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I went into this topic under the chelation post. Basically alot of doctors who are not trained in chelation are jumping on the band wagon for it is big bucks and quick bucks. I would think that the reporter would investigate the doctor's background knowledge on what he was doing more then attacking the chelation reasons themselves. Basically the reporter gave away the true intent of the article with the quote, "Autism is a developmental disability that affects a child's social interaction and communication. There is no cure." I think many parents who now have children who are autism free would disagree with this. Mr. Hoover from West Palm Beach has been featured in the Wall Street Journal for detoxing his child with Dr. Berger, a trained chelation DAN doctor, from being labeled Austic and being in an austic program in school to being decertified and placed in a regular ed class where the boy is doing fine. There are many other parents with success stories.

I get really angry with that "developmental disability" comment. I guess my boy was born with mercury, Lead, ammonia, arsnic, etc..... poisioning. Silly me for looking for treatment when all I have to do is follow the reporters advice. Now, If an inner city child had lead poisoning from eating paint chips do you really think a reporter or mainstreamed doctor will write or state that the child was born with the lead and should not seek treatment?


This is really serious for all this slanted negative and may I say evil press delays parents from getting their child treated and all of the studies so far that I have read show that the sooner and faster the treatment is done, the greater level of recovery and the later and slower the treatment is done, the less chance of success.


Now did the reporter even ask the doctor or the mother if the childs blood was being tested to monitor the mineral, vitamin and amino acid levels. This is done before and constantly with trained doctors doing proper chelation. Remember doctors were the ones who gave our children the proven mercury laden shots to begin with so why think that every doctor knows what they are doing in the first place?


A Statement from Dr. Neubrander regarding childs death.



> This is the statement Jim is giving to his patients regarding the tragic

> event of last week. This may be used freely as long as quoted in its

> entirety so as not to be misquoted.




> August 25, 2005


> Continuously updated as new information is known.


> From Dr. Neubrander to the parents of his patients:


> The cause of the recent tragedy involving the death of a young boy with

> the

> use of IV EDTA is expected to take time to determine exactly what

> happened.


> Some of the leaders say that "no comment" is the best comment until the

> details are known. There is nothing wrong with that statement except that

> it

> does not aid in reassuring parents that biomedical treatments, in general,

> are safe with a relative benefit to risk ratio that is lower than almost

> anything else known. The truth is, at this time we just don't know what

> happened. However, considering that IV "calcium" EDTA has been used for

> years with extreme safety, only so many possibilities exist to explain

> what

> happened. The most plausible possibilities include: a) a rare allergic

> reaction; :) the form of EDTA used was disodium EDTA and not calcium EDTA.


> For those looking for a "smoking gun" to justify them not using effective

> biomedical treatments, this is a dream come true. However, apples should

> be

> compared to apples and not oranges. One death from EDTA out of hundreds of

> thousands to millions of safe doses being administered by an FDA approved

> drug should be viewed side-by-side with the number of deaths from Ritalin

> over a 10 year period [186], chickenpox vaccine in a 3 year period [14],


> vaccine in a 3 year period [471], MMR vaccine in a 4 year period [30], OPV

> vaccine in a 5 year period [540], Hepatitis B vaccine in a 8 year period

> [439]. The question must be asked, "Where is the smoking gun in reverse?


> Why is one 'unapproved biomedical tragedy' so much worse than the hundreds

> of 'FDA approved tragedies'?"


> Emphasizing this issue of bias, prejudice, inequality, and the frying pan

> calling the kettle black is an article written by Virginia Linn that

> appeared Monday, August 29, 2005 in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [for the

> complete article go to <http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05241/561879.stm>

> http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05241/561879.stm].


> Though parents are dismayed about what happened and are now more cautious

> than ever, they are not willing to stop using a treatment that helps many

> children.


> However, because many parents see chelation as a logical option due to the

> fact that they believe there is a connection between their children's

> autism

> and the mercury preservative in childhood vaccinations, Dr. Paul Offit,

> director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of

> Philadelphia, made the following statements. He said: a) "Scientific study

> after scientific study have found no connection, and it's unethical for

> any

> doctor to give chelation for this purpose; :) Doctors need to work harder

> to

> convince parents that the whole reason to use chelation is pointless; c) I

> wish there was more outrage with this death. This boy was sacrificed on

> the

> altar of bad science and that was unconscionable; d) Who was watching out

> for this boy?''




> To his last statement about who was watching out for this boy I reply --

> Each of us who:


> a) Studies the issues open-mindedly.


> B) Who reviews studies both pro and con about mercury and vaccines and who

> don't just swallow the party line, especially when there seems to be so

> much

> conflict of interest by so many parties involved.


> c) Listen to parents to learn why what they are saying may be true, not

> why

> what they are saying is not possible because research doesn't support it.


> d) Is willing to cry "foul" when articles such as the one that appeared in

> the New York Times gives only their side of the story, represents it as

> "truth", and sells their position by saying that parents are illiterate,

> opposed to science, acting out of desperation, duped by unscrupulous

> doctors, and who are speaking to God.


> e) Is not willing to wait for the wheels of science and medicine to slowly

> grind to fully document everything as safe, especially when these

> scientific

> gristmills are so often fed by the grains of money, politics, and power.


> f) Is not willing to ignore the Science of THE GOD known as the "Weight of

> Evidence" when it shows a good benefit to risk ratio and does not bow to


> IDOL "when" it says it is the only god, the "Double blind Placebo

> Controlled

> Study".


> g) Is willing to yell "unfair, unfit, unscrupulous" when one tragedy is

> used

> to condemn all parents, all clinicians, all scientists who have come to

> thoughtful conclusions that are in direct conflict with the message that

> those pointing blame want to sell as being universally true.


> But most of all, EACH OF US WHO are intelligent enough to realize that any

> person, any time, anywhere who points blame with one finger but who does

> not

> look into the mirror and point the finger back when equal or greater

> atrocities occur "in the name of good science that rests on a TARNISHED

> ALTAR with the blessing of the FDA-GOD" is definitely worshipping at the

> feet of THE IDOL. However, to be perfectly clear and not be misquoted

> which

> is sure to happen, double blind placebo control studies are not an idol or

> a

> god. Rather, the problem is the way humans have made an idol out of

> something that is here to serve them all the while saying it is the only

> god. Therein lies the fallacy. Herein lies the truth: The "total body of

> knowledge", as gathered by "the total compilation of evidence" from

> parents,

> clinicians, "classic" science, and "the other sciences" is the only way to





> POST #1:


> From: "bradfordhandley"


> Date: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:40 pm


> Subject: Pittsburgh Story thoughts bradfordhandley Offline Send Email


> A child lost his life because his parents were trying to remove the heavy

> metals from his body and he had an allergic reaction from the drug being

> administered.


> There is no way to sugarcoat what happened, all of our hearts go out to

> the

> parents and family who are grieving, and, for many of us, this hits very,

> very close to home and reminds us that no medical procedure is 100% safe.


> Will the press and mainstream medicine have a field day with this story?


> Absolutely.


> My wife and I welcome discussions with the press. Losing even one life is

> too high a price to pay for healing our kids, and we need to learn from

> this

> experience to make treatment even safer and more effective.


> To say that we are using "chelation therapy to treat autism" is a

> misstatement. We are using chelation therapy, in our case, to treat a

> medical diagnosis of heavy metal toxicity. That is what my son actually

> has,

> that is what the dozens of medical tests we have run on him show, and one

> year into chelation he has improved dramatically.


> Autism is a psychological diagnosis, based on observed behavior. It does

> not

> offer up a medical foundation or explanation for cause.


> This case will be blown out of proportion. We can use this as an

> opportunity

> to explain to the world why we are treating our children (because they are

> heavy metal poisoned), how they are progressing, and that we all know and

> accept the risk involved in making our children better.


> Of course, the press will probably not mention some of the ugly truths

> that

> are out there about how our children die from other treatments, so here

> are

> some resources to consider, in an attempt to help the journalists reading

> this list put things into perspective:


> 1. Between 1990-2000, 186 reported deaths from Ritalin:


> <http://www.ritalindeath.com/> http://www.ritalindeath.com/


> 2. Children's deaths from vaccines, as recorded by the CDC:


> Chickenpox vaccine 1995-1998:


> Between March 17, 1995 and July 25, 1998, 6580 adverse events - including

> 14

> deaths - were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System in

> association with varicella vaccination--- Pediatric News 33(3):12, 1999.


> For DPT vaccine 12,504 reports VAERS reports with 144 deaths per year


> (1990-1993)


> "In a year-long investigation of the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting

> System (VAERS) operated by the Food and Drug Administration, NVIC/DPT

> analyzed VAERS computer discs used by the FDA to store data on reports of

> deaths and injuries following DPT vaccination. A total of 54,072 reports

> of

> adverse events following vaccination were listed in a 39-month period from

> July 1990 to November 1993 with 12,504 reports being associated with DPT

> vaccine, including 471 deaths."Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical

> Research




> MMR vaccine VAERS reports 7 deaths per year (1990-1994):


> "From July 1990 thro' April 1994, 5799 ADRs following MMR vaccination were

> reported to US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS); including


> 3063 cases requiring emergency medical treatment, 616 hospitalizations,

> 309

> who did not recover, 54 children left disabled and 30 deaths."--- John P

> Heptonstall


> For OPV vaccine there were VAERS reports of 108 deaths per year over a 5

> year period.


> "We commissioned an OPV Vaccine Report and started making all kinds of

> other

> inquires. The OPV Vaccine report that we received was a shocking report.

> It

> covered a recent period a little less than 5 years and the following is

> the

> summary for that period: The number of Vaccine Associated events that


> occurred: 13,641 ..The number of events resulting in death 540"--The Polio

> Connection of America & Polio vaccine victims:


> <http://village.ios.com/~w1066/poliov6.html>

> http://village.ios.com/~w1066/poliov6.html


> For Hep b vaccine there were VAERS reports of 54 deaths per year


> (1990-98)


> "The total 24,775 VAERS hepatitis B reports from July 1990 to October 31,


> 1998 show 439 deaths and 9673 serious reactions involving emergency room

> visits, hospitalization, disablement or death."-- Michael Belkin

> <http://www.whale.to/vaccines/belkin1.html>

> http://www.whale.to/vaccines/belkin1.html


> "Since July 1990, 17,497 cases of hospitalizations, injuries and deaths in

> America following hepatitis B vaccination have been reported to the

> Vaccine

> Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of the U.S. government. This figure

> includes 146 deaths in individuals after receiving only hepatitis B

> vaccine

> without any other vaccines, including 73 deaths in children under 14 years

> old. In 1996 alone there were 872 serious adverse events in children under


> 14 years old reported to VAERS. 658 of those injuries were following

> hepatitis B vaccination in combination with other vaccinations and 214 of

> these injuries were after hepatitis B vaccination alone. In these children

> under 14 years old, there were 35 deaths after hepatitis B vaccination in

> combination and 13 deaths after hepatitis B vaccination alone, for a total

> of 48 deaths. Compare these statistics with the total number of hepatitis

> B

> cases nationwide reported that same year (1996) in children under 14, just

> 279, and the conclusion is obvious that the risks of hepatitis B

> vaccination

> far outweigh its benefits."---Incao's Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony




> POST #2: The following was posted from Dr. Gary Gordon, one of the

> founding

> fathers for chelation therapy and an expert in the field of chelation for

> all reasons, not just for heavy metal poisoning seen in ASD children.


> Dear Health Care Professionals:


> You may soon read and hear the kind of hysteria and negative press that I

> expected to see, but it will get FAR WORSE before it gets better. As of

> this

> moment, I can only assume that there must have been a substantial

> deviation

> from the standard procedures that I, and all of you, have established for

> the safe administration of Calcium EDTA. As incredible as it may seem to

> those of you belonging to this discussion group, the possibility exists

> that

> the child was treated with Disodium EDTA administered by IV Push. I am

> forced to consider this unfortunate explanation unless there was some

> major

> undiagnosed illness in the child that no one suspected, such as a major

> heart defect or perhaps an aneurism that ruptured at the exact time the

> patient was receiving the IV Push of Calcium EDTA. However, the autopsy

> has

> been completed and he results were inconclusive so that they have ordered

> additional tests, which may take up to 5 months to complete.


> This means that there is no obvious explanation for the death of this

> child.


> My fear is that if someone who is not knowledgeable in chelation and has

> not

> learned that this is complex chemistry assumes, for example, that all that

> they have to do to provide magnesium EDTA or Calcium EDTA is just add

> either

> magnesium or calcium to a syringe containing Disodium EDTA.


> We could have a serious problem because Disodium EDTA has a black box

> warning about rapid administration to children and simply adding something

> like Calcium or Magnesium does not fully convert Disodium EDTA to Calcium

> EDTA. Then there is also a problem with discomfort, if you tried to give

> yourself an IV push of diluted Disodium EDTA the pain could be extreme so

> you might wind up increasing the dose of Lidocaine and again we can get

> into

> problems with the heart if too much of a "caine" if given intravenously.


> So let's look at the big picture, there are NO DEATHS occurring when EDTA,

> either calcium or Disodium are PROPERLY administered. Now the media will

> try

> to make chelation out to be fraudulent and the tests that we do to measure

> lead etc as being meaningless. Amazingly they will bring out Quack buster

> Barrett who with a little more effort we may be able to one day put behind

> bars for his lies and incompetence.


> Thus I have to conclude some error in rate of administration, dosage,

> method

> of preparation probably occurred; in fact, I now believe this is most

> likely

> rather than administering the correct drug, Calcium EDTA, intravenously,

> which even in children is safe and effective.


> Doctors who have been providing this treatment to children can hardly stop

> talking about the remarkable successes they have been witnessing with

> children responding far more rapidly than we could ever do with just the

> oral Calcium EDTA that I have been advocating for so long.


> We know that worldwide sales of all forms of EDTA have been steadily

> increasing and that based on logical calculations it appears that well

> over

> 10 million patients have been safely treated with either Calcium or

> Disodium

> EDTA over the past 32+ years without a single documented fatality, as long

> as the established protocols were followed. All the evidence to date that

> EDTA is perhaps the safest therapy offered in medicine, outside of

> placebos.


> To my knowledge, EDTA has been safely administered for nearly 50 years

> with

> the only deaths occurring in the beginning, with terminal cancer patients

> suffering uncontrolled hypercalcemia where inappropriate doses of Disodium

> EDTA were administered by rapid infusion to patients with known

> compromised

> renal status.


> With the extensive proof now existing that everyone today has nearly 1000

> times too much lead in their bones and Harvard publishing that this bone

> lead will compromise vision there can be no argument that we all have some

> heavy metal toxicity. Then once we conclude that government cannot stop

> the

> mercury, cadmium, lead etc from going in the air, and thus into everyone

> anywhere on earth, then it becomes a matter of personal choice, live with

> these heavy metals or remove them. Oral chelation is clearly necessary

> since

> bone lead will take 10 years to turn over for the average adult, but some

> of

> us want results NOW. Nothing is as effective as the 147 fold increase in

> lead excretion over base line that IV Calcium EDTA, PROPERLY FORMULATED,

> was

> documented to induce by Doctors Data with the help of Dr Whitaker's staff.


> Thus I must extend my sympathy to the family of the deceased 5-year-old

> boy

> from Nigeria whose brave mother came to the Pittsburgh area from the

> United

> Kingdom to seek treatment for her autistic child. She was seeing clear

> improvements in her son. This was the third infusion he had received. He

> apparently had a cardiac arrest and was unable to be resuscitated

> immediately following this third infusion of what I fear was not Calcium

> EDTA, which is the ONLY form of EDTA that I have advocated for the

> exciting

> rapid infusion technique.


> I hope those who have experience with it in their practice are NOT GOING

> TO

> STOP USING it that you have the "rest of the story", as best as we can

> establish it at this time. Please understand that the involved doctors

> cannot be expected to admit anything on advice of their attorneys. I have

> only checked to see if they have ever purchased Calcium EDTA and found the

> answer was ?no??. leading me to compose this email in an attempt to

> diminish

> the harm that the media will do to everyone who otherwise could have been

> receiving oral and or IV chelation and will now be afraid.


> This email may be copied and handed to your patients in an effort to meet

> the need for a fully informed consent.


> Sincerely,


> Garry F. Gordon MD, DO, MD(H)


> President, Gordon Research Institute

> www.gordonresearch.com

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