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Here is some info discussed at the Klinghardt conference. Klinghardt discussed the possibility that many with lyme have MARCONS, a kind of bad sinus infection. The "AR" stands for "antibiotic resistant". I am posting a link here discussing it because that's a lot easier than me trying to explain it. At the conference, the time discussing MARCONS was really devoted to treatments and not to diagnostics/symptoms and all that. Here are some treatments that were mentioned.




1. Use a netipot, 1/2 tsp xylitol, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp salt. Most netipot instructions do not have the xylitol, but the bugs will ingest this and get bloated and die). For those that do not know, netipot is this little teapot shaped thing designed to help you pour water (with the other ingredients) in one nostril and have it flow out the other, to help treat infections.


2. Get a nasal spray device. (One approach is buy some cheap nasal spray with saline solution in drug store and just dump it out.) Fill this with your urine and 1 drop of potassium iodide (such as TriQuench). Spray one spray per nostril, 4 times per day for 3 weeks. The urine helps get the immune system working better. The potassium iodide acts as a preservative and also helps expose cell organelles in the urine to your nostril.


3. Homeopathic remedy such as Pleo Rec.


4. PEG spray made by Hopkinton Drug in Seattle, requires prescription, contains an antibiotic and a couple other items.


5. Get your nasal passages reshaped to allow for proper draining. Dr. Dean Howell has devised neuro cranial restructuring (NCR) technique that involves a small balloon being inserted into the nose and blown up and then popped while someone is pushing just so. May need to be done for 4-5 days consecutively. This was demonstrated at the conference, must say it was a bit uncomfortable to watch (let alone to be the person getting smushed).


Thanks Michael for your post and all the information.

I agree with your other post and Dr Kling on this one. Im seeing quite a few children with this complication.

Here is wha I see

Parents naturally want to be aggressive in their treatment of Pandas and/or lyme symptoms in their child.Many children have psych symptoms as primary and hence a few LLMDs and Pandas docs and some parents see psychiatrists who treat with SSRI, antidepressants etc. next these children get the abx combos, IVIG. IVIG in my experience acts like a HUGE bolus IV abx and causes the so called " turning back tha pages" which I find is no more than a giant herx. Next to this strong allopathic mix, many children are still getting steroids for whatever reason, last resort, unbearable issues etc.

Unfortunately most people have little idea of the amount of detox and drainage needed to counterbalance so many treatments and drugs in a child size body. Many systems are growing and developing and nowhere near as good as adult systems which too would need support when on such protocols as our kids.

The cost factor is another issue.

Another thing I find common in my cases is a mixed understanding of the unique propeties of our immune system and the enormous morphing capacity of Lyme and related microbes. These little buggers are attached to our DNA and can change their protien structure ad render the abx useless after a certain period. This inturn has the immune system on hyper /autoimmune trigger mode again as it detects and deems these changes to be new intruders. Lyme doesNOT live in blood but in connective tissue, even intracellular.The autoimmune component/ PANDAS as some call it when triggered by strep, rears its head again.

So here we go now, the child crashes, tics are back, psych symptoms usually worse, drainage pathways clogged. Many parents choose another IVIG, steroid burst, new abx- all very very temporary relief if any at all in my experience.


The autoimmune is prevalent in/ is a component of all Lyme cases and may or maynot be along with a strep trigger as in Pandas. Think sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, arthritis, Lupus etc as many of us already know.


Herbal antimicrobials are so essential and as is detox, drainage and correction of nutritional imbalances

anda thorough sinus check, lung check and MOLD check in the body, in the house, in the school and every building the child spends a lot of time in.


Herbals can access and reach the far depths that abx can never do especially with biofilms present.

Homeopathics do the same in children with oral sensory issues.


Homeopathics also when done under the guidance of a skilled practitioner, can reeducate the immune system and turn off the autoimmunity.

Question Michael

The autourine therapy for the nose spray- did he say urine full concentration of the urine or make a homeopathic dilution of it?

I also know that autohaem therapy or one drop of patient blood made to a homeopathic dilution works the same way to help the immune system with a practitioner of course.

BEG spray- Bactroban, EDTA and gentamycin.


Mycometrics lab in NJ that Dr Shoemaker talks about will send you a self test kit and upon receipt back they do the mold ERMI levels for you.


MARCoNs has been the one area that most of my cases haven't tested and upon testing its has been a component in relapses.

Also people who live near heavy traffic need to consider auto emissions and cadmium heavy metal toxicity.


Several parents have switched to "natural" sunscreen and many have titanium dioxide. They list it as a mineral. Its a heavy metal.It triggers autoimmune reactions resembling Vitiligo in some kids with Lyme/Pandas and in some it gets absorbed deeper and is a heavy metal toxin.

As always, just my personal experience Im sharing.



On the urine spray, it was full-strength he was recommending. I think at some point later he did mention, yes, of course, if you are so inclined you could make a homeopathic from it and that could be pretty good. There were about 140 attendees and here and there, various short conversations amongst ourselves, in relation to what was being discussed by the presenter. I did here 1 or 2 comments about homeopathic being made from the crowd, so apparently that is something that some practitioners are doing. I am not sure if those side comments on homeopathic urine related to this spray or to the drinking urine suggestion he also made or both, I just do not remember. (Yes, drinking urine, 1/2 cup mid-morning 1/2 cup mid-afternoon for 3 months was also suggested for those with autoimmune and needing to calm the digestive system down. For this, suggested NOT using first-morning urine as it will have much more in the way of toxins.) No doubt the homeopathics will be more popular with the patients for those practitioners/patients who know how to make them. No instructions on that were given, but I would wonder if successing at various points would be important.


I pulled the rife machine out of the closet last night and my wife was running some of the codes for mold/staph. This one works on sound, not contact, so anyone around will be affected (sometimes nice, sometimes not so nice, for those EMF sensitive). I did note one of the staph ones she ran was quite powerful for me and made my head uncomfortable, so perhaps the MARCONS is indeed an issue for me. More to explore there.


Goodness, Source Naturals uses titanium dioxide in some of their tablets.


What are the ideal ingredients for a sunscreen?




Several parents have switched to "natural" sunscreen and many have titanium dioxide. They list it as a mineral. Its a heavy metal.It triggers autoimmune reactions resembling Vitiligo in some kids with Lyme/Pandas and in some it gets absorbed deeper and is a heavy metal toxin.

As always, just my personal experience Im sharing.



4. PEG spray made by Hopkinton Drug in Seattle, requires prescription, contains an antibiotic and a couple other items.


This is actually called "BEG Spray" and it is made by Hopkinson Drug in MA (508.435.4441 is their phone #).


Thanks Michael! It's like you read my mind. I have been dealing w/ allergies/sinus issues the past 2 wks. I discovered the MARCONS nasal issue last week and it seems to be my problem. Before learning about it, I instinctively was shoving Neosporin in my nostrols with Q-tips. I am planning to go do the wash ASAP. I need some relief. I did read on a website about the urine recommendation. I don't think I have the stomach for it but I have done things (cleanses, etc.) for Lyme that I never thought I'd do so who knows!


Jodie, I agree with all that you wrote. Nicely stated! We are trying to detox more for sure. Thanks for the burbur idea from a while ago. We think it's great!!! We feel the need even more for detoxing and drainage since we started using Pectasol for chelation. I read in Klinghardt's info that chelation can bring out the dormant spirochetes. We started to notice some backsliding after starting daily Pectasol pills. My sons OCD, frustration and insomnia came back :( For me, I started with the chest soreness, out breath more easily, sore soles, more pains and twangs. Do you see that happen when people take chelators? More detox has helped but still there and we were doing really well. I think it's a constant battle till all those buggers are gone!


Thanks for sharing!!!




Thanks Michael! It's like you read my mind. I have been dealing w/ allergies/sinus issues the past 2 wks. I discovered the MARCONS nasal issue last week and it seems to be my problem. Before learning about it, I instinctively was shoving Neosporin in my nostrols with Q-tips. I am planning to go do the wash ASAP. I need some relief. I did read on a website about the urine recommendation. I don't think I have the stomach for it but I have done things (cleanses, etc.) for Lyme that I never thought I'd do so who knows!


Jodie, I agree with all that you wrote. Nicely stated! We are trying to detox more for sure. Thanks for the burbur idea from a while ago. We think it's great!!! We feel the need even more for detoxing and drainage since we started using Pectasol for chelation. I read in Klinghardt's info that chelation can bring out the dormant spirochetes. We started to notice some backsliding after starting daily Pectasol pills. My sons OCD, frustration and insomnia came back :( For me, I started with the chest soreness, out breath more easily, sore soles, more pains and twangs. Do you see that happen when people take chelators? More detox has helped but still there and we were doing really well. I think it's a constant battle till all those buggers are gone!


Thanks for sharing!!!




Kmom- no harm done with neosporin. Its a close cousin to bactroban (mupirocin) and it helps with keeping bugs, buggers and allergens away- reduces by 50% atleast.Neti is difficult to master, can enter the ears, etc but once you know how its very helpful


Chest soreness and out of breath after/during chelation sounds like babesia provocation. I was sore like the dickens on my right ribs. Saw stars allday with breathing, swallowing, laughing and any activity pretty much.


What are you chelating for? heavy metals? one or more?

You will need different D and D agents depending on what you r chelating for.


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