for this forum and all those who have helped me so much along this journey...words really cannot express my gratitude.

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