ad_ccl Posted November 21, 2005 Report Posted November 21, 2005 Marie, So glad to hear your son is doing better - you must also be feeling better. Amazing how we feel cruddy when our kids are not well. My son is also much improved - he is home for the morning because he slept in - I never wake him up if he is sleeping - I figure he needs the sleep. Daniel - what great news to hear how well your son has been doing over the last few months - I had wondered as we had not heard from you - I like to assume no news is good news. I am sure your son will be on the mend soon too - sounds like the virus took it's toll. What changes did you end up making that you think contributed to the 4 months tic free? I know your wife was reluctant about supplements etc.
quan_daniel Posted November 21, 2005 Report Posted November 21, 2005 Ad_cl, kids calm(mag citrate/calcium) 300 mg already..since tics got severe last couple of weeks.. Enzymes from houstonni, peptizyde and HNZymeprime with any thing he eats culturelle once a nite.. fish oil one a day multi lots of fruits.. he got sick..but it was like ticcing once or twice a day.. then 6 am..for last 5 days.. that disrupted his sleep cycle..lower seratonin..(just guessing).. then bam..tics..tics.. so last nite he told us about the nite mare..I immediately this mornign at 5:45..nudge him a little not to awake him..then slept with him til 8AM!!!..he never sleeps passed 7 am..but 8am.. tics once or twice in morning..but I am sure he is ticcing now..with my wife at work..missed school.. I was wishing he would stopped ticcing today :-) wishful thinking..
ad_ccl Posted November 22, 2005 Report Posted November 22, 2005 Daniel - sounds like you have put a lot of good things in place and I am so glad your son had been doing so well - sounds like the illness is the clear trigger for his current tics - to give you some hope - over time with each illness my son's tics became less and less - this last week has been the worst outbreak in many many months - but I think there were several variables at play - but the general rule has been with the tics get milder and last less time, and there is more and more time between the increases in tics. Hope this is the same for your son. Marie - hope your little guy is still improving - things continue to be getting better slowly but surely here - certainly there is no hmmm every second - like we had last thursday - and he did go to school this afternoon. Still have to remember that even these last few days, while I felt they were bad - mostly because it was so frustrating to be taking 3 steps back rather than the usual one step back, I would have wished for days this mild during those first few months! Sarah - hope you and your son are hanging in there.
quan_daniel Posted November 22, 2005 Report Posted November 22, 2005 His 2 dreams are..and he is 6 years old.. a stranger pointing a gun to his head.. he kicked a bad and inside the bag is his sister.. 2 nites already..before he sleeps he shakes..panic attack.. wakes up with a nitemare shaking ..eventhough I am sleeping with him.. his tics are not improving.. I am giving him mag taurate instead of mag diff.. until he gets over this nitemare..his tics will not diminish..I have seen this in him. it is frustrating..very frustrating.. he has no illness at this point.. some might say yeast overgrowth..who knows.. can be some tv he watched.. who knows.. sad to hear his dreams.. but today he was in a show in front of his parent..and did marvelously no tics..
mmazz Posted November 23, 2005 Author Report Posted November 23, 2005 Hi All; We are doing rather well today. Cleaning up the diet and very little screens. Mostly decorating for the holdiays and I can say it is a pleasure to do that this year. Some minor stuff but I'll take it. Daniel, your son seems to have fear. I remember when ticcing first started here- fear was a huge factor. Anxiety for your son was always a factor if I remember correctly from earlier posts. May I suggest something that doesn't pertain to diet, but rather excercise. I do not know where you live and what kind of weather you are experiencing but with supplements and a great diet comes high energy. If you do not channel all of that energy somewhere you just might wind up with an overactive mind. Perhaps some sort of cross country or swimming (in door). If he is so tired he will not have enough time for TV or to think about horrific things, and when time for sleep perhaps his sleep will come from exhaustion and not from bedtime rituals. It can't hurt to try? Allison, I am so glad things are going well at your house. I hope they stay this time. FOR BOTH OF US. I truely value your opinion and thank God for finding you here on this board. Be Well All, Marie
quan_daniel Posted November 24, 2005 Report Posted November 24, 2005 Marie, I could not agree more on excercise.. he is not the sportsy type of person and gets ache easily.. yesterday it was the first day..u can see few tics in morning..gradually more in nite. before that it was just ticss...s hope it will diminish over.. carnosine what is that..? Thanks too to AD_CL..
quan_daniel Posted November 28, 2005 Report Posted November 28, 2005 Hello everybody, just want to update everybody on my child's progress. I have changed to mag taurate from mag citrate. I did not see any improvement. I have then switched back. I still don't see any improvement. I up the dosage a little more. Well, we also know he is suffering from high anxiety. We figure we try to solve his anxiety first and hope the rest will follow. It turns out since after his flu, he went trick or treating and he saw a vampire(a person dressed up as one :-) ) He since then developed a huge anxiety during night time, panic attack..etc.. 5 days after halloween his tics were full flare, so that is nov 5 2005. We were thinking a pschologist for his nightmares.. Wife against it, since it seems a big deal(well to me it was a big deal) I decided to talked to him on his fear. I told him to keep a journal of his nightmares. I also for last 2 nights walk through with him our entire house closet by close to show him nothing was hiding. I also put objects like his Elmo or some objects he trusts inside those closets.. His tics are currently unnoticeable by others.. of course we still notice them slightly..but they are not hurting him anymore. wow, this is completely different when he had potatoe. That lasted 7 days and tics dimished but this lasted a good month. So lesson learned in finding our triggers good luck
Chemar Posted November 28, 2005 Report Posted November 28, 2005 I have changed to mag taurate from mag citrate. I did not see any improvement. I have then switched back. I still don't see any improvement. I up the dosage a little more. Hi Daniel I am not sure how long you are waiting to see effects, but generally one should allow at least 2-3weeks on a supplement before changing. It takes that long for the full effect to manifest. Also, you mention that your son went trick or treating...apart from the psychological impact (which I feel very concerned about for young kids seeing some of the more gruesome costumes) did your son eat a lot of candy? that in itself has been seen by many to be a very big tic trigger! Hope he feels better soon all the best to you and your family
quan_daniel Posted November 28, 2005 Report Posted November 28, 2005 Cheri, Thanks for the reply. No, he did not eat candies. But what is interesting is that tics sometimes are always thought of being caused by food allergies but a lot of time it is also stress/anxiety.. finding the trigger helps.. It was not food in this case. To the parents out there..don't give up..once the trigger is found..the tics should go away in no time.. thanks
Chemar Posted November 28, 2005 Report Posted November 28, 2005 Hi again Daniel yes, STRESS is documented as being the #1 known tic trigger! Sometimes a hard one to deal with as although we can try our best to minimise the stressful conditions, yet life IS stressful. Many parents also find that their children's tics increase as the Holidays approach...all the excitement of the season, plus events and activities at schools......... so it isnt just bad stress that can be a trigger but any form of elevated emotional state, positive and negative, can be a big trigger. I know others have mentioned it, but I would again like to suggest BACH'S RESCUE REMEDY (available at health stores) in helping to naturally relax and calm emotions and stabilise mood. Sometimes we parents need it more than our kids!
mmazz Posted November 29, 2005 Author Report Posted November 29, 2005 Amen to that Cheri. I could us a little of that myself tonight. I have found that as we teach our children to deal with stress, we also teach ourselves the leason. I feel that today I am a better parent than I was 12 months ago when I first posted. Your a good man Daniel for what you do with your son, and what you do will go a long way . Be Well; Marie
mmazz Posted December 1, 2005 Author Report Posted December 1, 2005 Hi All; We'll today is his 7th birthday and last night before bed was probably the worst night in a very long time. I know the excitment of his birthday just sent him off of the edge and tonight is birthday cake and all of the fixings. Kind of hard to gain control of your diet with cup cakes and ice cream cake. But nevertheless we still have to maintain a sense of normality. Right? Well, I am sure you will hear more, but I hope more for the better. Allison, I am sorry to hear about your little ones eye. It is always something. I blame it on those little sound bites from our parents when we were younger. You know the one that goes "I hope your children are just like you". Some might say genetics, but there is so much to say about wishful thinking Be Well; Marie
ad_ccl Posted December 1, 2005 Report Posted December 1, 2005 Hi Marie, Happy Birthday to your son. Amazing how time goes by. My son turned 7 in the summer. My little one is doing fine - just a purple eye now. I am picking up some new probiotics today - my naturopath has looked into Threelac - so it is a probiotic as well and I guess has three strains - it is also very expenisive. The one I will be changing to has 10 strains and it is to balance out the microflora so not to allow other yeasts to overdevelop and take over. My son continues to get better - but there are still subtle tics - not 100% gone yet. I hope the new probiotics helps keep the yeast in check. I hope your son does not have too much of a set back on the birthday diet - but I agree you have to decide between what you would prefer and what makes most sense for your son's happiness and sense of being normal. As you know, even if he takes a step or two back, it will not be long before he is back on track.
quan_daniel Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 Marie, Happy BirthDay to your son.. I wish him the best of health..for years to come.. deep in our hearts he will be fine.. Our kids at least have a head start in eating better and take in better nutritient.. yes once in a while we have to indulge. My 6 years old anxiety has died down almost and his tics..well if you are not the parents.. they are hard to pick up..they are far and between now..whew.. Have anyone here tried enzymes.. I think our kids have 2 main tic producer, food and stress.. I feel enzymes call help with food and good old parenting can help our kids with stress.. I am thinking sending my kid to a group session for anxious kids at my local pschologist office.. anything that helps can go a long way.. ad_ccl I am sorry to hear about the pink eye..but I hear he is also much better.. thanks it is 3:40 am in morning need sleep.. watched HBO on demand on tourette kids and can not fall asleep.. the show does not do justice to the true story..!!
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