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Daniel, it is good to post every type of information out there so people could make informed decisions and there was a lot of great information on that website but I found it disturbing that the web page pushed Andy Culters book, 35 dollars, and dismissed other types of treatments, in a clever undertone manner, such as DMPS. As for Amy Holmes, she is very respected but last I heard she has retired due to health reasons. However if you look on her old web page she recommends DAN doctors personally who use DMPS and DMSA. Also some of the leading DAN doctors that are lead speakers at the conferences use DMPS and DMSA as part of their treatments. There is a 42 page DAN paper on detoxing heavy metals that everyone should access for personal information that explains the different Detox treatments with the research listed as well to back it. Most of this information was presented before Congress and no one was arrested for fraud. The website is www.AutismResearchInstitute.com and the paper is Treatment Options for Mercury/Metal Toxicity in Autism and Related Developmental Disabilitites: Scroll down on your right hand side and you will see where to click. You would be interested to see the names of Stephanie Cave, MD,Andrew Levinson, MD, James Neubrander, MD and Derrick Lonsdale, MD listed as some of the doctors who provided the research data that created this paper. Now the report itself if I remember correctly also stated to be careful of the doctor you picked and to check their experience with using detoxing agents. What people may not know is that any DAN doctor who uses DMPS IV should have been certified thru training to administer it. When dealing with alternative medicine one always has to look out for those individuals who jump on the band wagon to make some quick money. Always go for the expert for most likely the expert is going to be the same price as the sham doctor. As for DMPS if you look on the internet you will see that one can order it from Germany for it is an over the counter drug there as well as elsewhere in Europe.


well said Andy.


Chlorella is a green algae and, in addition to its detoxifying properties, research has shown remarkable benefits in cancer treatment etc.


I was quite astonished to read that this person was dismissing it as "a sulphur food" :)


I used it to detox from the excessive mercury overload I had from dental amalgams, and my son used it to mop up his mercury.

Both of us had excellent results from it, and noticed a very positive effect in our overall health and digestion too from it. It was recommended by our Integrative Doctor who also has vast experience in chelation and other detox treatments, but felt that chlorella was by far the best treament for us.


I do agree that one should be very careful with those jumping on the alternative bandwagon who dont have the correct qualifications or experience to administer these treatments, and fully agree that just because something is natural doesnt automatically mean that it is safe! That is why I stress using natural treatments under the guidance of a qualified physician. Integrative doctors and DAN doctors are fully qualified MDs who have gone further to specialise in alternative medicine.


There is a wealth of information on the Internet and that is good. However, we always need to carefully analyse what we find!



Thanks for the good points;I think the info I got out of this article is for every truth

there is always a counter truth by someone else.


The marketing thing from Andy is definitely a turn off.

The article for whatever its worth gave pause to me on how to chelate heavy metal and that is find a very very good doctor. Don't do this yourself or you might cause harm to your child. That is what I got out of it.


Mercury is very hard to get rid of naturally.

Cholerella might be contaminated and branding is very important.

All your opinions are relevant to my decision making not just this article I post.


Cheri, what brand of cholerella did you use?

Andy, what do u think of eating natural fruits and vegetables, juicing,etc..in getting rid of heavy metal eventually?

Do you think mercury like the article said can not fully be removed..?




Hi Daniel


so glad that you are realising how important it is to have a qualified physician guiding you thru all this!


here is a link to the Chlorella offered at iHerb....


we used the Source Naturals brand as that was recommended by our physician





iHerb is an excellent resource not just for finding supplements to purchase but also to look up info on supps and many other things thru their health encyclopedia



Dan, as you know I am using both DMPS and DMSA as a chelation for my son.

We are also using glutione lotion, excuse my spelling. But that is just part of the story. We use garlic, epsolm salt baths, vitamins A, C, E, Taurine, Zinc as detoxers as well as well as organic cherrys, watermellon, spinch, carrots, potatoes, etc as part of the treatment and way of life in our house. We turned to the DMSA and DMPS for my son was in a bad way and we felt that more drastic measures were needed for the short term. However our long term treatment before, during and after DMSA and DMPS is nature with the help of a blender and juicer.


I do not know how much of the mercury and other metals we will be able to get out but I do know that the more metals we do get out the better he gets.

As a personnal note, we think that the DMSA is working better then the DMPS and from all the parents that I contact or read about from my local area and websites it seems to me that the DMSA is showing more results then the DMPS lotions pills and IV's. Of course I could be wrong but if one was to pick only one then I would suggest that they research the data and look more at DMSA.


A third major detoxer is TTFD with Glutathione. No toxicity has been reported with TTFD according to the DAN doctor report We are going to look into this treatment when we are finished with the DMPS and the DMSA.


Note: Parent recommentations are the best. So we will also be looking into Chemar's source of chlorella.

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