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Second article added tonight. Dont' miss the above post. That study is creating a lot of "ya hoo's," in the autism circles today. :)



Shots in the dark.............Good overview if you don't have time for a book





Taking Too Much of a Supplement

There's increasing evidence that too much of some nutrients may be harmful. While most nutrients are safe, some can be dangerous and too much of anything can be toxic. The fat-soluble vitamins that can accumulate in the body, such as vitamins A and D, are particularly suspect.




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Your very welcome.



I'm fighting that anger that I was telling Lisa would not influence my decisions again!


Read this, what do you think? Put thimerosal back in?!!!!!!






/Wednesday, March 22, 2006 by CommonDreams.org /


Allowing the Drug Companies to Poison Our Children*


by Lewis Seiler & Dan Hamburg *



Top Republican so-called leaders--Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist

(R-TN) and House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL)--recently sold the future

of our children to Big Pharma for a paltry $4 bucks a pop. That's the

additional cost to produce a safe vaccine, a vaccine minus the

mercury-based preservative thimerosal. Mercury is a deadly neurotoxin

that has long been known to cause serious learning disabilities, autism,

and death.


According to the California Public Schools Autism Prevalence Report for

the School Years 1992-2003, the increase in autism prevalence is

systemic across the entire United States "and should be an urgent public

health concern...The disease frequency of autism now surpasses that of

all types of cancer combined." The report notes a 1,086% cumulative

growth rate of autism over the period, with a 23% average annual growth



A recent study published in the Spring 2006 volume of the peer-reviewed

Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons shows that the rate of

neurodevelopmental disorders in children has decreased following the

removal of thimerosal from most American childhood vaccines. However,

only about a third of the 11 million children vaccinated for influenza

this year will receive mercury-free vaccines.


At the end of last year, President Bush signed the Public Readiness and

Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA), granting blanket immunity to

pharmaceutical companies for vaccine-induced injuries. The measure is a

carte blanche for industry, allowing it even to reintroduce mercury in

vaccines that are currently clean, and under the behest of the World

Health Organization, to continue shipping tainted vaccine to the

"developing world."


The federal government has known enough to stop the use of mercury in

vaccines for more than a decade. Industry has known of the dangers of

thimerosal since at least 1991.[1] But using the preservative made the

sale of vaccines more profitable. In fact, the Centers for Disease

Control (CDC) has at times seemed just as concerned about these profits

as the companies themselves! Cynics have noted the "revolving door"

between industry and government that seems to alter the perspective of



In 1999, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended "the

elimination of thimerosal as soon as possible." In 2002, the CDC stated

in a press release "all vaccines will be thimerosal-free as soon as

adequate supplies are available." Yet, last year the CDC rejected an

offer from vaccine manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur to supply the entire

country with safe influenza vaccines, claiming "no preference for

thimerosal-free vaccines."


In order to secure passage of the PREPA, Senators Frist and Ted Stevens

(R-AL), joined by Speaker Hastert, lied to members of the House-Senate

conference committee. These leaders assured their colleagues that

immunity for the drug companies would not go forward as a tack-on to the

2006 defense appropriations bill. There were no public hearings on the

immunity provision, no debate, no disclosure of the proceedings of the

committee. Press coverage was virtually non-existent.


According to one prominent member of the committee, Rep. David Obey

(D-WI), "This legislation was unilaterally and arrogantly inserted into

the bill after the conference committee was over. It was a blatant power

play by the two most powerful men in Congress." Sen. Ted Kennedy called

the legislation "a blank check for the industry." Sen. Robert Byrd, dean

of Senate rules, opined: "There should be no dispute. The processes

leading to passage of this bill [was] an absolute travesty."[2]


The PREPA is unconstitutional. It removes the right to due process and

judicial review for persons injured by vaccines, thus granting a virtual

license to kill. Under the new law, companies making vaccines can be

grossly negligent and act with wanton recklessness and still escape

liability as long as they can show that their misconduct wasn't "willful."


It is impossible to conceive of a lower standard for the drug companies

or a higher burden of proof for injured parties.


The refusal of the drug companies to take responsibility for the

products they produce, and the complicity of the highest levels of

government in their refusal, will diminish public confidence in the

entire US vaccination program. Already, thousands of mothers, including

our own daughters, are fearful of having their infants and toddlers



The PREPA also preempts the laws of states like California that have

passed legislation outlawing mercury in childhood vaccinations.

Meanwhile, the CDC continues to send its henchmen into state

legislatures around the country in attempts to abort measures banning



While American soldiers spill blood abroad in the name of democracy,

democratic principles are being shredded here at home. The right of

habeus corpus has been abridged. Torture is countenanced at CIA-run

"black sites" around the globe. Incarceration for years without access

to lawyers, let alone trials, has become commonplace. And now, with the

PREPA, we have blanket immunity for a major industry, an industry that

has endangered the health of millions of American children and brought

untold grief to millions of American families.


It's worth considering why the drug companies feel they need such

treatment. Is it because they have known for decades that their product

is harmful? As we learned with Big Tobacco, denial is the first defense.


Eventually, the truth will come out about mercury and the depravity of

injecting a neurotoxin into the bodies of infants and toddlers. The

question is: how many more children will be made sick before the leaders

of the country get their priorities straight?


/Lewis Seiler is president of Voice of the Environment

<http://www.voiceoftheenvironment.org/>. Dan Hamburg is executive

director of Voice of the Environment. /


[1] Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, Vaccine Safety Datalink study for the CDC,

1999. Other major studies include: the 1994 study done by the Institute

of Medicine that concluded "the balance of evidence is consistent with a

causal relationship between mercury and autism;" the 1996 study by the

National Childhood Encephalopathy Institute demonstrating that "a

significant association exists between mercury and autism;" and the 2006

study by Dr. Mark R. Geier and David A. Geier published in the Journal

of American Physicians and Surgeons that noted a marked decrease in

reported cases of autism with the removal of thimerosal from most

childhood vaccinations after 2003.


[2] "Hastert, Frist said to rig bill for drug firms," Bill Theobald, The

Tennessean, Feb. 9, 2006





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From: D Kirby

Sent: Mar 22, 2006 12:24 PM

To: EOHarm@yahoogroups.com




I am pleased to announce that there will be a media briefing in

Washington next Thursday, March 30th, to update reporters on all of

the recent development in the mercury autism controversy. I am

especially pleased that Katie Wright will be joining us. She has a

lot to say!


Please feel free to circulate this.


Many thanks for your continued support.


David Kirby












WHAT: A panel briefing on the growing evidence of a link between

mercury, vaccines and autism, and important new developments on

Capitol Hill, in major universities and within the mainstream media.



WHO: Dan Olmsted, journalist for UPI who writes the regular

column, "The Age of Autism." Mr. Olmsted will discuss his recent

reporting on unvaccinated populations – including Amish children in

Pennsylvania and patients at a holistic medical practice outside

Chicago – as well as other investigations into early cases of

autism, and reports of improvements after medical treatments.



David Kirby, author of the book "Evidence of Harm – Mercury in

Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic." Mr. Kirby will discuss newly

published science from major US universities that support the

mercury-autism link, media reports of recent declines in new autism

numbers, and newly leaked IOM transcripts that would indicate undue

pressure by the CDC over IOM vaccine committee members to reject the

thimerosal-autism hypothesis.



Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), who will unveil a bill to provide for a

new study of vaccinated and unvaccinated populations of American

children. Data from this relatively simple study could settle once

and for all the question of a link between vaccines and autism, ADD,

ADHD and other disorders. Rep. Maloney will also discuss the Federal

bill to ban thimerosal in vaccines, which she co-sponsors with Rep.

Dave Weldon (R-FL), and a possible Congressional move to empanel a

new committee of the Institute of Medicine that would consider new

evidence to support the link.



Katie Wright, daughter of NBC/Universal President Bob Wright and

Suzanne Wright, founders of the new autism research charity "Autism

Speaks." Ms. Wright will talk about her son's autism diagnosis, her

belief that thimerosal contributed to his illness, and recent

progress he has made using state-of-the-art biomedical

interventions. Ms. Wright will also discuss her dismay at the

American Academy of Pediatrics, which does not publicly support the

Combating Autism Act of 2005, reportedly because the bill earmarks

money for research into vaccine preservatives.



WHEN: Thursday, March 30th. Breakfast at 8:30am, briefing from 9:00-




WHERE: National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington,




CONTACTS: Olmsted: 202-302-3753; dolmsted@upi.com


Kirby: 718-230-4250; dkirby@nyc.rr.com


Maloney: Afshin Mohamadi, 202-225-7944


Get the lead out

Article by Dr. Zoltan P. Rona MD MSc


Recent concerns that household mini-blinds, readily available in many

home product stores everywhere, may be causing lead poisoning in

children has put the issue of lead toxicity in the headlines once

again. Lead is a toxic metal that finds itself into the human body

and accumulates in the brain, central nervous system, bones, glands

and hair. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (1720),

over 60 million tons of lead has been added to the North American

supply. It is estimated that the bottom sediment of the Great Lakes

contains about 20 times more lead than it did 100 years ago. The

commonest form of lead exposure and the resulting toxicity is through

the ingestion of lead-containing paint, often used indoors in older

houses. Ingestion is a primary route of exposure in children. Since

lead can go through breast milk, it can build up to high levels in

breast-fed infants. Blood lead levels are significantly higher in

smokers than nonsmokers and previous smokers. Of the exposed

population, 80% with blood lead concentrations above 12 ug

(micrograms)/dl (deciliter) are smokers. Aside from paint and tobacco

smoke, there is a long list of common lead sources in the environment.



paint chips

lead-based paint

tobacco smoke

electric cable covering

dust in and around homes and buildings


leaded glass

leaded gasoline

parental occupations and hobbies

pottery glaze



lead-soldered plumbing batteries

hair colouring agents and other cosmetics

black and colored inks

ashes and fumes from burning oil-painted wood

soil and air in and around industrialized areas

drinking water

sewage sludge

waste incineration

land fills

eating food from lead-soldered cans


Lead exposure may result in reduced IQ, impaired hearing, and in

difficulty maintaining motor control and balance. Children who are

exposed to moderate levels of lead may not only suffer from learning

disabilities but may also develop more allergies. Elevated levels of

lead have been found in some children who suffer from autism. High

levels of lead in some individuals can produce a chronic fatigue

syndrome type illness, chronic headaches, can reduce sperm counts and

inhibit testosterone synthesis, can result in cardiac arrhythmias and

damage the membranes of red blood cells, resulting in anemia. In both

children and adults, lead exposure may impair kidney function and

cause high blood pressure.


Children, particularly those under the age of four, often play on the

floor, and tend to put their hands in their mouths. They also tend to

absorb lead more easily than adults do because their metabolism is

faster. Lead affects the child's developing nervous system,

especially up to the age of 6, causes hearing impairment, behavioral

problems and a lessening of intelligence. Pregnant women should not

be exposed to lead dust as lead can interfere with the proper

development of the fetus.


More than 200,000 children are treated for lead poisoning each year.

Lead exposure can cause death. One hundred and thirty-nine lead-

related deaths occurred in the United States during the years 1979

through 1988. The death rate was higher in older age groups, higher

among males than females and highest among blacks and individuals

living in the southern regions of the United States. Nine of 11

children who died were younger than 3 years of age. Three reportedly

ingested lead paint, one ingested a lead object, and one ingested

some home remedies somehow contaminated with lead.


Lead's neurotoxicity is derived from the production of autoantibodies

against neural proteins. It is possible that lead and other heavy

metals upset the balance between 2 classes of the immune system1s

helper T cells in favor of cells that are less able to ward off viral

infection. In exposed individuals, neuroantibody levels are typically

1,000 times greater than those in non-exposed persons.


Lead competes with calcium, inhibits the release of neurotransmitters

and interferes with the regulation of cell metabolism by blocking

calcium transport by calcium channels and calcium-sodium ATP pumps as

well as by competing for calcium-binding protein sites and uptake by

the mitochondria. Dietary deficiencies of calcium, iron and zinc can

enhance the effects of lead on cognitive and behavioral development.


During pregnancy, lead stored in bone is released and can harm the

fetus. Lead also causes skeletal growth abnormalities, antisocial and

delinquent behavior as well as asthma. Lead can disrupt bone mineral

metabolism and increase the risk of osteoporosis. Studies have

consistently demonstrated the presence of a variety of neurotoxic and

other adverse health effects of lead at blood lead levels even as low

as 10 ug/dl. Federal agencies have redefined child lead poisoning as

blood lead levels of 10 ug/dl. Because iron deficiency can enhance

lead absorption and toxicity, all children with blood lead levels of

20 ug per dl or higher should be tested for iron deficiency.


Studies show that abused and neglected children are often at high

risk for lead poisoning. Children who have been abused and neglected

are already at risk for learning problems, school failure and

maladaptive behavior. Elevated lead levels places these children at

further risk for cognitive and behavioral impairment.



The U.S. Centers for Disease Control suggests you (or your physician)

routinely answer/ask a series of five questions. If you answer "yes"

to any of the following questions, your child is at high risk for

lead exposure and should have his/her blood tested for lead poisoning.


1) Does your child live in a pre-1960 house with peeling, chipping,

flaking lead-based paint? Also consider whether this description

applies to any daycare, or home of a baby-sitter or relative that

your child may visit.

2) Does your child live in or regularly visit a house that's

undergoing remodeling or renovation activity?

3) Does your child live with an adult who's exposed to lead in

his/her workplace? Occupations include home renovation workers or

contractors, positions in battery factories or recycling plants, or

lead smelters. These individuals may be bringing home lead dust on

their clothing.

4) Does your child live near a battery factory or battery recycling

plant or lead smelter. This could mean the general neighborhood is


5) Does your child have a sibling or playmate who's currently being

tested for lead poisoning?

According to the Centers for Disease Control in the U.S., the minimum

level of concern is 10 micrograms per deciliter of blood, expressed

as 10ug/dL. In Canada, lead levels are often expressed in micromoles

per litter (umo1/L ; 10 ug/dL equals .48 umi1/L).


Blood tests will only reveal recent or continued exposure. To

determine past exposure, hair mineral analysis and special ELISA

blood testing available from some USA labs are necessary. Screening

by measurements of blood lead is more sensitive and specific than

measurement by erythrocyte protoporphyrin, a test still recommended

by less enlightened centers. Venous blood samples are preferable to

capillary sampling of blood lead levels due to possible

contamination. Blood lead test results can be interpreted and managed

according to CDC recommended guidelines.


Home lead testing kits that allow a person to test for lead in water,

paint, glass, ceramics, soil and dust are available in most hardware

or home product stores.



There is no common approach for the treatment of lead toxicity at

present. In the majority of pediatric centers, current management of

blood lead elevation did not appear to reflect the new information

regarding the effects and treatment of lead poisoning. Health and

nutritional counseling is probably the most cost effective means to

approach children with exposures less than .97 umol/l (20 ug/dl).

Children with lead levels greater than .97 umol/L (20 ug/dL) should

receive more involved intervention. Intervention should include

reducing the child's body burden and absorption of lead, chelation

therapy, treating calcium and iron deficiency and identifying and

removing sources of lead.


Some foods are effective lead binders (chelators) and help push lead

out of the body. High fiber foods, especially those containing pectin

(e.g. apples) are especially effective. Other foods that should be

eaten in higher amounts are legumes, eggs, onions and garlic.

Drinking distilled water and aloe vera juice until lead levels are

low are also effective measures.


There is evidence that zinc and vitamin C supplementation may be of

benefit in children with an above average risk of lead poisoning.

Children from low-income families have been shown to be deficient in

dietary zinc. Many premature infants are also zinc deficient and at

higher risk.


Other natural supplements that should be considered in treating lead

toxicity are garlic capsules, L-cysteine, L-lysine, N-acetyl-

cysteine, L-methionine, bioflavonoids (e.g. grape seed extract, pine

bark extract, rutin, hesperidin and catechin), selenium, vitamin E,

vitamin A and B complex.



Housing and Urban Development, User Line (310) 251-5154, or write:


HUD User, P.O. Box 6091 Rockville, Maryland 20850. Can provide

report: "Comprehensive and Workable Plan for the Abatement of Lead-

Based Paint in Privately Owned Housing." Cost: $3.00 U.S.


National Lead Information Clearinghouse: 1-800-424-LEAD.


For a brochure on how to protect children from lead poisoning, fact

sheets on testing, and a list of state and local contacts who can

provide more details, dial the National Lead Information Center's

toll-free hotline at (800) 532-3394.


EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline: 1-800-426-4791 for information

about lead in drinking water.


Suburban Water Testing Labs, Temple, Penn.: (800) 433-6595, $35.

National Testing Laboratories, Cleveland, Ohio: (800) 458-3330, $35.

Clean Water Fund, Asheville, N.C.: (704) 251-0518, $17.


Consumer Product Safety Commission Hotline; to request information on

lead in consumer products or to report an unsafe consumer product or

a product-related injury call 1-800-638-2772. (Internet:



You can obtain a lead testing kit for $49.95 ppd. by calling the Lead

Institute at 800-532-3837. The Institute also supplies a water-

testing kit for $39. 95 ppd. Both prices include lab analysis.



Al-Saleh, Iman, A., et al. Lead Exposure in Saudi Arabia and Its

Relationship to Smoking. Biometals, 1995;8:243-245.


Burns, C.B. and Currie, B., The Efficacy of Chelation Therapy and

Factors Influencing Mortality in Lead Intoxicated Petrol Sniffers.

Australian New Zealand Medical Journal, 1995;25:197-203.


Flaherty, Emalee, Gottbrath. Risk of Lead Poisoning in Abused and

Neglected Children, Clinical Pediatrics, March, 1995;128-132.


Greene, Lawrence S. Asthma and Oxidant Stress: Nutritional,

Environmental and Genetic Risk Factors, Journal of the American

College of Nutrition, 1995;14(4):317-324.


Holmes, et, Getting the lead out.., Vol. 5, Garbage, 12-01-1993, pp



Hu, Howard et al. The Relationship of Bone and Blood Lead to

Hypertension: The Normative Aging Study. JAMA, April 17, 1996;275



Jouglard, J., et al. Lead Poisoning Due to an Earthenware Wine Jug.

La Presse Medicale, February 17, 1996;25(6):243-246.


Kim, Rokho et al. A Longitudinal Study of Low-Level Lead Exposure and

Impairment of Renal Function, The Normative Aging Study. JAMA, April

17, 1996;275(15):1177-1181.


Mesch, U., et al. Lead Poisoning Masquerading as Chronic Fatigue

Syndrome., The Lancet, April 27, 1996;347:1193.


Mira, Michael, et al. Blood Lead Concentrations of Preschool Children

in Central and Southern Sydney. Medical Journal of Australia, April

1, 1996;164:399-402.


McDonald, Jeff, Lead-Poisoning Reports Raise Fears Locally; Health:

Recent studies indicate that some mini-blinds are laced with the

metal and may pose a threat to children. Officials await more

information.; Ventura., Los Angeles Times, 05-22-1996, pp B-1.


Munby, Hugh, Sensidyne introduces Lead Alert test kits.., Vol. 56,

Journal of Environmental Health, 05-01-1994, pp 41.


Needleman HL, Gunnoe C, Leviton A. Deficits in psychological and

classroom performance of children with elevated dentine lead levels.

N Engl J Med 300:689-695 (1979).


Needleman, Herbert, L. et al. Bone Lead Levels and Delinquent

Behavior. JAMA, February 7, 1996;275(5):363-369.


Norman, Edward H. and Bordley W., Clayton. Lead Toxicity Intervention

in Children. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1995;88:121-



Pillans, Peter. Toxicity of Herbal Products. The New Zealand Journal

of Medicine, November 24, 1995;108(1010):469-470.


Ralof, J. Lead May Foster Immune Attack on Brain", Science News,

January 14, 1995;147(2):23.


Rosen, John F., M.D., et al. Adverse Health Effects of Lead at Low

Exposure Levels: Trends in the Management of Childhood Lead

Poisoning",Toxicology, 1995;97:11-17.


Schmitt, Nicholas. Could Zinc Help Protect Children From Lead

Poisoning? Canadian Medical Association Journal, January 1, 1996;154



Staes, Catherine, Lead Poisoning Deaths in the United States, 1979

Through 1988, JAMA, March 15, 1995;273(11):847-848.


Symanski, E. and Hertz-Picciotto, I. Blood Lead Levels in Relation to

Menopause, Smoking, and Pregnancy History, American Journal of

Epidemiology, 1995;141(11):1047-1058.


Tamkins, Teresa. Lead May Provoke Allergic Reaction, Medical Tribune,

May 4, 1995;19.


Trachtenbarg, David, E. Getting the Lead Out: When is Treatment

Necessary. Postgraduate Medicine, March, 1996;99(3):201-218.


U.S. Public Health Service , Screening For Lead Exposure in

Children", American Family Physician, January 1995;51:139-143.


Verberk, Maarten, M., et al. Environmental Lead and Renal Effects in

Children. Archives of Environmental Lead, January/February, 1996;51



Wasik, John, Special report: How safe is your water?., Vol. 35,

Consumers Digest, 05-01-1996, pp 63.


Younes, Bassam. Lead Concentration in Breast Milk of Nursing Mothers

Living in Riyadh. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 1995;15(3):249-251.


A lot of this is covered in Evidence of Harm


Chemar posted this back in Sept. 04










NEWPORT NEWS, Va. - The Pentagon never told Congress about more than


hospitalizations involving troops who'd taken the anthrax vaccine, despite

repeated promises that such cases would be publicly disclosed.


Finally Infant Soy Formula Under Investigation

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has convened a scientific panel to review the safety of soy baby formula and genistein, a plant estrogen found in soy.

Genistein can mimic the effects of estrogen in humans, which has raised concerns about effects on human development and reproduction. The panel intends to look into these possible effects, such as the research that suggests soy consumption could affect the menstrual cycle.

The panel will create a report on the matter in six to eight weeks. Any possible government action would then be up to agencies such as the FDA.

USA Today March 15, 2006




Dr. Mercola's Comment:


I've been posting warnings about the dangers of soy for more than six years. I am grateful that the government took a serious look at the serious safety issues of using soy in infant formula.

Of course, the soy industry is up in arms about this new probe, arguing soy consumption affects animals differently than humans. I suspect the industry is getting worried consumers are finally catching on to soy's inherent problems, as evidenced by its slowing sales.

The fact is, soy -- at least unfermented soy -- is hazardous to your health, and soy formula is one of the worst foods that you could feed your child.

Not only does soy infant formula have profoundly adverse hormonal effects, but it also has over 1,000 percent more aluminum than conventional milk-based formulas. Many soy foods also have toxic levels of manganese. Soy formula has up to 80 times higher manganese than is found in human breast milk.

In terms of the hormonal dangers, a 1997 Lancet study showed that the daily exposure to estrogen-imitating chemicals for infants who consume soy formulas was 6-11 times higher than adults consuming soy foods.

And the blood concentration of these hormones was 13,000 to 22,000 times higher than estrogen in the blood. An infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent (based on body weight) of at least five birth control pills per day.

And there's more:


Soybeans are high in natural toxins, also known as antinutrients. This includes a large quantity of inhibitors that deter the enzymes needed for protein digestion. Further, these enzyme inhibitors are not entirely disabled during ordinary cooking. The result is extensive gastric distress and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake, which can result in dangerous pancreatic impairments and cancer.


Soybeans contain hemaglutinins, which cause red blood cells to clump together. Soybeans also have growth-depressant substances, and while these substances are reduced in processing, they are not completely eliminated.


Soy contains goitrogens, which can frequently lead to depressed thyroid function.


Most soybeans (over 70%) are genetically modified, and they contain one of the highest levels of pesticide contamination of all foods.


Soybeans are very high in phytates, which prevent the absorption of minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, all of which are co-factors for optimal biochemistry in the body.


Although the final report from the NIH should be posted online sometime in the next two months, you don't have to wait that long to make an informed choice about soy.

The choice is yours, but when I am offered soy, unless it is fermented I routinely politely refuse and seek to enlighten the person about the above issues if they are open to learning more.

There are just far healthier protein options available for you. So avoid getting caught in the soy deception trap, especially for your child. You just simply cannot take the chance.

If you can't breast feed and your infant is not tolerating conventional formulas then please review a far safer and healthier option.


Related Articles:


Soy: Too Good to be True

Newest Research On Why You Should Avoid Soy

Soy-Bean Crisis



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Summary of Results for the

Various Compounds Tested [HMD Research]




Three-year heavy metal detoxification study was concluded in a

Russian metal foundry.


More than 20 natural compounds were used in the various protocols,

including various combinations of these,

over three separate trials.


Over 350 people participating



A brief summary of the results follows:


1. Chlorella Growth Factor22 by itself was only effective

at eliminating cadmium in faeces at a dosage

of 40 drops x 3 daily. The post-faeces sample had

150% more cadmium than the baseline sample.


2. The PleoChelate, a homeopathic mineral compound

produced by Sanum-Kehlbeck in Germany

that is used by many Biological Medicine specialists

was effective at chelating arsenic in urine only.

The dosage was 60 drops x 3 daily and there was

an average of about 500% increase of arsenic in the

post-urine test, compared to baseline.


3. The homeopathic DMSA, used at 50 drops x 3 daily,

showed elimination of cadmium in faeces (400%

increase) and arsenic in urine (1,200% increase).


4. Perhaps a word of caution about the Cilantro testing is in

order. Apart from one trial using 30 drops x 3 daily of Cilantro

where there was a 20% increase in the post-provocation

urine compared to the baseline, and one at 50 drops x 3 daily

where there was a 10% increase in the faeces of the postsample,

all other trials showed a strong percentage decrease

of metals in the post-urine and faeces. The levels were

consistently around 90 - 100% decrease in metals for all the

metals tested. This consistency and repetitiveness in results

is indicative that when Cilantro is used alone it is probably

removing metals intracellularly into the mesenchyme, but

as there are no other chelators to attach to the metals in

the mesenchyme, through the laws of osmosis (higher

concentration to lower concentration) the metals are going

back into the cell in force. The body is therefore withholding

more metals than the baseline or pre-provocation sample.

This "osmotic backlash" could prove detrimental for a

severely toxic person with chronic disease.


5. Homeopathic Chlorella did not eliminate any of

the metals in the post-provocation test.


6. The Homeopathic Chlorella, CGF and Cilantro

compound that is now known as HMD showed

the most promise as it eliminated ALL the metals

tested, both through the urinary as well as the biliary

route. The elimination of the four metals is compared to

the placebo trials. Once it was established that the

homeopathic Chlorella + Cilantro + CGF was the

most promising compound, this was further tested

amongst 84 foundry workers to determine the exact

percentage of each substance in the compound, as

well as the dose that was most effective for each of

the metals tested.


Eventually, after conducting pre-post urine and faeces provocation

testing on these 84 workers the most effective

mixture was found that eliminated all metals from the

body as measured by ICP-MS and X-ray fluorescence

in the post-urine and post-faeces samples.


7. When PleoChelate was added to the HMD compound,

there was only elimination of cadmium

and arsenic in faeces. The dosage that was most

effective for the arsenic in faeces was 50 drops x 3

daily (100% elimination) and 40 and 50 drops for

the cadmium in faeces (200% elimination).


Additional Mercury Research


To date, a clinical sample of 24 patients with amalgam

fillings have taken the HMD in pre-post provocation

tests using a 2-hour protocol. Urine was taken from

the patient immediately after obtaining permission, the

HMD was given in a single dose of 60 drops and a second

urine sample was taken approximately 2 hours later. This

was arranged like this for patients visiting the Integrated

Medicine Centre in Cyprus for convenience. Samples

were analysed using a dedicated PSA Atomic Fluorescence

Mercury Analyser capable of detection limits up to parts

per trillion.


The results are shown in Table 4.

Provocation with

HMD (60 drops) MERCURY

Pre-test +12.62%

Post-test + 126.40%


The results from this pilot study for mercury show that the

HMD is eliminating just over 100% mercury in the posturine

sample compared to the pre-test urine. This study with

mercury is still on-going with complete pre-post provocation

trials using HMD over 24 hour collection for the pre-test

urine and 12 hours for the post. This is also being correlated

to the amount of amalgam fillings in the mouth.


Maybe Help will be Coming!



:unsure: Eventually, she says, pediatricians might be able to refer patients to a

pediatric integrative medicine specialist. Until then, she says, a

rudimentary knowledge of herb and supplement use should be part of every

pediatrician's medical training.




On the alternative shelf*

As more parents treat childhood ills with supplements and herbs,

physicians are trying to set guidelines and clarify the products' risks

and benefits.


By Hilary E. MacGregor <Hilary.MacGregor@latimes.com>

LATimes Staff Writer

April 3, 2006




GUMMY VITES. Strawberry Flavored Fish Oil. Super Kids Salve. Gum-omile

Oil. Children's Echinacea. Herbs for Kids.


Squeezed onto the shelves of your local drugstore, near the baby aspirin

and children's Robitussin, is a steadily growing crowd of colorful

supplements and herbs specifically for children. To many parents, these

products are a safe first-defense against the aches and pains of

childhood, ones that can be tried before drugs with their sometimes

risky side effects.


"I trust Western medicine," said Westside resident Lauren Sands, while

shopping at the Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy recently for her

5-month-old son. "I just want to know if there is something gentler for

a little boy."


Other parents use the products as a tried-and-true, less-expensive

alternative to medication. Many of these parents are uninsured, but not all.


"When I ask them about herbs and supplements, more and more of my

patients are saying, 'Yes, I am using these products with my kids," said

Dr. Paula Gardiner, a clinical research fellow at Harvard Medical

School. "And looking at the data about pediatricians and kids, more and

more doctors are getting asked questions about herbs and supplements."


But doctors and health experts are only just now beginning to fully

understand how many parents are turning to such products. As they do so,

they're scrambling to quantify the products' use, their risks and their



Gardiner, for example, who has done extensive research on alternative

therapies, is doing her best to mine existing data. She is crunching

numbers from the 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination

Survey -- which interviewed 11,000 people, including 5,000 kids -- and

trying to figure out which supplements kids are using.


Other doctors are trying to come up with guidelines to help

pediatricians talk to parents about herb use.


"What we are saying is, 'Ask the question,' " said Dr. Sunita Vohra, who

sits on a committee of the Provisional Section on Complementary,

Holistic and Integrative Pediatrics for the American Academy of

Pediatrics, which is developing a set of guidelines for herb use in

children. "Talk openly. Be nonjudgmental and supportive [of parents].

Then, as the evidence accumulates, providers will be more comfortable

making actual recommendations."


A few researchers, such as naturopathic doctor Wendy Weber of Bastyr

University in Seattle, are conducting desperately needed clinical trials

on kids and herbs. Weber has been studying the effectiveness of

echinacea in treating colds in children, the possibility of using a

certain herb to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and

examining the potential of St. John's wort to treat depression in

children. So far, she says, the results have been mixed.


The need for more information is crucial. Most doctors are not trained

in herb use, researchers are still uncertain of how herbs interact with

conventional drugs, and studies on herbal use in children are scant.


"All their organs are still developing," said Dr. Kathi Kemper, head of

holistic and integrative medicine at Wake Forest University School of

Medicine. "Their brains are still developing. They have higher

metabolisms. Their hearts beat faster. The effect in the growing

developing system of a child may be different than in a grown person."


Children are also more susceptible to toxic substances, such as lead,

that can affect their nervous systems, said Kemper, author of "The

Holistic Pediatrician." And there is a fair risk of contamination in

herbal products, she said, because herbs, unlike conventional drugs, are

not tested before they reach the market.


Despite the risks, she and a growing number of physicians say, parents

who want to use a more natural remedy can safely do so -- for some

conditions. The key is to know the risks and the limitations of herbs,

be on the alert for side effects, and let the child's doctor know of any

supplements, because they might interact with medications.




Use may be widespread


Neither product manufacturers nor medical researchers have established

the precise extent of complementary and alternative medicine use in



But companies such as Herb Pharm, which sells several herbal children's

products, and Botanical Labs, which sells a line of 25 products for

children, say they have seen steady growth over the past decade. And

several recent studies suggest supplement use by children is indeed

widespread -- and underreported.


A survey of 2,600 low-income parents and caregivers published in the

February issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Assn. found that

nearly half of Latino children and nearly one-third of non-Latino

children had been given medicinal herbs. The botanical treatments were

most often used for common ailments such as diaper rash, colic, teething

symptoms, stomachaches, coughs and colds. The majority of the children

were younger than 5.


Dr. Barbara Lohse, associate professor of nutritional sciences at Penn

State, said she and her colleagues were "surprised" at the number of

parents using herbs for their children.


"We worried that if we talked about herbs parents will go out and start

using herbs like crazy," she said. "What this shows is that people are

already using them. They are going to use herbs -- at the same time they

are coming to receive standard care."


Most caregivers were using herbs widely regarded as safe -- ginger,

garlic, peppermint, lavender, chamomile and cranberry. But, she said,

some used the herbs incorrectly -- administering them in the wrong doses

or for the wrong ailment -- or gave their children herbs widely viewed

as dangerous, such as dong quai, which can increase sensitivity to

sunlight and cause rashes.


A 2002 survey found that of 828 calls to the California Poison Control

System, 134 were about adverse events involving children who had taken

dietary supplements. The symptoms included agitation, vomiting, nausea

and increased heart rate.


Because not all products create such symptoms, use of them can escape

the notice of physicians and health-care workers -- unless they ask.


A 1998 survey -- of 348 patients in four Washington, D.C., pediatric

clinics -- found that 20% of children had been treated with

complementary or alternative therapies. Of those, 50% had been given

vitamins, 25% had been given other nutritional supplements, and more

than 40% had been treated with herbal products.


Only one-third had told their child's pediatrician about the products.


The risks of unsupervised supplement use increases when a child has a

chronic illness or is about to undergo surgery. Because those children

are most likely to be taking medication, the potential for a dangerous

drug-herb interaction is great.


A University of Washington study published last year in the journal

Paediatric Anaesthesia found that 3.5% of pediatric surgical patients

were given herbs or homeopathic remedies during the two weeks before

their operations.


A similar 2004 study, which appeared in the Journal of Clinical

Anesthesia, found that 13% of children had used herbal remedies in the

year before their operations.


Another study of more than 500 children with serious chronic conditions,

such as cystic fibrosis, cancer, diabetes and neurobehavioral disorders,

found that 62% of them used dietary supplements, and only one-third of

those had talked to their doctor about it.


"Communication should be as complete as possible," Kemper said. "If the

child's tummy ache improved with peppermint, it's better for the

peppermint to get the credit than an unused prescription, and it helps

the pediatrician know what's working and what's not. Also, it's

important to know in case the child has an allergic reaction, and to

check for potential interactions."


If, for example, a child with asthma is taking both the prescription

drug prednisone and licorice recommended by a Chinese herbalist, the

child's immune system can become dangerously suppressed, Gardiner said.

"Remember, an herb is a drug," she said. "Just because it is natural

doesn't mean it is safe."


But Millicent Frost, mother of a 17-month-old, said she would talk to

her homeopathic doctor, not her pediatrician, about specific botanical

remedies. She has food allergies and frequently uses supplements and

other herbs to treat her symptoms. She often does her own research about

which herbs and medicines to use for her son, but sometimes turns to

someone she considers an expert.


"I have a girlfriend with nine kids," she said. "I ask her."


Traditionally, that is how mothers treated sick children. They relied on

parents and relatives with more experience to share their community's

folk remedies.




Old remedies passed down


Indeed, many of the popular plant remedies people used on children two

centuries ago were passed down from generation to generation until the

advent of penicillin, says Michael McGuffin, president of the American

Herbal Products Assn., an industry trade group. With the development of

the antibiotic, parents began to turn to outside experts to treat even

mild childhood diseases. By 1980, when the herbal product market began

to take off, most of that traditional knowledge had been lost.


Today's commercially prepared potions, pills and salves, however, don't

come with the collective folk wisdom garnered from years of use. These

days, parents -- or their kids -- are largely on their own with the

products. The dangers are often unexpected.


Ma huang, for example, was used to treat asthma and allergies in China

for 5,000 years, but didn't become popular in the United States until

the 1970s. Because it is a stimulant that can produce euphoria and

increase sexual sensation, teens began using it in the 1980s as "herbal

ecstasy." More than 30 died.


Further, because herbal remedies are not regulated like drugs, there's

little guarantee that the product is accurately labeled and free of



Parents should especially avoid Chinese patent medicines (ready-made

preparations from traditional Chinese herbalists) and Ayurvedic

medicines made outside the United States, physicians and herb experts

say. A small study last year found that 20% of 70 Ayurvedic herbal

products sold in ethnic groceries in the greater Boston area contained

enough lead, mercury and arsenic to be toxic if used as directed. Half

of those dangerous products were specifically recommended for pediatric use.


Gardiner, the alternative medicine researcher, said she often encourages

patients to use the herbs that are already in their kitchens.

Ingredients such as oatmeal and chamomile are calming, and garlic and

oregano can ease cold and flu symptoms, she said.


In the absence of clinical trials, parents should consider how herbs are

used traditionally, she said.


"It's sort of back to the future," Kemper said. "Two hundred years ago

we only used herbs and supplements, then along came prescription

medications and we stopped using as many home remedies. And now that we

are more aware that not all drugs are miracle drugs, and many drugs have

side effects, we're back to using more home remedies. But doctors are

slower to start using them again than parents are."


Vohra, director of the complementary and alternative research program at

the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Canada, sees herbs and

supplements as pediatrics' newest sub-specialty.


"It is one thing to say please ask the question," she said. "But

pediatricians don't necessarily have the expertise to know what to do

with the answer."


Eventually, she says, pediatricians might be able to refer patients to a

pediatric integrative medicine specialist. Until then, she says, a

rudimentary knowledge of herb and supplement use should be part of every

pediatrician's medical training.


"If you have an area that affects approximately one-half of patients,"

she said, "you would think that all pediatricians should know a little

about it."






Some that show promise


Although parents looking for solid research on pediatric supplements can

come up empty-handed, doctors and alternative experts say some products

have been found to be slightly to significantly effective in children in

double-blind, randomized clinical trials.


Among them:


. Peppermint oil, for irritable bowel syndrome: After two weeks of

capsules, 75% of 42 children ages 8-17 taking peppermint had reduced

severity of pain. (Journal of Pediatrics, 2001)


. Fennel seed oil, for colic: In a group of 125 infants age 2 weeks to

12 weeks, those who took fennel seed oil showed a significant

improvement in symptoms over those who took a placebo. (Alternative

Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2003)


. Chamomile, for colic: Prepared as an herbal tea, it eliminated colic

in 57% of 33 infants, whereas a placebo helped only 26% of 35 infants.

(Journal of Pediatrics, 1993)


. Otikon Otic solution (a naturopathic extract containing Allium

sativum, Verbascum thapsus, Calendula flores), for pain from an ear

infection: Researchers found some lessening of ear pain in a group of

103 healthy children ages 6 to18 who took an herbal extract, with no

side effects. (Archives of Pediatrics, 2001).


-- Hilary E. MacGregor




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Kim, you can't read that and not cry. What upsets me too is that it isn't just autism as I feel the assault on my son has exacerbated his issues. He didn't even get all his vaccines as I saw EARLY on how he reacted to them. He only had one after I realized he wouldn't be getting any more. Unfortunately he slashed his chin at a public pool and we got a tetanus shot (and stitches) - it was shortly after (about four months) that we saw the first OCD. When we went to see his Environmental Doctor she went through her testing and said "wow, he looks like he's fighting Tetanus, when did he get that?" He'd gotten it three years previous to the testing. Then she said "well it looks like he fought the MMR as I see no traces of it" and I told her he never got his MMR! So I totally trust that she knew what she was seeing. I often wonder had he got the MMR, with his sensitivity, would he have gotten Autism? I will never know thank goodness. I think Hoyt had the genetic disposition to get TS and OCD but I really think the assault of vaccine, the weakened immune system as a result, then the subsequent antibiotics pushed him over the edge.


By the way, he's back to normal! Once we got the allergen out, and his yeast down he's not ticcing or OCDing anymore. Gosh what a hellish six weeks - not knowing WHAT is going on, when you know that something IS going on, and all the hit and missing is crazy making! But he's doing super well again!


Thanks for all your informative posts, you are our angel! :unsure:





I am SO glad to hear Hoyt is back on track!


Did you click on many of the clickables in that article? I was glad to find one that listed the actual documents that have been unearthed.


The deception is what makes me so so angry, and it appears to me that there is no end in sight either, with increased safety studies before more and more of these things are added to the line up. I recently became aware that my boys were given a tetramune vax. This was a multi dose DPT/HIB. I can't find a chart that shows what the mercury content of it was, back in the year it was given to them. Now there is a 5 in one vax called Perdiarix (I think that's right.) It occurs to me that they are real busy combining these things, so more and more can be given. How many Mom's are going to stand there while their baby is given 7 or 9 shots in a day. This way, they probably won't even question it, and several more can be added with out flags going up. What are we to do when the government comes along and tells us that we're to get a bird flu, small pox vax, anthrax vax etc.?


I totally suspect that the vaccine additions of the early 90's through 2002 (and some before) pushed a lot of our kids over the edge with things that we would not thave been dealing with, if these concerns would have been addressed.


Why isn't there more attention given to the condition of the intestional tract of our kids. It sure doesn't seem like it would involve rocket science to see how many of our kids are dealing with bacteria/candida overgrowth. How would that tie in with "genetically" inherited TS. I do agree about the predisposition to damage from toxins, that others may be able to handle.


Giselle, what was your Dr. looking at when she made the remark about the MMR?


I really appreciate your kind remark. I do want to say though, that the credit for most of the information goes to the supermoms (and a few Dad's) at ASD solutions, and Autism enzymes. How they cope with such large challenges, and still have the time to research and share, I'll never know.



I always think of you, as the bright light on this bd. :unsure:




Hi Kim, that's sweet! Dr. Cathie-Ann Lippman used a Vega machine - it uses the meridian lines of acupunture to test various computer models. Some people think that it's hooie. I've seen what she's able to do with it and I'm amazed. My husband was ENOURMOUSLY skeptical - he kept referring to it as her "tri-corder" as in Star Trek! He's seen what she can do and now tells me "go see Dr. Lippman!" Hoyt's DAN doctor says that it is very useful tool if the practitioner knows what they are doing but he felt he wasn't sensitive enough to make one work. We tested HER by asking her to test all of Hoyt's allergies (she didn't know that we'd had an IGG test done). She nailed every single allergy that it told us he had and refined a few to boot (we did this mostly for my husband's benefit and I remember the look on his face - he was stunned). She is truly amazing. She's always my first visit when something is bothering him because she always finds it fast. This go around it seems he developed a sensitivity to rhodiola rosea which was part of a proprietary nutritional from Neuroscience called PRT. At first we just took him off the whole thing but as it turned out he desperately needed the other three things that were in it. Poor kid, now he has to take all of those seperately. She also can tell what he's fighting and she told us this last visit that it was yeast. He was having such a horrible time I put him back on Nystatin - which within three days got him back to normal! That's when I was scratching my head trying to figure out about the sugar and realized it was the white rice! She really does amazing things for us. She is a classically trained physician but who realized that traditional medicine isn't the best thing for everything, she uses nutritionals and holistic approaches. She's very intuitive and we LOVE her!




Would your Dr. Lipmann do group rates? :)


I thought your DAN's remark was pretty cool.



Thought this was kind of interesting. Just wonder where this statistic came from.





Not everyone's the same

Researchers have discovered a new prevalence in TS of one in 100 people. TS may be inherited or may appear from nowhere, when it's called 'sporadic TS'.


I came up with these by doing a google search of "Prevalence Tourette Syndrome+1989"

I have been looking for information to indicate a rise in the reported cases of Ts or tic syndromes from the early 1990's thru the early 2000's (1991-2002) to correlate with a rise in Autism. Not sure what I found :)

after reading through some of these again.


*note page 5 second paragraph


as high as 50 per 10,000 pediatrics volume 1998.



Edited :)

It's Hard to sort out the numbers relating to actual TS and tic syndromes. Many conflicting reports too. I was really only looking at the numbers reported, not the other info. contained in these articles.


One more....




20. Diagnosis and management of Gilles de la Tourette Disorder in rural North Dakota children


Tourette Disorder (TD) is more common than previously suspected. In the state of North Dakota, the prevalence rate among school-aged children is 5.2 per 10,000. In this paper the authors discuss diagnosis and management of children with TD in a rural state. Particular emphasis will be paid to identifying children for referral from a public school or institutional setting, identifying appropriate referral sources, and discussing methods to facilitate multidisciplinary long-term management of these children.


Burd, L. & Kerbeshian, J. Diagnosis and Management of Gilles de la Tourette Disorder in Rural North Dakota Children. Rural Special Education Quarterly 1988, 9, 20-26.


Notice the date


5.2 per 10,000 in 1988 or prior?= 1 in 1,923

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