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Everything turned upside down last week. Husband went to ER with what we thought was appendix, turned out gall bladder. Removed next day, Thursday.

Went to pick youngest (8yr) at Grandparents after surgery. He was tired and whiny, same thing on Fri. This child is full of energy, most of the time, inspite of lousy diet. By Sat. evening, I thought he had a fever, was going to go get new battery for thermometer, and decided to forget that and just take him to ER (I was thinking maybe streph, as one of the neighborhood kids he plays with got streph the day after my son had been with him, most of the day. His fever Sat. night I believe was around 101. They did a culture and gave us amoxicillian and sent us home after about a 4 hour wait, and 4 minutes with a Dr.

Sun. I was giving Motrin to control fever, but he was acting worse, wouldn't move to hold thermometer, drink etc. I kept taking temp every 15 minutes as it seemed to be going up, not down. At one interval, when I removed themometer, I read 105.5. I didn't know I could run carrying an 80 lb. child, but I can. Took themometer with me, to check against one in ER. Fever fell to 103.9 by the time we got to hospital, their's said 103.5. I had the air conditioning on high on the way to hospital and I think getting him "up" released some heat. They checked him again, said they thought it was the flu. Fever spiked to 105.4 again Sun. nite. Took him to reg. Ped who ordered blood work on Mon. Low white count and low platelets. He said it was viral and to stop amox. and manage fever with alter, motrin and tylenol. I hated this. Wed. he wakes up with a rash, fevers were getting lower and farther apart, but still hit almost 102 early Wed. morning. Back to Ped. 2 Dr.s examined him, felt enlarged lymph nodes, and a palpable spleen. Felt it may be Roseola or mono, however, I think mono would have elevated his white count. We are supposed to retest blood work with mono test on Fri. If anyone has had an child with Roseola, could you tell me if this sounds fimiliar?

Tonight the rash was itchy, but the fevers are farther apart, lower and easier to manage with lower doses, but he was really miserable/hard to reason with. :)

Not much impact on tics, facial wiggles, but I'm afraid of what may be to come when he starts eating and getting a little stamina back. All the fever reducers, no vits for quite a while now, sugar in soda, ice cream, popsickles anything I could get him to drink. Guess we'll have to see. Also had to reschedule with new Dr. Our appt. was today.




Hi Kim,


Sorry to hear this. My son had Roseola when he was little. I thought it only happens to young kids. I remembered that my son had very high fever for few days. Around the 3rd day, the rashes showed up. Once the rashes ALL came out, the fever started to go down. If your son is indeed having Roseola, he should be fine in next couple days. Is Roseola contagious? I can’t remember it.


Best wishes to your family’s well being!




Kim, just wanted to give hugs, no experience with roseola, but streph gives my husband huge itchy rashes. Will he take a smoothy? You could get some vitamins in him that way. Jamba Juice is huge here - do you have them there? The last time my son was sick I got a non-dairy smoothy and mixed in all his ground up vits. He only drank half but that was better than nothing. Or better yet make your own from frozen berries and then there won't be any yucky additives. Good luck and sending my prayers. One last long shot. Has he been bitten by any mosquitoes? West Nile is in all the news here in Ventura county - how about there? Sounds silly reading that back but fevers bring out the worst in my imagination! :)



Kim it seems like there is always something in life that comes from out of no where and turns everything upside down. Hope everything gets back to where you want it and may your family's love keep you all strong.


Hi Kim,


Just wanted to send along my wishes for a speedy recovery for your husband and son. I had a little chuckle with the visual of you running with an 80 pound kid. It never ceases to amaze me how parents of sick children come up with incredible strength just when they need it!


Thanks for all for the replies. It's great to know that other parents with special concerns about their kids health are out there. Super boy is doing much better today. Giselle, it's interesting you would mention West Nile. I had a neighbor ask me about that today too. I will do a search and see what it says. Believe me your imagination has nothing up on mine. I was everywhere from streph in an organ to invasive candida in the tissue. Held my tongue with the Dr.s -probably a good thing. Everything I read about roseola sounded like younger children get it. In my original post, it was supposed to say "an older child" but I left that out. Funny how 4 or 5 nights with no sleep will make you goofy. I will probably be trying to shove a thermometer in his mouth tonight in my sleep. I do believe roseola is contagious, I guess now they think it's linked to the herpes virus, they used to think measles or chicken pox, so not sure.

Alison, you WOULD have laughed to see me running through the garage with this child held only under the neck and ankles. His butt was pratically dragging the floor. I suppose a fall could have been more detrimental than low glutathione or the fever, but hey 105. is scarey.

If anyone has a gall bladder problem, if your anything like my husband, do not fear. The day after the surgery, he was back to coaching the All Stars. He said he felt better than he had in months.

Dr said no bike riding or rough housing until spleen returns to normal. So I'm waiting a day or two to start vitamins again, until appetite (yea right) returns to normal (sugar craving). We are making progress and I type this with a smile.

Thanks for the prayers and well wishes, it worked!




Today as he's up and around a bit, he is shoulder shrugging and the teeth click is back. Nothing horrible but worse than before. I'll be anxious to get him back on track.




Just checked in and oh my, what a week you had. I do not have expeirence with Roseloa or gal. surgery but I do know the fear that emergency health stuff can cause. My heart and prayers are out to you and yours. Oh and remember starting the diet over is mucheasier the second time around. The building blocks of which you stirve to keep healthy with supps are stronger and healthy so rebound is quicker. God Bless and be well.



Kim, as to the younger child - I got "Hand and Mouth Disease" (almost said "Hoof and Mouth Disease" but I think only cattle get that - but you know with all the snacks I've been eating lately I'm feeling a little cowish :) ) when I turned 40 - and was told only infants get it - my immune system was super compromised at the time so no wonder. Our guys are fighting stuff in their systems all the time so wouldn't be surprised if it is what a younger child is supposed to get. Glad he's feeling a little better. B5 works wonders for the teeth issue - I read that here, tried it and he stopped grinding and clicking them together almost instantly! My son's DAN Doc and Environmental Doc agree that he should take 2 a day. Hoping for continued progress!



Hi Kim


just wanted to stop in and give you a (((((BIG HuG)))))))


Hoping that your son gets over this real quickly, and that hubby is recovering well from the surgery..........you sure deserve a medal for delaing with all you do.


God Bless



Who would have known the power of a cyber hug! Thanks so much guys.

When we were dealing with the high fever, it was bad, but as I read so much on the Autism boards, it really keeps you mindful how lucky you are to be dealing the this syndrome, and not Autism. Those parents/kids are amazing people. They share and find time to help others, when things are sooo rough.


Per yesterday's blood work, white count and platelets are comming back up. One was in normal range, one almost. Mono negative. He is feeling much better, although last night he said his throat felt sore. He had that same little white stuff on tonsils that he had toward the end of the school year 3 times. I'm starting to wonder if he is harboring a virus that doesn't really go away.


Giselle, Bonnie's vitatims contain B5 too and that is what I credit stopping the bruxism with older son, so as soon as I can get youngest back on enough Bonnie's vits, I'm hoping that will dissappear again too. I gave him 2 yesterday, will probably give him about 3 today. Allery med, vits, fish oil, a little extra zinc, and i was working with small amounts of Huston enzymes, have to go slow introducing again.


mmazz, at this point our "diet" is still pretty pathetic. He has lost weight, and I'm giving him Graham Crackers instead of folded spinach leaves right now. We will resume work, but I have made no real gains in diet yet. If only I could find a juicer that would pull the good stuff out of candybars!

I do believe the reduction of junk, and the vits, have helped him through this. He sure doesn't seem very weak, even between fevers, he was asking if he could go for a bike ride.






Great news and you sound or read much better today. what a diffence a day makes. Keep plugging away at the diet. I have found so much stuff that is yummy and better for your body at the local healthmart. There actually are cookies that taste like oreos but no trans/hydrodgenated(?) oils, art. colors and flavor and are orgainc. There are potato chips that are organic potatos and fried in peanut oil with sea salt. Three ingredents and that's all..pretty amazing. The eggs bought are DHA eggs, all free range and the deit from the chicken provides extra choline. I also do a teasponn of lethicin granuals daily, this helps with the facial tics. I add it to the PB&J sandwhich and he never notices. Oh, and I just found organic lollies and the colors are from beets and berries and the sugar is not refined, so sugar is the only downfall but for lollies they are excellent and what is amazing is that they taste like lollies. It is a search and recovery expedition on 24-7 but things are out there that are better or even good for us, its just hard to find and costly. I thought I left the diaper bags stage along time ago, but now I travel with a bag of goodies so he can be a kid.

I hope things continue to climb upward for you and your family.


Be Well;



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