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My son goes to the neurologist tomorrow. He is 7 1/2 months now and I still have'nt got his 6 month immunizations. WHERE and WHOM do I fill out paperwork to be immunization exempt? I have cut out the flouride in our bottled water and am looking to change formula that doesnt contain so much maganese. He still is having the head shaking, only when excited or tired or hungry. I have at least five short video clips of him doing so on my digital camera. All total <5mins of film. I hope she has a clue from them.

Is there any thing I can get the ball rolling on? Should I ask her to do a mercury hairstrand test? Blood work? For what all?

Sorry for all the questions. I guess I'm a little nervous about tomorrow.

Thank you for all your replies. I truly am grateful.



Hi Sarah


it is so hard to advise on this because it all depends on the approach and attitude of the doctor. Some are thankfully very open to discussing and considering complementary medicine, but others are not, and in some cases vehemently so (just ask Kim <_< )


It may be best to first let the doctor do the examination and present the findings to you and then you can maybe open the dialogue to talk about what you have learned here....that often a weakened immune system/compromised digestive system/ heavy metal and or other toxic overload can be a major trigger for tics, along with questions on PANDAS etc.

See what the doctor's reception is to these issues and if it is open, then hopefully they will be willing to conduct the right tests. if not, I would simply take whatever diagnosis you receive and try to find an Integrative(MD/PA) or DAN doctor to go further with.


It is good for you to ask as many questions as you can, but do remember that most conventional doctors arent receptive to alternative/complementary medical therapy, and so dont be disillusioned if you cant get support in those areas. You are beginning your journey toward helping your child and there will be many stages....make the most of each one and learn as you go along.


Let us know the outcome of tomorrow's visit........





i'm so hoping your appt. tomorrow goes well. I was so glad to read Chemar's response to you, she always has such wonderful advise.


i just wanted to add, my son had a quivery chin when he was an infant. His Pediatrician said it was just an immuture nervous system. He did out grow it, and has never had a chin tic, so maybe this will just pass with your son. Don't lose the faith!






Don't remember if I posted this link before or not, but it should give you information on exemptions for the vaccines, and information for your state.


Hi Sarah;


You and your child will do fine at the docs office. The best approach is to listen and absorb as much as possible and then take all factors into consideration. Take it slow, for you are the only one placing pressure on yourself right now. We all know the feeling of wanting to cure our children as fast as we can, but sometimes these things do take time. Learn to breath and release the stress you feel because our children pick right up on that. I know it is easier said than done but you can and must do it for your sake and the sake of you child. We are all here for you if needed.These people here are great for support and knowledge. God Bless and good luck


Be well;




Oh, Marie, you're absolutely right. I just need to chill. I have a tendency to freak out when a problem surfaces. I'm just now starting to come down and realize that I need to be calm and stable for my little ones. Me getting nervous doesnt help them relax at all. I'm now reminded they sense it.

Thank you for the reality check.

Love to you and God bless you as well.



We had the neuro appt and she is taking the wait and see approch. I'm not too pleased with that. She doesnt think it is a tic, she is leaning more towards OCD, but wasnt really saying that either.

She wants to seee him again in six months.

i dont understand.

She also made the comment how three-in-one vacines are NOT made with mercury anymore. Well she better check with the press, cause our newspaper had a FRONT PAGE STORY on mercury still being in vaccines. If you'd like to read it, it is very long and tells both sides, fairly well, and also talks of how churches are now steppng in to try to get it out of vaccines-Our newspaper is the pantigraph in bloomington illinois if you'd like to google it, and its in today(sun) paper.


I have a incling to have a 2nd opinion. He is shaking his head now when on his belly. I thought it WAS only when his head was AGAINST something.

It's so hard when he really is doing it every day. My husband and I think he might be doing it more than he did months ago. Jury is still out on that.

Good news is he is starting to want to sit up.

Thank you for your concern and prayers. (and thank you so much, KIM) I really underestimated the level of genuine solidarity of this board. I worked this weekend and didnt get a chance to even lurk.

Love to you all (hug)





Since your response to the question I asked you regarding Dr. Rapp's book was an enthusiastic "yes", I would really like to say that I think a second opinion with an Integrative Physician-an MD, which is also experienced with Alternative therepies as Chemar recommends or DAN! Dr. would be a really good idea for your son. It seems at least some, if not many children with movement disorders have problems in this area too and may improve with treatment. I think it is definitley worth looking into as soon as possible, especially as it sounds as if it has been an on going problem? Is your Pediatrician suggesting treatment?


Did the Neurologist have a recomendation regarding switching away from soy formula? Aside from the maganease concern, some who are sensitive/allergic to milk are also to soy. Wouln't it be wonderful if your son improved with only treatment of the first issue, and a switch in formula? Some parents have used goat or rice milk as an alternative, maybe your Pediatrician could advise you if a switch would be ok as a trial.


Since I haven't received a response from PM regarding discussion of this here ( so many others here have more experience and better advice than I can offer) Please let me know, either in private message or just post here, if there is any way to help.


I know this is a hectic time for you and just want to remind you that everyone here is really good at offering support.




Hi Sarah;


Sorry to here about the doc appointment not going so well. Do not despare. Remember that every doc has his/her own opinion and if you don't like what you hear- there are others out there. Unfortunately you mightl have to kiss a thousand frogs...

Since your little one is so little, I strongly suggest supplementing with veggie juice. Home made.. not store bought. I know it is a lot of work but the benefits are amazing. Try to pick up the book from Norman Walker call Fresh fruits and vegetables. It will give you information on the nutrients that everyone needs for their bodies. I believe that if you strengthen the immune system and build a healthy body than your battle is half won. The Norwalk Juicer allows you to make baby food that is second to none. Take a look at their website Nowalk.com (i think). It is informative.


My thoughts and prayers are going out to you and your little one. Oh and remember to take care of yourself.


Be Well;




Hi. I may have no business to be on this conversation but I just wanted to add that all the regular doctors and specialists that I saw painted a bleak picture for my son over the early years and only offered powerful drugs for my little boy to take. Well 4 years later of using natural organic foods, probiotics, special elimination diet, supplements of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, epsom salt baths, air filters, as well as going thru chelating, my son went from being seen by those doctors as a special education classroom student/home instruction to actually being tested into the gifted program a few weeks ago. So hang in there. It is a long road. A road that we are still traveling ourselves but a road worth the effort for great results are possible. Be proactive, get educated and stay up to date for every 1/2 year or so amazing things in treatments are coming out.


Hi Sarah


somewhere along the way I think I may have missed that your child is on a soy formula.


Where soy may be good for some people, there is growing evidence that it can cause health problems for others

I would definitely check whether your child has a soy allergy or sensitivity


In addition, if you do a search for soy formula on http://www.mercola.com you will find a lot of info from Dr Mercola who has become very vocal in his anti soy warnings



This may have no relevance to what is causing the shaking in your child, but it is worth checking as part of your path to helping him


Hi Andy,

I got chills when I read your post mentioning that you son tested into the gifted program! You must be SO proud! You really are a poster family for what hard work, persistence & faith can do.


Continued success to you,





I'll add my voice to those who are encouraging you to take deep breaths & try not to let the unsupportive doctors knock you off your path. This takes a lot of research and not all of it turns out to be fruitful. But the experiences of the wonderful people who post on this forum can help to streamline the process for you. I wish you strength.





I forgot to tell you that I also took my daughter to a pedi neurologist and his advice was to go home and ignore her tics. Ignore them! Do nothing! How can we parents bear to watch our children's unintended movements & do nothing? Needless to say I have ignored something - his advice. Although my daughter still has tics they are more mild than they were when I first joined this forum and at least I know that we're trying to help her.


Keep asking questions. Everyone's here for you.



You guys are great. Here is my mental checklist.

1.)Nix flouride.


2.)Switch to milk based formula,and see how being off soy does.


3.)Make my appt to get the darn immunizations, but request one that doesnt have thimerisol, mercury, or isnt a three-in-one.


4.)Give him multivitamins as a boost before and after the shots and maybe always.


5.)Get a juicer soon, for when he is eating/drinking more, I can boost his brain-power that way too.


6.)Get rid of his probable yeast in his groin. Kim pointed out that he isnt absorbing his nutrients like he should with yeast in his bowels. Do you girls/guys suggest nystantin, dyflucan, or acidophillis????


7.) Get appt with ENT just to rule out ear problems.


Pant, pant, pant! Is that a good start?


For those of you who have had such success in your children because of your hard work and brainpower, HATS OFF TO YOU. I have got more respect for parents who make sacrifices for the best of the children. Both of my babies are In-Vitro babies, so we have worked hard to get them, there is't much I would'nt do to make them better, mentally, spiritually, etc.

Love to you all.


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