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My husband remembers having a vocal tic as a child that went away and never came back. He does have some OCD as an adult.


My family has OCD & anxiety disorders. I suffer from anxiety/panic myself.


Both sides have alcoholism.


Other than my husband having 1 tic as a child, we don't know of any tics in the immediate family. A Great-Aunt is suspected of having some motor tics but never diagnosed with anything.


Another weird tid-bit... I KEPT strep-throat as a child. I had it over and over and over again until they took out my tonsils when I was 13. Then I didn't get it again until an adult. I've had it a few times as an adult.


This may all be useless information but just wondering how our families compare?

Posted (edited)

My husband remembers having a vocal tic as a child that went away and never came back. He does have some OCD as an adult.


My family has OCD & anxiety disorders. I suffer from anxiety/panic myself.


Both sides have alcoholism.


Other than my husband having 1 tic as a child, we don't know of any tics in the immediate family. A Great-Aunt is suspected of having some motor tics but never diagnosed with anything.


Another weird tid-bit... I KEPT strep-throat as a child. I had it over and over and over again until they took out my tonsils when I was 13. Then I didn't get it again until an adult. I've had it a few times as an adult.


This may all be useless information but just wondering how our families compare?

It's not useless. Susan Swedo found a lot of times, the family history was OCD and Rhuematic fever. The PANDAS Network has a family history chart that shows families have autoimmunity in their health history.


My husband has very mild tics (we didn't realize they were tics until we learned about PANDAS). Sub-clinical OCD and anxiety are all over his family, he has a diagnosed panic disorder, and has to fight compulsions when he is stressed.


My maternal grandmother and her son both had Rhuematic Fever.


On both sides of the family there are some cases of autoimmune disorders.


Go to www.pandasnetwork.org in the left margin, under TABLES Click on Family History Table. Also, under VIDEO LIBRARY Click on the first video and watch it when you get a chance. It is Susan Swedo and she discusses the OCD and RF family history in that speech.

Edited by Kayanne

My DH has subclinical OCD, and I have had my own issues with bouts of general anxiety.


As a kid/teenager, i never actively "caught" strep, though my sister had it constantly, so I was constantly exposed. I had a lot of behavioral issues, though, which my parents always classified as "willfulness" and "a phase" I would grow out of. Looking back, I can remember feeling very anxious much of the time, but I didn't know how to express myself in that regard, and my parents were very no-nonsense, "get over it" types. So I became sort of a "rager" to deal with and maybe hide my anxiety. Did I have what's now known as PANDAS? I think, maybe. Interestly enough, I never "caught" strep throat in the classic sense and displayed any of the typical physical symptoms (sore throat, fever, etc.) until well into my 30's, when my DS started attending school full-time and would bring it home with him. Does that mean my immune system "normalized" in some way so that the strep took on more typical symptoms? I will say, I think my anxiety increased with those illnesses though, at the time, I just attributed it to not feeling well overall.


In our case, I feel fairly certain that there's a genetic component to DS's struggles. I think he's genetically wired for OCD, and all it took was a "trigger" to set it off. For some people, that trigger tends to be a traumatic event or a catastrophic illness. For DS, it was repeated strep.


My husband remembers having a vocal tic as a child that went away and never came back. He does have some OCD as an adult.


My family has OCD & anxiety disorders. I suffer from anxiety/panic myself.


Both sides have alcoholism.


Other than my husband having 1 tic as a child, we don't know of any tics in the immediate family. A Great-Aunt is suspected of having some motor tics but never diagnosed with anything.


Another weird tid-bit... I KEPT strep-throat as a child. I had it over and over and over again until they took out my tonsils when I was 13. Then I didn't get it again until an adult. I've had it a few times as an adult.


This may all be useless information but just wondering how our families compare?


Oh boy, I left out A LOT! :wacko:


My mom, grandma and sister all have Restless Leg Syndrome. My entire family is swimming in Auto-Immune disorders- including my 2 year old- she has an Auto-Immune blood disorder. My family has Type 1 diabetes, Celiac Disease, Autoimmune Thyroid, Fibromyalgia, and my daughter has Auto-Immune Neutropenia.


No history of OCD or tics on either side of our family.


On my husbands side, only one thing of note - his father is bi-polar, but that is the only instance of mental issues as well.


On my side, my mothers side of the family caries the HLA-B27 gene that is a factor in some autoimmune/inflammatory issues like ankylosing spondylitis (me, my aunt, uncle and grandmother) and uvitis (mother). I also have some subclinical OCD as well - but that came on as an adult.


I do have a very significant history of strep infection however, I got strep repeatedly as a child (4-6+ times per year) and was hospitalized in middle school because of particularly resistent strain. It turns out my sister was a carrier. Once we figured out that little dandy and treater her as well every time I got strep, the infections came as often, but were less severe and nasty. I never had my tonsils out (it was out of fashion at that time I guess) and also never had any behavior issues/changes with the infections. I still get strep occasionally as an adult.


I do wonder if my suceptibility to strep has had an impact on Bummy - he seems to catch it everytime we stop/lower antibiotics!!


My husband says he used to have OCD- the intrusive thoughts, and when he got something new, he was pained to keep it perfect, often not using it. It never interferred with going about his life, I'd say.


This may not be popular, but my current theory is: My dd6's immune system got out of whack starting with the HepB shot at 1 day old which contained mercury. Then all the other vaxes on schedule, so many at the same time, so young, it's an assault. She got a HORRID case of strep throat at 2 yrs. 3 mths. old, which we were given a 10 day script of Amoxicillian. I believe it never cleared it, and we went downhill from there-that's our pandas time frame.

I have a DS13 (from 1st marriage) and a DD4. Both have very well working immune systems, no neurotyical issues whatsoever.

Now what is interesting (to me, sorry) is that both girls, bio the same, look COMPLETELY different- one black hair, blue eyes, one bright orange hair, brown eyes, personalities night and day, even their body types are different. No, not a switch at birth, both look like our families!

So maybe my dd6 (pandas) did pull something genetically different from her little NT sister, because they certainly pulled a different set of genes/DNA. And little sister received the Hep B after they took the mercury out. IDK.

And no, I don't think I'm out of the woods yet with the little one, I will ALWAYS be vigilant watching strep/pandas now.




have you ever had your child tested for pyroluria? Alcoholism in families is frequently associated with genetic predisposition to pyroluria which can exacerbate many neurological conditions.



we have both TS tics & OCD in our family history

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