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My 8 year old has had tics since 3 and has been diagnosed with TS. We have a 6 year old daughter. What are the chances that she will have TS?? I feel like I am constantly staring at her. Any repetitive movement makes me fear TS. It looks like she is doing a neck thing. It's freaking me out!!! What is the percentage that she could have it too? So worried.


If there is genetic TS in your family then the chances are high of inheriting the TS genetic susceptibility...


remember far less girls than boys manifest TS, maybe because of the dopaminergic effect of androgens vs estrogens


I have three children that have all been diagnosed with TS. But, my understanding of the diagnosis is that it is simply a diagnosis of a bunch of symptoms. With my childrens' diagnosis there was never a reason given to me for why they developed it. The neurologist mentioned that it could be genetic, but what is the trigger? In my children, a chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) was present and caused more than just tics. They had many neurologic disorders and autoimmune disfunction. Turned out to be toxic mold as the main culprit. Both myself and my husband were sick...so I always want to warn others to look to your environment as a cause---especially if more than one person in the family is presenting with symptoms.

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