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We all need to hear of these kinds of successes! So happy for you! 6.5 weeks is a mighty long time (PANDAS parents and children must be very patient post IVIg---for me, it is so hard to be patient post IVIg)...but thankfully positive progress is being made for your ds and that means positive progress can be made for all.


With hope for healing for all,


from Michigan


Awsome news! And I'm looking forward to hearing some more!!!! Keep us posted!


I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy! Wish there was one of those happy dancing banana emoticons here. :D:lol: We're 6.5 weeks after our first IVIG, and the main reason we did it is because of the problems my son was having in kindergarten. He's really bright, but was refusing to write, couldn't complete tasks without a lot of prompting, and was spacey and getting lost in the classroom at transition times. Couldn't do things like file his papers, pack his backpack, and get his coat on. Got this note today:


"(ds6) had a wonderful day today! Pack up went great. He was the 3rd one to pack up. He also wrote in his journal! He was so excited about finishing that and so was I! I hope we continue to have more days like today!"


That is great news! We all want to get this type of response!


If I may ask...what were the deciding factors/test results/behaviors that prompted you to do the IVIG? I would really like to know more about this treatment.


Thanks very much -- Warrior Mom

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