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Posted (edited)
  On 6/5/2011 at 4:04 AM, AmbersMommy said:

Hi, I have encountered a chiropractor who says that chiropractic adjustments help with treating Lyme. Has anyone ever heard of that before?


You should ask him what approach is he using? If its just trying to rope you in as a patient?- I would get more info. These so called adjustments can be needed for a long long time. My DS has been limping for two years and a shoes insert after a chiro evaluation helped quite a bit. Not for Lyme but just to fix the orthopedic damage done by Lyme. Some children can use a cranio sacral approach to help with blood flow but again its all individual. You need more info. if you can post what your chiro says more specifically then I can comment more.


Edited by sptcmom

I never got much out of regular chiropractor work, maybe they are good for dealing with accidents, but can't see that directly helping lyme. Blood flow is good, having the structure proper is good, and if a chiropractor can actually help with that, then it would be helpful for lyme as a supportive type thing, helping the body function better and so fight lyme better, but not a lyme treatment per se.


That said, I have been helped a lot by "regular" massage, and by other work realigning the body that is a specialty form of massage, and by including foot lift to correct for bone lengths that are uneven. None of these things were actually done by chiropractors. That said, I am headed to a chiropractor in about a week to try to improve nasal/sinus passages through a balloon exploding procedure, with the goal to help my body deal with staph in the sinuses.


So, chiropractors can probably occasionally do useful work here and there, and other people can do aligning work that can be helpful, but I'm not sure just having someone break your neck once a week is going to do much, particularly for lyme.


As Jodie said, what does this person actually have in mind?


We use chiropractic to manage the pain and our chiropractor does help with that. But I would not say he helps with healing the lyme, just managing the symptoms.


My dd8 went to a neurolo/chiropractor recently. That was very interesting. He was doing specific adjustments to help what I would consider side effects from the lyme related to her neurological function. I saw some improvement. But still getting rid of the lyme bacteria is most important and possibly chiropractic can help with the lingering symptoms or damage. That's how I view it anyway.



  On 6/5/2011 at 4:04 AM, AmbersMommy said:

Hi, I have encountered a chiropractor who says that chiropractic adjustments help with treating Lyme. Has anyone ever heard of that before?

When you have a really sick child with lyme disease having a chiropractic evaluation isn't a bad idea to be sure that the child is in alignment, as long as the chiro comes highly recommended of course. My son had very bad headaches and some leg pains so I brought him to our chiro during the first few months of the illness. The chiro said his neck was out of alignment and made some adjustments that got rid of the remaining headaches he had. This was very helpful b/c the goal in treating lyme is to get symptoms off the table so you know when you are done with the lyme treatment. If any symptoms are not lyme related it is better to get rid of them so they do not confuse the picture. My chiro is very holistic and also does kinesiology and uses a laser for healing too. I am always surprised at what he can do. I'd say follow your instincts and go if you think it might help.

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