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I just wanted to post in case it could help someone. I notice when reading through posts that ALOT of moms say an abx works for a while, then stops, then they change, then the other works, then stops.... alot sporadic herxing/side effects. I just want to share this thought. I was giving my dd ALOT of supplements, anti-yeast, diets and abx.... I was so overwhelmed and it was hard to see what made any difference. I cut everything out, even abx for 2 mos in OCT 2010. needless to say, she slipped. I restarted ONLY 1 abx in Dec 2010- NOTHING ELSE! we saw her start to improve again, but still bad. Then Lyme diagnosis end of Jan 2011. We added zith and even more improvement within a week. I don't give her ANYTHING ELSE but her abx and have her regularly eat yogurt. No gut issues so far, thank you JESUS. So here is my point:

I have been able to carefully watch her patterns on just these meds, it took a couple months but I did notice a pattern. I would think she was doing good, then she would seem to be slipping and I would panic. After a while, she would seem to be improving again, then backwards again. I think she was so sick that it was very difficult to tell the good from the bad, and on top of that- my panic would send me into despair thinking we would never get better (this is where it is so tempting to try something else, of course we want to do ANYTHING that has even a slight chance of helping right?) Well now I feel we are in a place where I can see this clearer. My dd is so good, I can not even tell she is sick most of the time (and if you have seen my previous posts, we have been in the darkest places) This allows me to see that every 4-6 weeks she flares up. This past flare was some hypersensitvity... but milder and milder and longer in between flares now. I can still tell what is a behaviour from the illness vs a normal kid behaviour (like a mama can distinguish her babies cries). So I just want to put it out there that maybe it is a flare you see, which usually indicated the meds ARE working. It seems now in retrospect that the flares were longer and more severe and that is what made it hard to see the pattern. But as we are patient, we have surely seen them spread out and become milder. Hang in there ladies and thanks for listening- hope it helps someone!


Thanks for the encouragment! DS7 was doing amazingly better on detox and immune supporting supplements. And then came the flare up. I knew it was coming because I've been tracking his patterns for almost 3 years. But part of me was hoping with all the supplements that it wouldn't happen this time, or that it would be milder. Nope, it was a doozie this morning - kicking walls, shrieking, "I want to die", etc. I was tempted to slide back into despair. But I know there is no instant fix, and nothing we try is going to be a quick cure. Thanks for the reminder that there can be more good times and longer times inbetween flares, and that his body can and will heal. Very timely advice for me to keep my head together and stay strong. We started artemisia today and will be seriously upping antibiotics in the next 2 weeks. It's going to get ugly, but I'm trusting the end result will be worth it!


Thanks for the encouragment! DS7 was doing amazingly better on detox and immune supporting supplements. And then came the flare up. I knew it was coming because I've been tracking his patterns for almost 3 years. But part of me was hoping with all the supplements that it wouldn't happen this time, or that it would be milder. Nope, it was a doozie this morning - kicking walls, shrieking, "I want to die", etc. I was tempted to slide back into despair. But I know there is no instant fix, and nothing we try is going to be a quick cure. Thanks for the reminder that there can be more good times and longer times inbetween flares, and that his body can and will heal. Very timely advice for me to keep my head together and stay strong. We started artemisia today and will be seriously upping antibiotics in the next 2 weeks. It's going to get ugly, but I'm trusting the end result will be worth it!

My ds was not on abx and went on artemisa (along with viressence and Quintessence) and he did flare-up but each time it was shorter and stopped completely when we switched treatment, to not include the artemisa (but still doing the others right now). Just know that with the treatment your son will slowly start improving. My son's doctor, after 9 mos. of treatment, said that he is now showing signs of improvement/healing and that means his body will be working better and helping with the healing.


Thanks for the encouragment! DS7 was doing amazingly better on detox and immune supporting supplements. And then came the flare up. I knew it was coming because I've been tracking his patterns for almost 3 years. But part of me was hoping with all the supplements that it wouldn't happen this time, or that it would be milder. Nope, it was a doozie this morning - kicking walls, shrieking, "I want to die", etc. I was tempted to slide back into despair. But I know there is no instant fix, and nothing we try is going to be a quick cure. Thanks for the reminder that there can be more good times and longer times inbetween flares, and that his body can and will heal. Very timely advice for me to keep my head together and stay strong. We started artemisia today and will be seriously upping antibiotics in the next 2 weeks. It's going to get ugly, but I'm trusting the end result will be worth it!



Please be careful with the dosage of artemesia. Granted, we were also doing candibactin, but please start slowly and work up. We started at a high dose, and had terrible side effects (rages, hallucinations, bad neuropathies, numbness, and even possible tachycardia.) I have stopped both. Just because these are herbs, doesn't mean they aren't potent. And, we were following the doctor's orders. I do think both herbs would have been good had we started very slowly, and gradually increased. Now, we have to backstep, and I hope we don't backslide in the process (we just finished a 2 month IV abx, which was very tiring, and I don't want to repeat it, if I can help it.)



Please be careful with the dosage of artemesia. Granted, we were also doing candibactin, but please start slowly and work up. We started at a high dose, and had terrible side effects (rages, hallucinations, bad neuropathies, numbness, and even possible tachycardia.) I have stopped both. Just because these are herbs, doesn't mean they aren't potent. And, we were following the doctor's orders. I do think both herbs would have been good had we started very slowly, and gradually increased. Now, we have to backstep, and I hope we don't backslide in the process (we just finished a 2 month IV abx, which was very tiring, and I don't want to repeat it, if I can help it.)


Wow, that's scary! We are under care of an LLMD (MD/ND), and she advised us to start everything very slowly and wean up gradually as tolerated. We just started Artemisia on Monday. I will be on the lookout for any of these signs - DS7's main problem is rages, and he has had hallucinations, numbness, and chest pains, so I'm definitely on the lookout. Thanks!

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