kim Posted September 14, 2006 Author Report Posted September 14, 2006 These are notes that Hiliary took from the Autism One radio interview. The reference to braces in this made me cringe. I thought I was getting immune to cringing after reading many of these things, but I guess not. Kim Stan Kurtz interviews Boyd Haley - 20060911 - AutismOne Radio (Stan is in italics) Mercury is the 2nd most neurotoxic substance on the planet. Should it really be in amalgams and vaccines? A recent report in the news says that the panel reviewing amalgams has rejected a government study saying mercury is safe. It goes on to say that dentists and their patients should still have the option to use mercury though. Stan started Children's Corner school to keep kids away from toxins, and to improve their health with diets and educating parents. Dr Haley used to receive funding from NIH, until he started speaking out about mercury and toxicity. Dr Haley was formerly the chair of chemistry at U of Kentucky. [stan]Are they still supportive? The deans there tried to do something about me, but I haven't done anything wrong, I tell it as it is, and they can't get me to be quiet. If you don't believe me, have a debate. The dental associations run away from that debate. [stan]When did mercury first get into amalgams? Early 1800s. The Chinese invented amalgams, then in France they were trying to bring it in and it was run out, then run out of London. Then amalgams came to the US. It was known to be toxic, but it was cheap, and worked really well (killed the nerves). But the problem is they put off a constant toxic vapor that causes systemic problems. Dentists are taught that the mercury coming out of these fillings is not toxic! In the porphyrin profile, they're finding 85% of dentists are acutely affected by dealing with the mercury in amalgams. The dentists are saying, wait, we were told it's safe; but the porphyrins are saying otherwise. Dentists have a high suicide rate. Mercury makes you a mad hatter. Antibiotics increases the retention of mercury in the human body. If you inject rats with mercury, the ones with antibiotic too will keep the mercury 100 days longer. So we know in an animal model antibiotic increases the mercury retention. Antibiotics dramatically increase the ability of mercury to kill neurons. Female sex hormone decreases toxicity of mercury, testosterone increases it. Noone can say what is a safe level of mercury. We don't know all the mechanisms. Certain drugs, ecstasy, if you look up how to make it on the web, mercury chloride is a catalyst. They say "rinse it 3 times and it's all gone"!? No, not at all!! These folks are probably making themselves very mercury-toxic. Mercury combined with certain types of fungus can have a synergistic relationship. Periodontal Disease and halitosis is worse with mercury amalgams. This is because there are compounds that form from cysteine and methionine which contain sulfar. Methionine breaks down, you form methyl thiole mercury and dimethyl thiole mercury, these are very toxic. There was a professor that spilled 2 drops of dimethyl mercury on her glove, and died from it. They knew she was dying, and why, and couldn't stop it. That's what you make when you combine mercury amalgams with periodontal disease. Do our kids have bacterial overgrowth first, then get hit with the mercury in vaccines? That's a possibility, I don't know the answer. I do know, if you expose these children to ethyl mercury, the immune system is overwhelmed. [stan]When you do a hair analysis, these kids have low mercury, and high uranium. My son was at .94, which is 15x the safe amount of uranium. The age-matched controls (siblings) of these kids don't have high uranium from what we're seeing. Cadmium tends to be high too in these kids. I was wondering if these high metals are from the bacterial flora. Mercury binds so tight it never makes it to the blood to make it to your hair. It binds so tight that it prevents you from detoxing these other metals. The child loses their detox capability. You've testified so many times, CDC, IOM, etc. What's your experience with these groups? A lot of these people are not scientists. I see blank looks on their faces. They don't have toxicologists on their committees. They stack the committees with people like themselves, and they don't want to admit they did something wrong. They make bad decisions year after year for 70 years, and they're not going to say that. They are beaurocrats, they are fighting tooth and nail to keep us from knowing the dangers of mercury toxicity. They protect themselves by forming committees. They make their credentials sound really good. They hand-pick the committee members. Then they put in the paper that a blue-ribbon committee declares thimerosal is safe. It's misinformation. Epidemiological studies in Europe that weren't exposed to the same amount of thimerosal. Danish studies. Why would they go to Denmark? This is the place they could get the answer they wanted. They took the mercury out of vaccines, and the autism rates went up?!? That's a ridiculous find. And then, wouldn't the Danish govt rush to put thimerosal back in vaccines, if it keeps the autism rates lower? It's just crazy. The study was done by a group that makes vaccines with thimerosal, and they sell it to the rest of the world, because it's illegal to use thimerosal-containing vaccines in Denmark. Even in England, when they presented this study, the English took thimerosal out of their vaccines. Where is the disconnect in the US? How did they show the autism rates rose in Denmark? Statistics. You can get an epidemiologist to do whatever you want with the numbers. The CDC lost data right after they published their study. Why is that ok? If the study can't be reproduced because the data is lost, doesn't that make the study useless? This is all impossible to believe, it's too big a deal. It's all about money. Money. Pharmaceutical companies save money by putting thimerosal in vaccines. I didn't want to believe the things I was told early on. I couldn't believe in 70 years the FDA didn't test amalgams to make sure they were safe. But under testimony, they admitted it. They said they take the words of the experts, the ADA – but they're not toxicologists! Then the ADA said they know it's safe because the FDA approved it. So you get smoke and mirrors. Dave Weldon bill will make the NIH look at unvaccinated population, because they don't seem to have autism. That's something I proposed the first time I met with the IOM. Dan Olmsted has looked into this in his reporting, it appears the unvaccinated don't have autism. Weldon also wants the safety testing taking out of the same agency that makes the vaccine schedule. The flu shot doesn't decrease the rate of flu in the young and the elderly, yet the government is saying vaccinate. There were a bunch of mumps vaccines that didn't work, so instead of admitting they didn't work, they made these people vaccinate 2 or 3 times. Why didn't they check antibodies to find out why? I used to test rabbits, and over time most make antibodies, but some never do. If the pharmaceuticals claim they won't make vaccines because there's no market, great, have the government make the vaccines. A lot of countries have stopped using mercury amalgams. EPA and other agencies are saying 8-10% of our mothers are so toxic they will have a child with neurological issues. 1 out of 6 kids do have neurological issues. There's cause and effect. But they do nothing. ADA will go down as one of the biggest crimes against humanity. Not the original decision to use amalgams, but now knowing better and continuing to use them. It's an economical thing. You have to destroy more of the tooth; you're more likely to crack the tooth; and they're toxic. No good reason to use mercury amalgams. I rented a mercury meter and tested all the moms in my school. I found besides amalgams the braces were leeching mercury. 80% had mercury leeching. About 20% of the amalgams didn't seem to be leeching. A handful of chronic drinkers had a 0 reading every time, it was strange that they weren't leeching. Egg would bind up the mercury, but I wouldn't know why alcohol would. Maybe there's an explanation, I just don't know it. It's possible it's just not coming out in vapor, but it's still leeching. It would be interesting to look at cancer levels of dentists. Oxidative stress is a major cancer link, and mercury takes away your protection from oxidative stress. Glutathione fights to get rid of the mercury. Alzheimers. This is a big coverup. Several other researchers have found this besides me. We found 3 proteins dramatically effected in the brain. Mercury and only mercury would mimic this effect. You can find anything else this toxic in the brain that would cause this? No, no other heavy metals would do this, no other toxins, this is mercury. At first I thought it was a likely suspect, but was it really the cause of Alzheimers? Having amalgams for 50 years will do that. When you propose this, however you get a ton of opposition. There's no money to be made off saying mercury causes Alzheimers. No money for the drug companies. They make money off drugs to treat Alzheimers. 90% of mercury in your body comes from dental amalgams, not the fish you eat. This is allowed to exist because the government works for those who make money off dental amalgams and vaccines. When numerous people point out the mercury issues and the governmenet refuses to study it, it's criminal. The pharmaceutical companies and the ADA lobby, they wave their dollars in front of government so no one hears the truth. Some doctors have spoken to me off camera, and they're worried about lawsuits, even though they know mercury is not safe. They will talk about it when they retire. While they're still in practice, the insurance companies don't want them to talk about it. What will it take for them to talk about it? I don't know. I know that not all dentists in the US think mercury is safe. We have a lot of profit-motivated people in this country. That's why things don't change. When they did this recent test of kids who got amalgams, the kids were no longer able to excrete the mercury after 2 years…and in the news they skewed that to say the kids must be ok because they're not excreting any more mercury then the kids without amalgams. Porphyrin profiles are abnormal in dentists. Dentists don't make enough porphyrin. Dr Nataf in France was able to do this in France. Autistic children have this same abnormal porphyrin profile. Mercury causes this. Dr Haley lost funding when he started going after the mercury issues. I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but why do they keep pumping mercury into everything? Money. Pediatricians make about half their money off shots, why would they give that up? They don't want kids getting chelation therapy because it implicates the shots were toxic. It was the doctors that announced the autism epidemic, by the way. It was the parents. The porphyrin profile study from Dr Nataf was rejected twice by American Academy of Pediatrics – it was accepted by Journal of Psychiatry. It's because they don't want to admit thimerosal is the problem. I know I'm condemning the doctors, but why don't they come out and debate? They run and hide, and say "trust me, I'm a doctor". I think autism might debunk western medicine. I think they'll believe they can't believe what they thought before. There are parents that know more about autism and vaccines and better treatments then about any medical doctor that I talk to. The general pediatrician doesn't have a clue about autism. The parents do. The pharmaceutical companies are making the doctors not needed, just give the purple pill. It's a shame, because there's nothing like a good medical doctor. But many today are just drug dealers. I'm going on 66. I went to a doctor's office recently, the nurse couldn't believe I was 66 and not taking ANY pills. I think Vioxx is making a few more people open their eyes. You don't need a pill for everything. Diet and exercise will do it. If we don't realize that soon, we'll be a VERY unhealthy nation. We're ranked near the bottom of nations. Our longevity is not good in the US. I test my blood pressure often, and it really varies. If I went to a doctor, he'd put me on a pill. But it's totally normal to vary. Not one toxicologist in the IOM – they're all epidemiologists. The chairman was saying that the CDC wants the IOM to find thimerosal safe. What does that tell you? I was a soldier. I had to take a bunch of vaxes in 1969. I got very sick. Didn't think much of it. In 1975, I was a professor. I wanted to wear contact lenses. I thought I was going to die from having lenses in my eyes. There was a preservative in the lens, and I reacted. Since I was a chemist, I found I was allergic to thimerosal. That's how I started looking into this. I don't get flu shots, my wife has to take them because she's a nurse. I wouldn't get the flu, she would! This is when she was young, she doesn't take shots anymore. ALS patients (Lou Gehrig's) – were missing a protein. Wanted to look into Gulf War Syndrome. The French didn't get Gulf War Syndrome, they didn't get vaccinated. So they asked Dr Haley to look into it. I then remembered about thimerosal. When other countries met with vaccine experts from England and US, and mercury was brought up, they ridiculed US/England for using mercury in their vaccines. England/US said we don't use mercury, we use thimerosal. Then on a break, they looked up what thimerosal is. You could hear a pin drop. 1999 Verstraten study – they tried to get rid of the thimerosal theory. But Verstraten found a link. In 1999 they said let's take thimerosal out of vaccines. Verstraten kept manipulating the data. The last one finally they got data that showed thimerosal isn't causal…and then they published and lost all the data! There's no doubt in my mind that someone orchestrated that they should destroy that data. With that many people working on it, you're telling me noone has a copy? They were told to destroy it. Epidemiology in the US today is like being a lawyer, use the numbers to prove what you want. If there is no ethical standard there, it's not worth paying attention to epidemiological studies. I advocate for anti-viral therapies. I treated my son with this, and he's recovered. Some parents use DMSA and valtrex and diflucan and get double the mercury pulls. I also did a flu shot experiment, I found my hands and feet excreted the most mercury. When I had my fever/flu from the shot, I had no mercury vapors. With the virus on board, the body seemed to have a hard time dumping metals. Seems to me that it's harder to get mercury out with an active virus on board. When you take thimerosal, you release mercury and thiosalicylate it prevents excretion. When you have the flu, you have no energy. You have viral dna and rna replicating. You have no ATP levels. Autistic kids often have viruses. Would it make sense for a practitioner to do anti-viral therapy along with chelation therapy? I believe in results. You do the experiments. The IOM and NIH are saying don't do any studies that show mercury is causal. You need to do these studies with folks that don't have a vested interest in proving mercury is not causal. If you have the flu and take the vaccine, you can't detox properly…but doctors will do that anyway, they will vaccinate when you are sick. Do the experiments, do the studies, this needs to be looked at. Vitamin C and glutathione IV needs to be studied – I can't get that study. I'm not a medical doctor, and I can't get someone to study that. This is safe, it won't hurt anyone, but if you send this to NIH or any universities, they don't want to hear this. We need to look at Amish versus vaccinated population. There is a huge amount of patent money for nasal drugs, that's the best way to absorb. Methyl B12, there's good reason to believe that's a great way to absorb it. The methyl cobalamin needs to be supplemented if you're mercury-toxic, the body can't make it. Our health (my family) has increased dramatically from removing amalgams, stopping taking flu shots, and being careful about which fish we eat. You're working on a chelator? Yes. People have been making compounds for all the mercury in the environment, from power plants and such. I found some compounds that work pretty well, but aren't water-soluble. So I used those compounds, coupled them with glutathione and cysteine, now they're water-soluble and they go into the fatty tissues and bind to mercury very tightly. With typical chelators, they pull minerals at the same time. We tested on goldfish. The goldfish died with mercury. Then with mercury plus this compound, the goldfish didn't die. And we tested with the compound alone, it's not toxic. Next we're moving to mice. If that works, then we will try primates if we can. Most of the mercury goes into your fatty tissues. We need something to cross the blood-brain barrier. We need something better and safer then what was made in the 1940's - that's what I'm trying to do. How long until you're in a place where the chelator will be available? I don't know, I can't say. I'm thinking I might not get it approved in the US, based on the hostility generated towards me or anyone that thinks mercury is toxic here in the US. I might have to go to Mexico. Right now to see if your urine is mercury-toxic, you have to ship your urine to Paris, France. You can't do it in the US. I feel like this is the 18-year argument with the town drunk. There's a load of people that belong on a plaque for the Autism-hall-of-fame. The amount of damage done by mercury, between autism and alzheimers, is staggering. People ask Gerberding to change things, and she just thumbs her nose at them, and gets away with it. Government is definitely not perfect. We need to be vigilant. Pharmaceuticals didn't run the papers 50 years ago. We need to see this change – they shouldn't be able to advertise the little purple pill. They shouldn't be able to keep saying mercury doesn't cause autism on tv, when they don't know. Go out there and vote. Get Bill Frist out of congress. Use your vote. We need an educated population.
kim Posted September 16, 2006 Author Report Posted September 16, 2006 By Jan Hefler Inquirer Staff Writer Seven weeks after the mercury-contaminated Kiddie Kollege day-care center closed, a 5-year-old Franklin Township girl still has seizures, unexplained rashes, mysterious illnesses and peeling skin on her fingers and toes, which her attorney says are linked to inhaling the toxic metal...
kim Posted September 20, 2006 Author Report Posted September 20, 2006 If anyone wants to save these articles, please print or save to your computer. I hate the violating copyright, but I really hate not being able to share these articles too. I will have to remove sometime tomorrow. BTW, my former neurologist called a Dr. that I wanted to take the boys to, a quack, because she tested her patients for toxic fumes that mercury fillings can emit. For Immediate Release Contacts: Peter Kelley, 202-270-8831 September 14, 2006 Freya Koss, 610-649-2606 Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology calls for immediate expanded review of safety of mercury/silver dental fillings In response to last week's groundbreaking vote by two U.S. Food and Drug Administration panels to reject a staff white paper on the safety of mercury-laden "silver" dental fillings, the dentists, physicians and scientists of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology today sent the FDA a formal request for an expanded review of current science on dental mercury amalgams, a definitive date for such a hearing, and a format that will assure that the full breadth of health effects is assessed. The Academy's request follows votes Sept. 7, 2006, by two FDA-selected committee panels (Joint Panels), which by a 13-7 margin, rejected the FDA's own report as insufficiently representative of current science on the health risks of what most consumers are told are silver fillings. While two days of hearings last week provided some opportunity for opposing scientific data, presenters were limited to seven minutes of testimony each, hardly enough time to adequately address this very important, complex and pervasive issue, according to the Academy. The general consensus of joint panel members was an undisputed need for more study, especially regarding dental amalgam risks of mercury exposure to pregnant women and children, immuno-compromised individuals, and other "hypersensitive" populations.It was also noted that while "white" fillings are becoming more prevalent today, largely for aesthetic reasons, there is concern that less-educated and lower-income populations will be subjected to mercury fillings indefinitely unless the government intervenes and traditional dentistry's insistence that mercury fillings are safe is challenged. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology believes scientific data already exist that could shed light on this long-covered-up issue. The Academy consists of dentists, physicians and scientists whose mission is to support, review, and disseminate scientific evidence concerning the extended health effects of materials and procedures used in dentistry. Academy members presented evidence to a joint panel on neurology and dental products convened by the FDA, detailing risks to patients receiving mercury fillings that were either omitted or are diametrically opposed to the conclusions represented in the FDA's "white paper" submission to the committee. Some of the risks identified by scientists and health professionals that appeared to be persuasive to the joint committee include: . Harm to unborn babies . Mercury exposure from chewing, and drinking beverages . Interaction with other metals and dental materials that increases risk of harm . Mercury's links to neurological diseases like Alzheimer's disease and autism . Exceptionally sensitive people such as pregnant women and young children . Lack of patient informed consent "We applaud the joint committee's courage to resist pressures to rubber-stamp support for the safety of fillings that are still being used in many dental offices when the science shows that the claims of safety are unsupportable," Said Dr. Janet Stopka, President of the Academy. "Dental fillings that are 50% mercury, but are sold to the public as silver, do emit mercury vapors in significant enough quantities to cause life-altering health effects." Dr. Terry Messerman, immediate past President of the Academy added: "This one step of resisting business-as-usual and denial of pertinent science is a tremendous victory not only for the more than one-third of dentists in the U.S. who have already switched to more biologically-compatible treatments, but especially for the millions of patients that have already received what are essentially mercury-emitting implants, and yet were never informed. It is essential that an unbiased review begin immediately so that the science may prevail no matter what it may reveal." Dr. Boyd Haley, professor of chemistry at the University of Kentucky and chair of the Academy's Scientific Advisory Board, said, "There is scientific evidence that just cannot be ignored, and this includes a recent study that found 85% of dentists are already displaying a mercury-related biological impairment." Dr. David Regiani, a founding member of the Academy, stated, "We've already seen decisions to reduce or eliminate mercury from drugs, veterinary products, and consumer products, such as thermometers, contact lenses solutions, batteries and disinfectants. And here U.S. dentists are implanting almost a ton a week of time-release mercury fillings. It's time to put a halt to this." The formal request originates from the Academy's general meeting in Naples, Florida, September 7-9, and is addressed to the FDA, the committees focused on neurological impacts and dental products that rejected the FDA "white paper," and the individual members of the joint committee hearing panel. Additional information can be accessed at Attachment: IAOMT letter to FDA formally requesting reconvening the Joint Panels * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * Lead content of calcium supplements. * Ross EA, * Szabo NJ, * Tebbett IR. End-Stage Renal Disease Program, Division of Nephrology, Hypertension, and Transplantation, University of Florida, Box 100224, Gainesville, FL 32610-0224, USA. CONTEXT: Substantial quantities of lead have been reported in some over-the-counter calcium supplement preparations, including not only bone-meal and dolomite, but also over-the-counter natural and refined calcium carbonate formulations. Examination of this issue is warranted given recent increases in physician recommendations for calcium supplements for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. OBJECTIVES: To determine the lead content of calcium supplements and to quantify the lead exposure from popular brands of calcium in dosages used for childhood recommended daily allowance, osteoporosis, and phosphate binding in dialysis patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: Analysis of lead content in 21 formulations of nonprescription calcium carbonate (including 7 natural [ie, oyster shell] and 14 refined), 1 brand of prescription-only calcium acetate, and 1 noncalcium synthetic phosphate binder conducted in March 2000. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Lead content, assayed using electrothermal atomic absorption, expressed as micrograms of lead per 800 mg/d of elemental calcium, per 1500 mg/d of calcium, and for a range of dosages for patients with renal failure. Six microg/d of lead was considered the absolute dietary limit, with no more than 1 microg/d being the goal for supplements. RESULTS: Four of 7 natural products had measurable lead content, amounting to approximately 1 microg/d for 800 mg/d of calcium, between 1 and 2 microg/d for 1500 mg/d of calcium, and up to 10 microg/d for renal dosages. Four of the 14 refined products had similar lead content, including up to 3 microg/d of lead in osteoporosis calcium dosages and up to 20 microg/d in high renal dosages. No lead was detected in the calcium acetate or polymer products. Lead was present even in some brand name products from major pharmaceutical companies not of natural oyster shell derivation. CONCLUSIONS: Despite increasingly stringent limits of lead exposure, many calcium supplement formulations contain lead and thereby may pose an easily avoidable public health concern. JAMA. 2000;284:1425-1429. PMID: 10989406 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related Links * Lead content of dietary calcium supplements available in Brazil. [Food Addit Contam. 2006] PMID: 16449055 * Lead in calcium supplements. [Environ Health Perspect. 2000] PMID: 10753088 * Analysis of lead in 55 brands of dietary calcium supplements by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after microwave digestion. [Food Addit Contam. 2003] PMID: 12623663 * Lead content in 70 brands of dietary calcium supplements. [Am J Public Health. 1993] PMID: 8342726 * Contribution of lead from calcium supplements to blood lead. [Environ Health Perspect. 2001] PMID: 11333190 * See all Related Articles...
kim Posted October 1, 2006 Author Report Posted October 1, 2006 Looks like there's a little shake up at the CDC EPA locking down info? The fish are getting a lot of attention Sept issue of TIME had an ariticle entitled Mercury Rising. No mention of mercury in medicine. CHILDREN WITH AUTISM HAVE DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT IMMUNE SYSTEM REACTIONS COMPARED TO TYPICAL CHILDREN Immunologists from UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute find clear biological component to perplexing childhood neurological disorder May 5, 2005 (BOSTON, Mass.) – A new study by researchers at the University of California, Davis, M.I.N.D. Institute and the NIEHS Center for Children's Environmental Health demonstrate that children with autism have different immune system responses than children who do not have the disorder. This is important evidence that autism, currently defined primarily by distinct behaviors, may potentially be defined by distinct biologic changes as well. The study was released at the 4th International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) – a meeting of autism scientists started by Cure Autism Now, the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute and the National Alliance for Autism Research to accelerate knowledge of this increasingly common and perplexing disorder. It is estimated that autism now affects 1 in every 166 children. "Understanding the biology of autism is crucial to developing better ways to diagnose and treat it," said Judy Van de Water, associate professor of rheumatology, allergy and clinical immunology at the UC Davis School of Medicine and the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute. "While impaired communication and social skills are the hallmarks of the disorder, there has not yet been strong scientific evidence that the immune system is implicated as well. We now need to design carefully controlled studies that tell us even more about the way in which a dysfunctional immune system may or may not play a role in the disorder itself." Van de Water, along with co-investigator of the study Paul Ashwood, assistant professor of medical microbiology and immunology at the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute, isolated immune cells from blood samples taken from 30 children with autism and 26 typically developing children aged between two and five years of age. The cells from both groups were then exposed to bacterial and viral agents that usually provoke T-cells, B cells and macrophages – primary players in the immune system. Of the agents tested in the study - tetanus toxoid, lippopolysaccharide derived from E. coli cell walls, a plant lectin known as PHA, and a preparation of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine antigens - the researchers found clear differences in cellular responses between patients and controls following exposure to the bacterial agents and PHA. In response to bacteria, the researchers saw lower levels of protein molecules called cytokines in the group with autism. Cytokines function as mediators of the immune response, carrying messages between B, T and other immune cells. They also are known to be capable of having profound effects on the central nervous system, including sleep and the fever response. Immune system responses to PHA, in contrast, produced more varied cytokine levels: Higher levels of certain cytokines and lower levels of others. According to Van de Water and Ashwood, these studies illustrate that under similar circumstances, the cytokine responses elicited by the T-cells, B-cells, and macrophage cell populations following their activation differs markedly in children with autism compared to age-matched children in the general population. Cytokines are known to affect mood and behavior, and while their specific role in the development of autism remains unclear, the potential connection is an intriguing area of research that warrants further investigation. "This study is part of a larger effort to learn how changes in immune system response may make some children more susceptible to the harmful effects of environmental agents," said Kenneth Olden, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the federal agency that provided funding for the study. "A better understanding of the connection between altered immune response and autism may lead to significant advances in the early detection, prevention and treatment of this complex neurological disorder." For further information, go to Still fighting the research Chairman Barton Stops Combating Autism Act - For Now Remaining Hope with Boehner/Hastert House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Joe Barton (TX) will not consider the Senate-passed Combating Autism Act in the House this session. He remains steadfastly unmoved and unimpressed by over 200 House members and a unanimous Senate. Without regard to the merits of our bill or the desperate state of our children, he indicated he would not even consider it without passage of his NIH Reform bill—an impossibility this Congress. In the end, his personal legislative agenda outweighed the needs of hundreds of thousands of children with autism. He would only consider a bill devoid of any NIH provisions, including environmental research, and that is unacceptable to the autism community. Let Chairman Barton know how you feel! Call Barton today and let him know that it is unacceptable for our elected officials to put personal, political interests ahead of your sick children! Call Rep. Barton today at 202-225-2002. Keep calling until you get through. Let's jam his phone lines and make ourselves heard. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (IL) has thus far refused to intervene on our children's behalf. His Office of the Speaker website states: "At home we put children first, and Republicans are doing just that in the House". Ask him to back that up and put S.843 on the House suspension calendar! Call Speaker Hastert at 202-225-0600 and ask him to do what's right for children with autism. Majority Leader John Boehner (OH) has been unwilling to stand up to Chairman Barton! Let him know you expect him to show the leadership it takes to do the right thing for hundreds of thousands of children and put S.843 on the House suspension calendar. Call Majority Leader Boehner at 202-225-4000 today and make your voice heard! Our fight is far from over! Call all three representatives today and let them hear the full voice of the autism community. We will speak for our children, because they cannot. Thank you for your support! For complete information about the Combating Autism Act of 2006, go to About The Combating Autism Act of 2006 The Combating Autism Act of 2006 builds on the provisions of the Children's Health Act of 2000 and would authorize approximately $920 million in federal funds over five years to combat autism through research, screening, intervention and education. The Combating Autism Act of 2006 is supported by the following autism organizations: Autism One Autism Society of America Autism Speaks COSAC Cure Autism Now Dan Marino Foundation Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation First Signs Generation Rescue The Help Group National Autism Association Organization for Autism Research S.A.F.E. Inc. SafeMinds Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center Talk About Curing Autism TalkAutism The Deirdre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology Unlocking Autism US Autism and Asperger Association
kim Posted October 13, 2006 Author Report Posted October 13, 2006 VIDEO UPDATE -- New FDA Craziness - An Institute of Medicine report confirms what many already knew: the federal system for approving and regulating drugs is corrupt, dangerous, and broken. New FDA Craziness - An Institute of Medicine report confirms what many already knew: the federal system for approving and regulating drugs is corrupt, dangerous, and broken. Mercury Magnet Removes Dangerous Toxins From Your Body - Among the many benefits of this true "superfood," chlorella will help you detoxify from heavy metal build-up, build your immune system, and improve your ability to focus. After over two years of research, I now offer you the purest, most superior form on earth. Are You Surprised the Average American Home Has More TVs Than People? - The typical home has 2.55 people and 2.73 TV sets, which can have a serious negative effect on your health. Subscribed to the Newsletter Yet? Click Here to Subscribe Now and Begin Your Journey to Independent Health! ''Light'' Cigarettes No Better Than Regular Cancer Sticks - A federal judge has ruled that tobacco companies knew of the dangers of light cigarettes, but still promoted them as a healthier alternative. Finally, Some Hospitals Start to Understand the Importance of Nutrition! - It's about time! Hospitals across the U.S. are beginning to offer healthy, organic food to their patients and staff. Power of the Mind and Rheumatoid Arthritis - Of the over 3,000 patients with rheumatoid arthritis I have treated, virtually every one had some unresolved emotional challenge that could benefit from this type of therapy. How Would You Like to Switch Your Job to a Career in Nutrition? - Would you like to obtain a comprehensive education in nutrition by studying with me, Dr. Chopra, Dr. Weil and more? Did You Know that Air Purifiers Can Cause You More Harm than Good? Learn Why - My #1 Recommended Air Purifier. When it comes to safely eliminating harmful airborne allergens, viruses, bacteria, mold, and other toxic pollutants, this air purifier with unique advanced technology gets the job done right. And it's easy to maintain, silent, compact and cost effective! Do you have a specific health question? Try typing it in our search engine and you will see if any of the 50,000 pages I have compiled will answer it for you. Click Here to Search Now! Help Your Favorite Charity By Recycling! Tools to Help You Recover Your Health -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having Trouble With the Newsletter? If for any reason you are having problems with any of the links, you can obtain the Web version of this newsletter and every newsletter here: All back issues of the eHealthy Newsletter are available on the web at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©Copyright Dr. Joseph Mercola, 2006. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, as long as copyright, contact, and creation information is given, only if used only in a not-for-profit format. If possible, I would also appreciate an endorsement and encouragement to subscribe to the newsletter. If any other use is desired, written permission is required. 1443 W. Schaumburg Road, Suite 250 Schaumburg, IL 60194
kim Posted October 21, 2006 Author Report Posted October 21, 2006 FDA Approves Anti-Psychotic Drug Risperidone for Use in Children Diagnosed with Autism National Autism Association urges parents and health care providers to carefully research side effects Nixa, MO - The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the anti-psychotic drug Risperidone (trade name Risperdal) earlier this month for use among children diagnosed with autism, much to the concern of parents familiar with the drug's side effect profile. Manufactured by Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Janssen, Risperdal sales figures were over $3 billion in 2005. The FDA has approved the drug for pediatric use despite the fact that the agency issued a warning letter to Janssen in 2004 saying that the company had omitted information in product literature regarding hypoglycemia and diabetes, and had made misleading claims that Risperdal is safer than other drugs in the same category. Documented potential side effects of Risperidone include lactation both in girls and boys, weight gain, and development of the often irreversible movement disorder tardive dyskinesia. "Any medication that can induce lactation in boys is clearly a dangerous drug, and in my opinion should only be used when all avenues of biomedical treatments have been exhausted," said National Autism Association executive director Rita Shreffler. "Parents are faced with extremely tough decisions when it comes to medicating their children, and extra caution should be used with Risperdal in particular given what we know about it." The behavioral symptoms associated with autism are often due to undiagnosed medical issues including heavy metal toxicity, abdominal pain, constipation, parasites and food allergies. Many of these issues can be relieved by more benign interventions to address the cause of the behaviors, rather than masking them with drugs. "Medical treatments are working backwards," said NAA president Wendy Fournier. "We're prescribed pills for a headache without addressing the cause of the headache. We must start treating the cause of medical illnesses, not just covering up symptoms, especially when it comes to the complex biomedical issues of children with autism." Another Johnson & Johnson's company, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (OCD), manufactured RhoGAM, a RhoD Immune Globulin given to Rh-negative women during pregnancy and following delivery. RhoGAM exposed fragile, developing fetuses to a bolus dose of mercury-based thimerosal. The neurotoxin was used as a preservative until OCD changed production methods in 2001. Many parents and scientists believe thimerosal to be the leading factor in the increase of neurological injuries such as autism among children. "It's ironic that the same company that gave us RhoGAM now stands to further increase profits from a drug that suppresses symptoms of neurological damage consistent with mercury toxicity," commented Shreffler. "Risperdal does nothing to address the neurological injuries of children diagnosed with autism, and the potential side effects are frightening." For more information on autism, visit ************************************************ Severely troubled boys 'soothed by fish oils' · School findings warrant more research, say experts · Big improvement seen in behaviour after 20 weeks Felicity Lawrence Thursday October 12, 2006 The Guardian,,1920038,00.html - - - - Omega-3, junk food and the link between violence and what we eat Research with British and US offenders suggests nutritional deficiencies may play a key role in aggressive bevaviour
Claire Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Hi Kim, This is so very sad. So many people are so desperate to have their autistic child lead a 'normal' life. They have no idea that their child could have underlying issues that cause the symptoms. They trust their mainstream doctors completely, who don't know any better. Some will be hurt by this. Claire
kim Posted November 11, 2006 Author Report Posted November 11, 2006 Chemical exposures: silent pandemic of ND disorders November 8, 2006 — An online review article published November 8 in the Lancet says environmental exposure to toxic chemicals in utero and in the early stages of life may be creating a "silent pandemic" of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Claire Posted November 24, 2006 Report Posted November 24, 2006 Interesting. They say it isn't genetically modified... (of course more protein means more gluten I guess) Gene makes wheat more nutritious Scientists have found a way to boost the protein, zinc and iron content in wheat, an achievement that could help bring more nutritious food to many millions of people worldwide. A team led by University of California at Davis researcher Jorge Dubcovsky identified a gene in wild wheat that raises the grain's nutritional content. The gene became nonfunctional for unknown reasons during humankind's domestication of wheat.... ... The wheat varieties bred by the scientists are not genetically modified, which could help them become accepted commercially, they said. "We didn't do it by genetic modification. The normal wheat crosses perfectly well with the wild wheat. So we just crossed it after normal breeding," Dubcovsky said.
kim Posted November 24, 2006 Author Report Posted November 24, 2006 Clare, When you get a chance, read this article Monsanto is a company that is easy not to like. At the bottom of the page there's a story about wheat, be sure to click on the read on option. Monsanto's ties to the Government and the FDA is on the 2nd page along the left hand column. How tight are Monsanto and Dubcovsky who heads a consortium of 20 public wheat-breeding programs called the Wheat Coordinated Agricultural Project. A google search of Dubcovsky and Monsanto leads me to believe that they've been at a few of the same functions. I didn't read far enough to come up with anything that means anything, but after the research that I've done on vaccines, you learn not to take anything at face value, like a good little consumer. So we just crossed it after normal breeding," Dubcovsky said.What does this mean??? If he said that they cross bred the plants, that I could understand, but crossed it after normal breeding?? so rather than leave the protein and the zinc and iron in the straw, we've moved a little bit more into the grain," Dubcovsky said. But how was this accomplished? Remember, Consumers have NOT embraced tampering with our food. Neither have some other countries, that have threatened to stop importing from the US if we send them some of stuff that has been genetically engineered. If you can make it through this article, you will see where the terms; biotechnology, genetic engineering, modifying DNA, etc. can be a bit confusing. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with what they're doing at all. Maybe it's a good thing, but if you want the big picture, you really have to do your homework, to be sure of anything these days.
Claire Posted November 25, 2006 Report Posted November 25, 2006 Kim, Good point! My first reaction was 'it's genetically modified', then like a good consumer, I believed it when they said it wasn't...! Anyway, we don't eat wheat, in this case fortunately. Claire
kim Posted November 25, 2006 Author Report Posted November 25, 2006 Claire, I think I found something that may be closer to what they're describing in that article. I'll post it in a bit. I read about the wonders of Monsanto, when I was looking at soy infant formula, quite a while ago. Then I got to the Aspartame/Monsanto stuff. I figure since you started this (haha) I might as well share some of it! Scrambled Genome of Roundup Ready Soya Monsanto’s technical dossier submitted for commercial approval claimed that RR soya had a single insert with the intended order of genes. It turns out not to be the case. Not only is the gene order of the insert itself scrambled, the plant DNA at the site of insertion is also scrambled, and there is a large 534 bp fragment of unknown origin in there as well. The dramatic increase is largely credited to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval of health claims for soy which very likely is unfounded (see below: #Reduce Cholesterol?). Since the bulk of the soy grown in the US is GMO variety the chief beneficiaries of the increase are the biotech seed companies. Dr. Jane E. Henney who was the FDA commissioner at the time, now sits on the board of biotech giant Astra Zeneca. Many top agency officials from the Bush Administration, have been under criticism for close ties to industry and possible financial conflicts of interest. The former USDA Secretary of Agriculture, Daniel Robert Glickman, also left to accept seats on the boards of soy related companies including Hain Foods. From 2001 to 2004, food manufacturers in the US introduced over 1600 new foods with soy as an ingredient, averaging 400 new products per year, according to the Mintel’s Global New Products Database. Genetic Modification Soybeans are one of the "biotech food" crops that are being genetically modified, and GMO soybeans are being used in an increasing number of products. Monsanto is the world's leader in genetically modified soy for the commercial market. In 1995, Monsanto introduced "Roundup Ready" (RR) soybeans that have had a complete copy of a gene plasmid from the bacteria, Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4, inserted, by means of a gene gun, into its genome that allows the transgenic plant to survive being sprayed by this non-selective, glyphosate-based herbicide. Roundup kills conventional soybeans. RR soybeans allow a farmer to reduce tillage or even to sow the seed directly into an unplowed field, known as 'No Plow' tillage, greatly reducing soil erosion. In 1997, 81% of all soybeans cultivated for the commercial market were genetically modified. As with other "Roundup Ready" crops, concern is expressed over damage to biodiversity.[3] Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) is among the largest processors of soybeans and soy products. ADM along with DOW, DuPont and Monsanto support the industry trade associations United Soybean Board (USB) and Soyfoods Association of North America (SANA). These trade associations have increased the consumption of soy products dramatically in recent years. GM Food Animals Coming Foods derived from genetically modified animals are likely to be contaminated by potent vaccines, immune regulators, and growth hormones, as well as nucleic acids, viruses, and bacteria that have the potential to create pathogens and to trigger cancer Dr Mae-Wan Ho & Prof Joe Cummins, 15th November 2006 Monsanto+Aspartame
Claire Posted November 25, 2006 Report Posted November 25, 2006 Hi Kim, Amazing. No liability/consequences for the untruths about soy?? My friend says they grow there own soybeans, but I always wonder how they no there is no GMO. I didn't realize it was 80%! Claire
kim Posted December 3, 2006 Author Report Posted December 3, 2006 Danger in Toyland San Francisco's ban on toxic toys - including such classics as the rubber ducky - highlights the lurking danger of plastic contaminants By MARGOT ROOSEVELT/LOS ANGELES Posted Sunday, Dec. 3, 2006,00.html excerpt; The focus on bpa is new. Its use is widespread---it's found in dental sealants and the epoxy linings on food cans as well as in baby bottles. Studies in animals over the past five years have found that the substance, which mimics the human hormone estrogen, alters brain structure and chemistry as well as the immune system and reproductive organs. Some of these effects show up at extremely low doses, in some cases 2,000 times below the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) safety guideline, according to Frederick vom Saal, a University of Missouri endocrinologist. AND FDA Panel OKs Celebrex Use for Children Excerpt: Earlier, the FDA's arthritis advisory committee voted unanimously to say the drug was an effective treatment for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, which affects as many as 60,000 U.S. children. However, in an 8-7 vote, with one abstention, panel members said available data doesn't demonstrate that Celebrex is safe in treating the disease, commonly called JRA. Celebrex is the only member of a class of drugs that included Vioxx and Bextra not to have been withdrawn from the market over concerns they elevate the risk of heart attacks and strokes in adults. FDA reviewers before the meeting had questioned the cardiovascular risks of long-term use of the drug in children.
kim Posted December 9, 2006 Author Report Posted December 9, 2006 A new threat to your supplements Overview of Problems - Mandatory Adverse Events Reporting (AER) Bill Julian Whitaker, MD - May 8, 2006 This bill directs consumers to complain to dietary supplement manufacturers or retailers rather than to local physicians or health authorities if they believe they have experienced a serious adverse event from ingesting a dietary supplement. It preempts any and all evidence of causality and opens the door for hearsay accusations with no attempt to protect supplement manufacturers from such. This bill invites the FDA to investigate supplement companies based on unverified complaints of injury. The FDA, as we all know, is terribly biased against nutritional supplement companies and is more than willing to use this bias for harm. The AER bill would add additional “legal” weapons. 12/6/2006 Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent Congressional Oversight Needed to STOP FDA's "Trilateral Cooperation Charter"
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